On The Determination of A Function From An Elliptical Radon Transform

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On the determination of a function from an

elliptical radon transform

Sunghwan Moon
March 10, 2015

In the recent years, Radon-type transform that integrals functions over various
sets of ellipses/ellipsoids have been considered in synthetic aperture radar, ultrasound
reflection tomography, and radio tomography. In this paper we consider the transform
that integrates a given function in (
n) over a set of solid ellipses (when n=2) or solid ellipsoids of rotation (when n 3)withaf ixedeccentricityandf ocirestrictedtoahyperplane.Inversionf ormulasareobta


Radon type transforms that integrate functions over various sets of ellipses/ellipsoids have been arising in the recent decade, due to studies in Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) [2,4,8,9], Ultrasound Reflection Tomography (URT)
[7,1], and radio tomography [15-17]. In particular, radio tomography

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