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Thu Thiem Exhibition 2015


Sunny T
My name is Sunny and I express myself by music. I really
like music because it helps me to release stress and it helps
me to be me. I really like the band One Direction, they
make very good music. I will choose music as my tittle for
Exhibition because that expresses me. I think that Exhibition
wont be that hard because if you are good at something and
want to do it, it will be easy. I end up being with Leo, H.P,
Reuben, and My. It was hard to decide the group because
there is Amy and Chae Yoen what to do instruments but all
of us disagree so they end up being with M.N, Hoa, and
T.T. Well our group decided to do performing music, and the
other decided to do different kind of instruments. I think it
would be very fun to work with them because they are my
good friend and I will have more time to get to know them

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