David 1 David Bygel Sara Price Model United Nations Feb 2, 2015 North Korea Policy Paper

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David 1

David Bygel
Sara Price
Model United Nations
Feb 2, 2015
North Korea Policy Paper

Even though North Korea needs power, Germany believes that there is a much better way
to go through this problem without the need of nuclear weapons, such as eliminating nuclear
weapons completely, or getting North and South Korea to the point of re-unification.
Many people and countries argue that North Korea only wants nuclear weapons to feel
powerful and protected. Germany thinks different, Germany has and idea that if we were to
abolish all nuclear weapons countries wouldnt need protection. Germany stated, Being realists,
they knew that the abolition of all nuclear weapons could only be achieved gradually, and
therefore they proposed urgent practical steps aimed at realizing this vision. (Schmidt et. al.
Toward a nuclear-free world: a German view.) This is probably because if North Korea didnt
need nuclear weapons then neither would their enemies. This is a great idea I feel because then
North Korea wouldnt feel the need for protection. Yes, there would still be war but it would be a
lot less dangerous because if a nuclear bomb struck a populated city such as Tokyo, Seoul, or
even Los Angeles could cause a minimum of two million casualties in each city. The the idea to
abolish nuclear weapons completely not only in North Korea but everywhere because we think
would work great because we think the only reason everyone else is developing nuclear weapons
is because their enemies are developing them. Therefore there would be no need for their own
nuclear protection. Another idea would to place even more sanctions on North Korea. In the
article Germany condemns North Korea test, wants new sanction Thomson Reuters states,
"Foreign Minister Westerwelle strongly condemns the nuclear test in North Korea as another
gross violation of U.N. Security Council resolutions, (Reuters 1)

Even though North Korea wouldnt be that strong anymore without nuclear weapons and
power, another idea could be possibly the idea of a far fetched reunification of North and South
Korea this could mean an alliance between the U.S and other countries with unified countries,
and a stronger military. We feel that the reunification can be achieved quicker than expected if
they take the right steps. Yonhap News states, "President Kohler stressed that South Korea
should never give up hope of reunification. He also emphasized that South Korea should bear in
mind the fact that reunification (with North Korea) can be achieved earlier than expected," (ChiDong 1). We think exactly what he does by taking small steps such as becoming bigger trade
partners or give them protection we could work towards an bigger friendship. Germany thinks

David 1

that if North and South Korea try to reunify like Germany did it would definitely be possible. In
the article, South Korean Unification Minister On Advice From Germany, Challenges With North
Korea by In-Soo Nam, He states, South Korean Unification Minister Ryoo Kihl-jae says one
piece of advice he remembers from former East German Prime Minister Lothar de Maiziere is
the need to know what your potential unification partner thinks and how it is behaving. This
shows that there is still a possibility of a reunification

David 1

Works Cited
"Toward a Nuclear-free World: A German View." New York T.d. Web.
"YONHAP NEWS." YONHAP NEWS. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Jan. 2015.
"South Korean Unification Minister On Advice From Germany, Challenges With North Korea."
Korea Real Time RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Feb. 2015.
"Germany Condemns North Korea Test, Wants New Sanctions." Reuters. Thomson Reuters, 12
Feb. 2013. Web. 29 Jan. 2015.

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