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Pathways is an Edina High School modified in school suspension program that focuses on
restoration, service, and reflection with the goal to reduce suspension rates for the 2014-2015
school year as well as address the inequities in students groups being suspended.
Pathways is a positive intervention program that provides academic and behavior support as well
as advocacy for students who receive suspension referrals. The defining purpose of the
Pathways Resource Room is to empower students to make appropriate choices and understand
the ramifications of their choices. By working 1-on-1 with students, the Pathways coordinator
can coach students to reflect on their choices and will choose from a menu of options for
students in regards to their violation (i.e. escort between classes, lunch room clean up, etc) as
well as assess individual student needs. Pathways will be an integral step towards addressing
and reducing the inequities in disciplinary action at the high school, as well as provide students
with an opportunity to select a "new path."
Desired Outcomes
Reduce the number of out of school suspensions
Provide academic support while disciplinary consequences are enacted.
Provide students with skills in conflict resolution.
Provide students with counseling and behavior support.
Improve attendance.
Decrease dropout rate.
Increase academic engagement and academic performance.
Improve school climate.
Short Term Goals
Determine progressive discipline/infraction levels
Create curriculum resources to address student needs
Create a system for documentation and communication with admin and staff
Long Term Goals
Replace Detention
Develop positive classroom interventions and train teachers and other staff in Positive Behavior
Intervention (PBI) initiatives
Redefine suspension practices (i.e instead of 3 days out, 1 day out and 2 days in Pathways)

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