The Curse Drama Scripts.

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Drama The Curse , F5

On an island, south of Langkawi

At the rubber estate
Narrator : One day, an Indian boy who works at the rubber estate was on his way
to the tool shed when he tripped on what he assumes to be an extremely
large root. He rubs his chin and kicks at the inconvenient root when he
realises it is not root at all.
Indian boy : Ahh! Stupid root!! What the Aah!!!Aah!!!
(*He grabbed his fallen cap and ran fast...)

In London, England
At the matrons office
* The elderly Filipino man behind the front desk looked up from his moving papers as
she (Azreen) approached him.
Mr. Costa

: Rather early today, love? (*flashing his fatherly smile)


: Yes, Im leaving in an hours time.

Mr. Costa

: Straight back to Malaysia?


: Yes. Can you please tell Mr. Goldman that I wont be able to help out
at the desk tonight.

Mr. Costa

: Sure thing. Have a nice trip then, love.


: See you, Mr. Costa.

*He returned to his papers.

*Azreen left the hall to her room

Azreens room
*Azreen stared at her side of the room and bit her lip, she did not feel like leaving

: Why did this have to happen? Why now?

*moved to bed, knelt down and pulled out tattered suitcase.


: She packed her bag and left her empty apartment.


: As she reached the bottom of the stairs, she spotted the last person
she wanted to see.


: Oh no, not Julian.


: But he caught up with her outside the building (*Julian running up

to her)


: Hello, Julian.


: Hey, youre leaving? Are you done with your exams already? (*said
after managed to catch breath)


: I havent. I have to go home ealier. Ive spoken to the principle that

Ill be taking my exams next month.


: I see Is everything all right at home?

*Azreen tapped her suitcase, trying not to look at Julian.


: My My sister died yesterday.


: Im sorry. Is there anything I can do? (*Julian seemed to have lost

his ability to speak)


: No, Thank you. My plane leaves at ten. I have to go. (*glanced at her


: Youre taking the tube to Headthrow? Ill help you with your bag


: No. I Ill be fine. Thanks. Youd better return to the desk. Old
Goldman might realize youre missing.


: I guess youre right. Maybe Ill visit you when Im back in Malaysia
after the exams.


: Bye, Julian. (*smiled and picked up her suitcase)

: Safe journeyand send my condolences to your family.
(*Azreen turned away)

Aboard the flight


: Chicken or fish?


: Chicken please.

*stewardness gave her a plastic smile and handed her a packed lunch of cold chicken
piece, yogurt and fruit sald. She then moved on to the next person.
*Azreen stared at her food without much appetite. She took a bite of the chicken and
glanced out of the window.

: Acres of green terrain reminded her of home of Madhuri, her

recently deceased sister.

At Langkawi Airport

: Azreens foster parents, Dato Zulkifli and Datin Sharifah were there
to pick her up.

Datin Sharifah : She should be here by now. (*glanced at her watch)

Dato Zulkifli

: This airport is too crowded. People could get lost (*warily eyed a
group of tourists)

Datin Sharifah : Dont worry, Zul. If she can find her way around London by herself,
Im sure she can find her way around the airport. Besides, I dont
think its crowded. Of course, it isnt as big as KLIA. But this place
is just nice. Very pleasing to the eye.
*shuffled some brochures at the information counter (keep moving)
Datin Sharifah : Ah, there she is now! Azreen! Azreen!
*Azreen waved back at them\
Datin Sharifah : Now, dont say a word about her sister yet. And smile, wont you?
(*wishpered urgently to her husband)
*He helped her with her suitcase

At Azreens house

: They took her to her house in the kampung.


: At one corner of the house, Puan Normala, the village gossip,

was gathering a group of women to her side. As Azreen walked
into the house, the hiss and whispering from Puan Normalas
corner stopped abruptly.

P. Normala

: I told you, that girls nothing but trouble. Look what she just did
walking in without greeting us. How disrespectful. No wonder
her parents sent her away.

One of her confidantes : Very rude, never had much manners to begin with.
Remember the last time when she beat up Minahs
Another woman : I think shes just angry with her parents. (*interrupted)
P. Normala

: Of course she is. They didnt even wait for her to return before
taking the body over to the mosque.

Another woman : Poor girl. She didnt even get to see her sister for the last time.
P. Normala

: Bah, she hated her sister so much that she refused to even write to
her. Can you imagine being so vengeful to your own family? I tell
you, shes a hateful and ungrateful child. And not a drop of remorse
about what happened to her mother. I knew she would grow up to
be like that. She was such an ugly little baby.


: A few minutes later, Puan Normala excused herself from the

group as she had some house chores to attend to.

Other woman

: Do you suppose its true what she saw? I mean, Normala couldnt
possibly have seen the body, couldnt she? Madhuris blood
couldnt have been white, couldnt it?

Another woman : I dont know. Do you think it could be a sign or omen or

something? I think the less we talk about it the better.
*The others nodded in agreement.

In Azreens room
*Azreen looked up from her bag and smiled weakly

Datin Sharifah : Now, do you want to go over to the burial grounds? We can still
make it before
*Azreen did not reply

: Mak Cik, please tell me the truth. How did how did Madhuri die?

Datin Sharifah : I dont think its up to me to tell you that, my dear.


: You must tell me. Nobody else would. (*voice pleading)

*Datin Sharifah shrugged and sat down on the chair. Her fingers tapped in a
frienzied manner.
Datin Sharifah : But my dear, nobody bothered telling me in detail either.
Everything was so hush-hush. Well at least from your familys side,
my dear. Its all so sad. Your poor sister

: Im sure you know something.

Datin Sharifah : Yes, on the grapevine. That Normala woman said we should go
home and save ourselves. She claimed that Madhuri had been
murdered and that she had put a curse on us before she died.

: Azreen strode to the window and looked out so that Datin Sharifah
cant see her face.

Datin Sharifah : Her husband and his friends found her at the rubber estate when
they went looking.

: How did she die? (*voice sounded far away)

*When Datin Sharifah did not answer, she turned around and approached the chair
Datin Sharifah : I dont know. They did not tell us anything. But I dont blame them.
To them, were outsiders.
*Datin Sharifah grabbed the girls hand to try to soothe her.

: By them, you mean my father? He took her body away so early

on purpose you know. To spite me!

Datin Sharfah : My dear! Your father wouldnt do that.


: You dont know him.

*Azreen went back to the window and her hand gripped the window pane tightly.

: You dont know him at all.

In Azreens mothers room


: Azreen inched the bedroom door open and went in.

Azreens mother : Madhuri, is that you?


: No, Mak, its me. Its Azreen, Mak.

*Azreens mother nodded

Azreens mother : Have you come to sell us some fruit? Ive told Huzaimi we dont
need any more papayas.

: No, Mak. Im Azreen, your daughter. Im home from London.

*A frail hand reached for her

Azreens mother : Azreen? Youre home! We must celebrate. Telltell your sister
Madhuri to prepare a big lunch.

: MadhuriDid Abah tell you what happened to Madhuri?

*The woman blinked hard to remember. Then

Azreens mother : Madhuri? Oh, yes, I remember. Its her wedding today.

: No, Mak. That was two years ago. Why didnt Abah take you
along to the burial ground?

Azreens mother : Burial ground? What was he doing there?


: Come, Mak. Lets go there.

At the burial grounds


: The metal wheels of the chair crumpled the dry leaves as they
moved towards the site.


: Abah! Were here to see Madhuri. (*voice, strong and loud,

almost defiant)

*Azreens mother twisted in her chair

Azreens mother : Azreen? Why are we here? Wheres your father? You said well
meet him here.

: Take her home. (*voice was low)

Azreens mother : Saleh, oh, youre there. I didnt see you. Why are we here?

*Azreens hand rested gently on her mothers shoulder.


: Were here to see Madhuri, Mak.

Azreens mother : What? But Madhuris back home with Ghani. Shes not here.
*Saleh turned around fully and glared at both mother and daughter.

: I said, take her home. Now. (*angry)

*Someone moved behind Azreen. It was Datin Sharifah.

Datin Sharifah

: Ill take her home. (*whispered)


: No, Mak Cik. She will stay.

*A man came forward and rested his hand on Salehs arm.

Haji Ghani

: Come, lets not fight here.


: Stay out of this, Ghani.

*But Haji Ghani blocked his way. Datin Sharifah quickly maneuvered the wheelchair
Datin Sharifah : Ill take your mother home, Azreen. And I think its also a good
idea if we all leave as well.
*Azreen stood rooted stubbornly to the spot.

: Later that evening, after everyone left, Azreen sat by her sisters
grave when she heard someone approaching. She recognised him
immediatelyeven after two years.

*He gave her a weak smile. He did not make any sound or movement. Azreen turned
back to the mound and said a prayer. When she turned back, he was gone.
*She stood up, dusted away the soil from her clothes and left the cemetery. Across the
road she could make out his figure on the low fence.
Mohd Asraf

: How are your studies?


: Im doing well. And you? (*she took a seat next to him on the
wooden fence)

Mohd Asraf

: Im all right,I suppose. Why arent you at the village hall for the
kenduri arwah?

*Azreen shrugged but said nothing.


: They spoke for a few minutes, then parted ways.

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