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Adolescent Milestones

Hair growth pubic and
underarm, increased sweat
gland activity, boys voice
changes, and girls begin
Developing adcanc.
Knows 2100 words or more
Uses body language and
Developing abstract thinking
skills like pondering that
which is unseen.
Developing advanced
reasoning skills like asking
what if
Developing meta-cognition,
the ability to think about
their feelings or what their
Establishing autonomy
means becoming an
independent and selfgoverning person within
relationships. (Huebner,
Establishing identity this
most important task of the
adolescent involves asking
Who am I?
Establishing intimacy
building, honest, open
relationships built on trust

Atypical Development

Growth and Development
Love Makes a Way
Adolescence is a time when
teens seem to become distant,
moody and anti-social at
There is a lot going on
least with their parents. Yet, its
during adolescence. Teens
probably need more love and
one of the most critical times
understanding than they get!
for parents to stay involved.
Did you know there is more
Raising healthy teenagers
rapid growth in adolescence
requires staying engaged,
than at any other time since
spending time, communicating
infancy? Research suggests
that teens actually need more
and working toward a healthy,
sleep to allow their bodies to
positive relationship. Clich as
conduct the internal work
it may sound - love makes a
required for such rapid
way. Even though its often a
growth (Morgan, 2009) - on
time when teens are testing the
average, about 9 1/2 hours
per night is needed.
boundaries, its important to
The teenage
years can be challenging but there are also many things worth
celebrating. Build relationship means remembering to do both!
Culture is a system of beliefs, values, languages, and behaviors
that varies from one group to another. These variations can have
powerful effects on adolescent developmentcultural values and
societal systems may impact individual adolescents' development
They also may moderate the association between social and
environmental factors and adolescent outcomes. (Chen, 2002)

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