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Ode to you

By Franklin Mukakanga
As this day begins my heart, joyous, sings a n ode to the soul who
stirs my depths to vibrant refrain.. What synchronicity, what harmonious rhythm, what fervency, what purpose and what light shine
forth, making my heart beat with renewed vigor and my fingers
reach out with fresh desire to share with you a newer, purer, truer,
fuller draft to drink with you deep; to wake after sleep and behold
you there, with me, day by day, sweet reverie
While words may fail to capture it all and tongue may halt at
saying it all, my being here for you matters most to me.. and you
can always be sure that this love will endure for my heart, mind,
soul and body, every atom of mine, bears witness: I have given
myself over to the loving of you and like my breath breathes me, my
loving loves you.. ceaselessly, endlessly.. forever.


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