Gmo's and The Ethics of Nature

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DeVaughn Williams

Honors English- Mrs. Roy
Argumentative Essay

GMOs and The laws/ethics of nature

Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are organisms such as plants or animals that have had
the DNA altered in a way that doesnt occur naturally. Ethics and laws of nature are generally
laws that adhere to the term, mother nature. The debate between GMOs and the ethics of
nature is one that has been going on for a long amount time now, the debate of whether or not
GMOs are beneficial or detrimental to natural selection and nature. According to an article,
cross-species gene transfer happens without human intervention in nature, however rare,
provides further justification for viewing transgenic technology not as a Frankensteinian
intervention into the natural world, but as yet another method of trait selection, something weve
been doing with heroic results since the dawn of agriculture.(McWilliams, Freakonomics). This
quote simply states that although seen as unnatural, the process undergone for GMOs does
happen in nature as a natural process. GMOs although considered detrimental to natural
selection and seen as inhumane could have some beneficial qualities and also may not be as far
off as its thought to be from the ethics of nature.

In the same article as previously stated above, titled, GMOs and Mother Nature? Closer than
you think. Its stated that the idea of Genetically modified organisms is always generally the

idea that it is unnatural and they are plant and animal DNA combinations that dont happen in
nature. Its stated, Scientists have now confirmed what evolutionary geneticists have long
suspected nature does produce GMOs. Swedish researchers discovered an enzyme-producing
gene in a meadow grass that naturally crossed into sheeps fescue about 700,000 years ago.
(McWilliams, Freakonomics). The quote simply states that there have been clear examples of
GMOs found that date back to a time when the technology and science we have now was not yet
existent. For many this is a huge eye opener, mostly to those who thought that GMOs were only
unnatural products created by the science of today. This could potentially lead to millions of
people becoming generally more open to the use of GMOs because it can indeed be natural, and
this has been proven by science.

In another article, the writer states, As public awareness is growing about GMOs, consumers
are increasingly demanding to know what they are eating (The Washington Post). The quote
simply talks about that with the heated debate about foods that contain GMOs being labeled and
also people wanting to know more about what theyre eating. The article seems to talk in support
for labeling of GMOs and even goes on to say, there hasnt been enough research into
genetically modified foods to know if they harmful. Moreover, they argue, labeling would bring
a layer of transparency to an industry dominated by a few powerful corporations. (The
Washington Post). The quote talks of how although GMOs should be labeled, there has yet to be
enough information to consider them harmful enough to be labeled. Although this should not be
the case, its a natural right to the people for them to be able to know what theyre consuming.
The article even goes on to say, Critics of labeling laws say they are an unfair burden to
businesses and retailers and may falsely alarm consumers by implying GM foods are dangerous

even though such claims are not supported by scientific research. (The Washington Post). The
quote simply implies that labeling will just hurt many industries because it will simply add to the
fire that GMOs are dangerous and unnatural, although not backed up with scientific research.

On a website geared towards talking about pros and cons of GMOs, states that GMOs are
unhealthy, they contaminate, create dangerous side effects, and harm the environment. The
website states, Numerous health problems increased after GMOs were introduced in 1996. The
percentage of Americans with three or more chronic illnesses jumped from 7% to 13% in just 9
years; food allergies skyrocketed, and disorders such as autism, reproductive disorders, digestive
problems, and others are on the rise. (Institute for Responsible Technology). The quote talks of
how after GMOs were introduced illnesses, diseases, and disorders skyrocketed. The website
also has stated that, The American Academy of Environmental Medicine has cited animal
studies showing organ damage, gastrointestinal and immune system disorders, accelerated aging,
and infertility. Human studies show how genetically modified (GM) food can leave material
behind inside us, possibly causing long-term problems. The quote simply talks about how after
digesting and consuming GMOs there have been strong and dangerous side effects. It also gives
examples of how after humans consume GMO products, the genes that have been inserted into
those GMOs can transfer into the DNA and bacteria living inside of us and weaken our immune

Natural law is based on the principle that God designed the world in his own image, and genetic
engineering seems to go against that while also potentially supporting it. Natural law would be

against enhancement of creation, and against using animals to produce pharmaceuticals. But it
would potentially support GMOs because they have the ability to feed those that are starving
and also correct disorders, which could set everything back to the image of the world that is
given when usually thinking about natural law. There is no definite answer to whether or not this
at all supporting or true, but due to the beliefs of natural law and research of GMOs this is an
overall good conclusion of how they could support and oppose each other. This information was
found and given from a webpage called, Ethical responses to Genetics.

Although it has been put in the minds of many a different idea of what GMOs are and whether
they are safe or unsafe. This is an idea that cant be fully supported because research for
opposition and research for support go hand and hand, and are continually refuted. The public is
still trapped in the dark when it comes to the exact truth about GMOs, and this should not have
to be the case; because as a natural born right we should know the truth about what were
consuming. Being the judge, do you believe that GMOs are safe are completely unsafe?

"Frequently Asked Questions on Genetically Modified Foods." WHO. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Feb.
"Institute for Responsible Technology." - 10 Reasons to Avoid GMOs. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Feb.

"New Twist on GMO Debate: Are They 'natural'?" Washington Post. The Washington Post, n.d.
Web. 09 Mar. 2015.
" Ethics." Ethical Responses. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Mar. 2015.

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