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L » GOVERNMENT OF THE PUNJAB FINANCE DEPARTMENT ( Subject: FL VI ui PPR¢ YT IEF MIN) IR "ADRI R E/FEMALI 17 TO BS-20: Will the Secretary, Government of; the Punjab, Health Department, please refer to his memo No.SO(ND)2-26/12 dated 03.12.2012 on the subject noted above? Ly | 2. Finance Department conveys its concurrence to the modification of existing four tier formula of 50:34/15:1 into 42:36:19:3 in BS-17, 18, 19 & 20 respectively with immediate effe 3. Audit copy may be got authenticated from the Finance Department identifying the institutiohifise posts. a 9 486 nm | (TARIQ MUHAMINAD MIRZA) DEPUTY SECRETARY (PC) | ‘ il The Secretary, Government of the Punjab, Health Department. j U.O.No.FD.PC.2-6/77(PLIV)(921/12) | | Dated Lahore, the 21* December, 2012 80 (ND)2-2672012 . GOVERNMENT OF THE PUNJAB, . HEALTH DEPARTMENT Dated: 02-12-2012 ‘The Additional Secretary (Regulation), Govammen of the Punjab, Firance Department Svtecl- _ AGREENENT ON DEMANDS OF DOCTOR'S ASSOCIATION ‘indy reerto the subject noted abave and tind en ised herewith copy of summary duly approved by the Chiet Minister Slongwith agreeiren. siiged by the ‘committee chaired by Senator Muhammad Ishaq Dar, 2 Relevant portion of demands and agreement pertaining to Finance Desarmont are summarized below for necessary action: DemiandiPrapo: jreomentDisagreement An alternate proposal for | Agreed. The Tormula was revised as under on the adsiossing. “setod of |eralogy of movel asopted tr Han ee Stagnation in promain | Departront 16 aSr6ee he a, aa eatin | | ptecets wes) made that especialy instead ofthe ccrory pve eeoze | service structure may be | 50:34:18-1 | mae tess. sharp | The new formula wil eau in decease in seats of a8. | |oypnica snd "nae | 17 ara zeae m sets or 8S 8 an sao! he i cylindical in shape by | promotion a8 a consequence of the new fora wit fecucing the number of | result in new seats of SMOs, APMOs and PMes Tht 4g2t8 at he base ie. BS-| catonaization of 8§-18 and above veats in Teach 17 poe geal *eesiNa [Hesnitals, DHO Hespiais and THO Hospitae. and ‘Sumber of seas in higher | other smaller medical instituions/faciiies wall he or grades for General |the basis of minmum displacement and assurance Gatto, 26 shot cacre has / that Neath service delivery at the level of primary aoe | [Re slowest prametion | secondary health care faciities is not compromised. | | track ‘The now mechanism wil be devised in consultant with ____lrepreseniative of eoctors. 'n this regard submitted inat the present 4-tie service structure formula wes neiieg during the year 2008 vide order'No, SO(ND)7-4/95(P.1) dated 12.11.2000 with folowing position Numbor of Poss] ae 2 4 Atter the issuance of above mentioned notification, 1647 posts of Medical Officers ancl 377 posts.of Women Medical Officers have been created (copies of creation gf orders are enclosed), According to the revised cackes strength the formula for General Cadre doctors (malciFemale) may kindly be rotifed as under ___ GENERAL CADRE (MALE) Ups] Posts already | Posts newly | Total] —Ravised notified ereated | posts | strength after _ rectixation | sos asze | " nse | saa ware | bse | ae%eag87 [= (BS20 0) asst | (reat | a = . __GENERAL CADRE (FEMALE) E Bpe [ras ady | Posts newly | Total Revised | notified created | posts | strongtn ater | re-fixation _| - | 3sa7 | —Toarssee WT) ae | aa tes] 20% 1827 | (Sse sare tear [ems I 555 736 19657 35121 t 403) Finance Cepaiiment is, therefore, requosted to issue formal advice s0cording te the new formula (para-6). ‘SECTION OFFICER (NO) NO.8 ATE Eve! Copy fo-warded for information to the PSO to the Secretary Healt PS to the Spocial Secretary Health PA to the Additional Secretary (Eatt) Heath Department, PA to the Additional Secretary (Admn), Health Department, The Deputy Secretary (Health ) Finance Department. scott ca (ND)

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