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PVT Concepts

(Reservoir Fluids)

Thomas A. Blasingame, Ph.D., P.E.

Department of Petroleum Engineering Texas A&M University
College Station, TX 77843-3116 (USA)
Orientation Phase Behavior

Slide 1

PVT Concepts
(Reservoir Fluids)
Self-Evaluation: PVT Concepts
1.Reservoir Fluids:

z "Black Oil" (p>pb): Bo, o, co are ASSUMED constant

z "Solution-Gas Drive" (all p): Bo, o, co = f(p)
z "Dry Gas" (p>pd): Bg, g, cg = f(p)

2.Diffusivity Equations:
z "Black Oil" case.
z "Solution-Gas Drive" case.
z "Dry Gas" case.

Orientation Phase Behavior

Slide 2

PVT Concepts
(Reservoir Fluids)
z Reservoir Fluids:

Schematic Phase Diagrams

Generic (single and multi-component cases)

Black Oil
Solution-Gas Drive
Dry Gas
"Black Oil" (p>pb)
Properties: Bo, o, co (ASSUMED constant)
"Solution-Gas Drive" (all p)
Properties: Bo, o, co
"Dry Gas" (p>pd)
Properties: Bg, g, cg
Summary of Fluid Properties and Sources

Orientation Phase Behavior

Slide 3

Reservoir Fluids

Fluids Bursik (1957).

z From: Properties of Petroleum Reservoir

Schematic Diagram for a Single Component System

z Schematic p-T Diagram: Single Component System

Note the "Liquid+Vapor" line.

Single component systems not of interest, other than for illustration.

Orientation Phase Behavior

Slide 4

Reservoir Fluids

Engineering Calhoun (1953).

z From: Fundamentals of Reservoir

Generic Schematic Diagram for a Multi-Component System

z Schematic p-T Diagram: Multi-Component (Hydrocarbon) System

Note the "Bubble Point" and "Dew Point" lines.
Location of critical point determines fluid type.

Orientation Phase Behavior

Slide 5

Reservoir Fluids
ing Calhoun (1953). (modified to reflect
various reservoir fluid cases)

z From: Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineer-

Generic Schematic Diagram for Hydrocarbon Reservoir Fluids

z Schematic p-T Diagram: Hydrocarbon Reservoir Fluids

Names represent conventional nomenclature.

Locations of names represent relative locations of these fluid types.

Orientation Phase Behavior

Slide 6

Reservoir Fluids

McCain (1990).

z From: Properties of Petroleum Fluids

Black Oil p-T Diagram

z Schematic p-T Diagram: Black Oil

Fluid is typically dark black, brown, or dark green.

o>40o API, (GOR)i < 2000 scf/STB, Boi < 2.0 RB/STB, C7+ > 20 %.

Orientation Phase Behavior

Slide 7

Reservoir Fluids

McCain (1990).

z From: Properties of Petroleum Fluids

Volatile Oil p-T Diagram

z Schematic p-T Diagram: Volatile Oil

Fluid is typically dark brown, orange or green.

o<45o API, 2000 < (GOR)i < 3300 scf/STB, Boi > 2.0 RB/STB, 12.5 < C7+ < 20 %.

Orientation Phase Behavior

Slide 8

Reservoir Fluids

McCain (1990).

z From: Properties of Petroleum Fluids

Retrograde Gas p-T Diagram

z Schematic p-T Diagram: Retrograde Gas

Fluid is typically light brown, orange, green, or water-white.

45<o<60o API, 3300 < (GOR)i < 150,000 scf/STB, C7+ < 12.5 %.

Orientation Phase Behavior

Slide 9

Reservoir Fluids

McCain (1990).

z From: Properties of Petroleum Fluids

Wet Gas p-T Diagram

z Schematic p-T Diagram: Wet Gas

Fluid is typically very light water-white.

(GOR)i > 50,000 scf/STB.

Orientation Phase Behavior

Slide 10

Reservoir Fluids

McCain (1990).

z From: Properties of Petroleum Fluids

Dry Gas p-T Diagram

z Schematic p-T Diagram: Dry Gas

No fluid is produced at surface or in the reservoir.

Orientation Phase Behavior

Slide 11

Reservoir Fluids
"Black Oil" Fluid Properties (Various)

z "Black Oil" PVT Properties: (general behavior, pb=5000 psia)

Note the dramatic influence in properties at the bubblepoint pressure.

The oil compressibility is the most affected variable (keep this in mind).

Orientation Phase Behavior

Slide 12

Reservoir Fluids

"Solution-Gas Drive" Properties (1/(oBo) for p<pb)

z "Solution-Gas Drive" PVT Properties: (1/(oBo), p<pb, pb=5000 psia)

Attempt to illustrate that 1/(oBo) constant for p<pb.
This would allow us to approximate behavior using "liquid" equations.

Orientation Phase Behavior

Slide 13

Reservoir Fluids

"Solution-Gas Drive" Properties (oco for p<pb)

z "Solution-Gas Drive" PVT Properties: (oco, p<pb, pb=5000 psia)

Attempt to illustrate that oco is NEVER constant.

CAN NOT approximate behavior using "liquid" equations (or so it seems).

Orientation Phase Behavior

Slide 14

Reservoir Fluids

"Dry Gas" gz vs. p

z "Dry Gas" PVT Properties: (gz vs. p)

Basis for the "pressure-squared" approximation (i.e., use of p2 variable).

Concept: (gz) = constant, valid only for p<2000 psia.

Orientation Phase Behavior

Slide 15

Reservoir Fluids

"Dry Gas" p/(gz) vs. p

z "Dry Gas" PVT Properties: (p/(gz) vs. p)

Basis for the "pressure" approximation (i.e., use of p variable).

Concept: (p/gz) = constant (never valid).

Orientation Phase Behavior

Slide 16

Reservoir Fluids

"Dry Gas" gcg vs. p

z "Dry Gas" PVT Properties: (gcg vs. p)

Concept: If gcg constant, pseudotime NOT required.

Readily observe that gcg is NEVER constant, pseudotime required.

Orientation Phase Behavior

Slide 17

Reservoir Fluids
Summary: Formation Volume Factor

Formation Volume Factor: Bo,g,w

Fluid volume at reservoir conditions
Bo,g,w =

Fluid volume at standard conditions

Bo,g,w is defined as a volume conversion for oil, gas, or

water and is defined on a mass (or density) basis.

The Formation Volume Factor "converts" surface

volumes to downhole conditions.
Typical values:
Orientation Phase Behavior

Oil: 1.2
Gas: 0.003 to

2.4 RB/STB
0.01 rcf/scf
Slide 18

Reservoir Fluids
Summary: Fluid Viscosity

Viscosity: o,g,w
Is a measure of a fluid's internal resistance to flow
... the proportionality of shear rate to shear stress,
a sort of internal friction.
Fluid viscosity depends on pressure, temperature,
and fluid composition.
Typical values: Oil:
0.2 to 30 cp
Gas: 0.01 to 0.05 cp
Water: 0.5 to 1.05 cp

Orientation Phase Behavior

Slide 19

Reservoir Fluids
Summary: Fluid Compressibility
Fluid Compressibility: co,g,w
1 dBo Bg dRso
co =
Bo dp Bo dp

Typical values:


1 dBg
cg =
Bg dp

1 dBw Bg dRsw
cw =
Bw dp Bw dp

20 x10-6 psi-1 (p>pb)

200 x10-6 psi-1 (p<pb)
1000x10-6 psi-1
x10-6 psi-1

Formation Compressibility: cf
1 d
cf =

Typical values:
2 to 10 x10-6 psi-1
Abnormal: 10 to 100 x10-6 psi-1
Orientation Phase Behavior

Slide 20

Reservoir Fluids
Summary: Oil PVT Correlations
Oil PVT Correlations




Vasquez and Beggs


Lasater- Standing

Petrosky and Farshad

Beggs and Robinson



( generally used as default)

Orientation Phase Behavior

Slide 21

Reservoir Fluids
Summary: Gas PVT Correlations
Gas PVT Correlations

Dranchuk, et al.

Beggs and Brill

Hall and Yarborough

Lee, et al.

Carr, et al.

( generally used as default)

Gas compressibility (cg) is computed from the z-factor using:

1 dBg 1 1 dz
cg =
Bg dp
p z dp
Orientation Phase Behavior

Slide 22

PVT Concepts
(Reservoir Fluids)

End of Module

Thomas A. Blasingame, Ph.D., P.E.

Department of Petroleum Engineering Texas A&M University
College Station, TX 77843-3116 (USA)
Orientation Phase Behavior

Slide 23

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