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{ 52 HANU udlay ais 2011 Gurg shed Qurg ssAeapd SewPsocuc Geter Epgio : 3 wart ] [Quors wAOuera : 300 SerricGse uslalsgapren Spascin syPlacorscmer sosanon 66 uy 6 sey iste ognmn eods SBlanredt B Sans Derairy go Cogiopeau Obs vdshma)s QersinQsiarg. Goa Asn ied Sprsler ShemsOnrgumup SMpugdus samatediunent sate cuanda Copwercug’ deed orca SlembOpreiers Ssgouaures Goima sovercaiuna Deeg Guboey ot Copier ARSLPhoE soimwrn Digs Sode CoenGo. speildr Corcingeae lorena Go Sarg Sprecry 200 ean damers GarainGetongs Then Ser daerroid en uoildscyd. téooor Alans swore oPi@ueisct Ga eiorancu, 4. Sere Oprecy CA]. [B], [E] oie [Bi] wm sree ciflrensiles 6c goieng pti Udeadld Gigs Gud come aeter aL SaEU untbang) olckromeugryt sSexdpret Reva chess Lake Soil mmubade Guano fuse Seentes Excess aprjamos 96 Samancusnyt [A] achgr clears Carey Gubdleasra gat sms pegey clo poreid: Gyan vdssbe Ap onciniggcinany Zor aeog aG—0 fo SroeeoLw ubgiepenceW Cucrroesré GABE anc. CarednDD. Slonim in ot ouflene A 1B) (C}(D) peso fle) acinepot Cit ThebAE cag God Genel aphGner smabgeton Gy Aso Huse acga Gated Gary Sonu ero Oprguaes atgpe eager Bt 6. AaLemes EPAgs ari cer, Arsene ay aneGse sarareianangre gsefuras BIL, Se bardler woe wbsbéle 2 hmermiu uble ca Gin pg Ga Oster eSlgtinone Bund aap EoveerOin paloma: + aiserg sen gore! edmrper nan Oe 7. Sieh "Gin ven Garaggrs gem gocimponin nw bale,, wane gomivabers sien a eeo0 hp meee ube Bareediornes odibqe ont Saverio. Conners. cdinesarer dion bore Buout epbse sob poled atest Aen ggret CudorsprsauuGy. 8 gereraune, oSlenreyd (A), (B). (C) oppo (D) sar eee Slezmert Genaineiong. Set Beastie 927 ga ctluner emus Cotay Coig den gence efogd ati. Gasin@a. aD‘ EG Copucr efluran alemach Ge Gactardag Boiss md appre Gamct Wes efwrenge Saag cope ou Agia a9 Seo. poretle ehige an. CruainQo, eargurvigur © Gauche Gey Oe, cdo. wupprer GpisdpOsa Gato. oasou Ouray asuuerbet Poet cleo pesca Goes ot Go efunen olen.-acflon ccsedlaeaacut) ohee 9. eorgarehs qaceste Cacia camcriped eg é 1A], IB] ICL wb IDL sen préne ASLAM kine cetera HE Cocialsg alorucilie Presi efleuen ayy alencmuy 951,89 SOLALL ESS BC Od LEG Geren Groin dlaiie GARE ant Cus. PLATS CaiasyD go siecous Gatbagoee aim serefia diag SaucnGo. 96 Gaeteihe genie Gaba Judged abs cle supratsrs egeiu@s. ptjets gies (B) esusp ofuret Macurss seared sos Iengury espe arc. Ceusingo. (Al Mc) (D] i 10. fener Sle Csiner'nShed org ubésgenguyd PraCan seg APdaGour wumg. Spite Cores Bis Seng! SeroCtmada sums ec darn Gato hegre Gage ia aa rage: Ghai Boreshaog E500 wasbour e Boos whowaean A) GenGenrdigmis By GuerGuraipme ©) e@Qus ynatyres D) QpAordlyecs vox [BOOT] ® | et actin on toni 16. 7 HANU An instrument used for enlargement and reduction of maps with accuracy is A) Sonograph B). Pantograph ©) Spectrograph D) Thermograph. Ligue Ig ULgue Heir GQunEsd. Kp OarGiatur Qoror eHlQsererds _ Gsraie® sihurer Seo cous BaisOsO : ucgud 1 uuciquds 1 a) Sevarpeer enh 1. pfs Gyr Crsensleud b) sraflur Sitewr 2. Gedy c) adv. eS OyCeet 3. GiLerafew @) sifur pLend 4. “ugemd. HERE : a boc a4 A 2 8 4 4 B) 1 2 3 4 i Chi ata te D3 ot 2 4 Match List f with List 1 correctly and select your answer using the codes given below List 1 List 1 a). Viswanathan Anand 1. Astrophysics b) Sania Mirza 2. Chess ¢) S. Chandrasekhar 3. Tennis 4) Garba dance 4. Punjab. Codes : aobeoeoa@ tA tHe HHS HEHE B) 1 2 38 4 CyHiaIEaES Dp 8 1 2 4 voxx (BOOT) * @ {Turn over HAND . 8 17. gsr 28. 2010 ab goin OaSwr a STOLE Meer smesS) GUUS Oawgs Qavresor gy A) eemur B) 2@wféer C) gmt D) @@yreSur. ‘On June 28, 2010 India signed a civil nuclear agreement with A) Canada B) America oc) tran D} Croatia 18. g7Osi 22, 2010 & Odd Sorensen Ceenjau usSilésers uflgginges Ase ogi A) a8dlesr QL ainQaait B) M.S. Gprefl OC) gGembs D) silaGaeu. IAF proposed honorary post for the cricketer on June 22. 2010 which was conferred on A) Sachin Tendulkar B) M.S. Dhoni © Srikant D) Kapil Dev. 19. 11-ag pbsrein@ SLL seb A) 2006 — 2011 B) 2007 — 2012 ©) 2008 — 2013 D) 2005 — 2010. The 11th Five-Year Plan period is A) 2006 — 2011 B) 2007 — 2012 c) 2008 — 2013 D) 2005 — 2010. 20. Qbdu wasci Qgnane seams Semi ergs 2 A) Sigeu, 9 B) genau, 9 ) wns, 9 D) gigs, 9. xxx [6007] 9 HANU Which day is called as the Indian Census Day ? A) 9th February B) 9th January Cc) 9th March Dd) eth April. 21. Qader caug A) wells eunted) Qunger B) Adseeserer Ours ©) sotys D) aif aed. Insulin is a/an A) human growth hormone B) therapeutic product ©) vaccine D) organic acid. 22. wellgen obs apae a Gers A) pits B) gmByb Ch Bwby D) — Gleusitef The first known metal to man is A) Gold B) Copper c) fron D) Silver. 23. vailgcile @yseé Aacugpéscd e Game Qo A) gee B) — watorevofzeio C) argue wggeng D) Ggre. Formation of red blood cells in a normal human adult occurs in A) muscle B) spleen Cc) bone marrow D) skin. 24. Geustrafldlesr 2. Gelso A 327°C B) 80°C Oo 961°C D) =1083°C. sux (BOOT) ao (Turn over 1 HANU 10 25. 26. 27. 28, ‘The melting point of silver ts A) 327°C B) co) ger D) 18 srpigd actor piagdlet creo. pelgib A) 916 B) ©) 100 D) 18 ct CONTAINS «....-secseeesssees 6 Weight of gold, Ay 916 B) ©) 100 D 512 et sen qyerb A) 18 B) oO 6 D) The cube root of 512 is A 18 B) c). 6 D) @idusrcSleer oppo guys seneerst A) LréLit. QyrCpediy Siyerg, B) c) 68. 081. SA dD) The First President of India was A) Dr. Rajendra Prasad ~ B) ©) V.V. Girt D) HSGmpuT@w Gusssder arsdlw Epréao A) Guge Gurym Laisa B) C) afl Gegse opsse D) souxx [6007] a 80°C 1083" C. 75 94, 78 94, 16. 16, Ld, QprsrPiesipceresr Burrell Biggie A. Dr. S. Radhakrishnan Giant Zail Singh. e191 suru Qupeugi. ‘ t esate oo Caer nN HANU ‘The main aim of non-co-operation movement was A) __ large scale demonstrations B) Hartal ©) non-payment of taxes D) _ toattain Swaraj. 29. uméense . & asad Gummer. A) siguiledfus B) @ way ©) snBlgin D) mse. Bauxite-is an ore of A) Aluminium B) ron co) Copper D)} Mica. 30. Uden G atise weootuldr genaenousid etigereng) 2 A) Byunts B) Qgefeur o eoeton_ or D) — euritenr, ‘The headquarters of World Trade Organisation is at A) New York B) Geneva ©) London : D) Warsaw. 31. GUptadle aesd YapQupp sort GaduBach snemLUGd Ori A) eur B) ogy © spbar Dy engpng. ‘The world famous wall paintings of the Guptas are found at A) Gaya B) Mathura Cc) Ajanta D) Sarnath. xxx (S00T] @) | Turn over HANU 12 32. 7Osi8 agyir 24 eal aun Cari aniiSleir sen sierey 33. 34. A) 168 @e.S ® B) C) 392 xG@euS ® D) 11760 @ess * 784 x leis *. ‘The Volume of a cone with radius 7 cm and height 24 cm is A) 168cm?* B) Cc) 392 7m* D) os Cagsragenst udh flu egaingi A) @Plerenect B) C) MeCoupio : D) The early Vedic period ts known from A) the Epics B) ©) the Rig Veda D) Ustrougis e,sCamgur Clem deler Glumget : ya@ompls smd A) eat B) ©) pene D) Find the meaning of the underlined word Mudhu Mozhi Kanchi A) Town. B) C) Mountain D) roc [6007] @ 1176 x cm® 784xcm*. Lup siieet Qyedoutisct. the Upanishads the Aranyakas, Bo Siordlesorstr River Jewel. eter 35. 36. 37, 38. 13 HANU af amir cdruser Qumgot A) Goveneniletremn B) aupenw sepne + ©) ueremot yr dl D) Geanaisei. : ‘Garibi Hatao’ means A) unemployment B) _ removal of poverty C) green revolution D) services. AO LIBS OS Coors acter snBeraw Verersong HempsoiuOdog A) ar oé@s0 Wghs erGerere 2 Mer CpAGy anGerae ©) enpnzemr snGersne D) pA snGarcnw. A cheque in circulation for more than six months is called A) stale cheque B) _ post-dated cheque ©) ordinafy cheque D) crossed cheque. sofleiget sirengselev Yss10pb A) Qyetrred Sifiteg: B) yeprad Sihbsg CO) pisred Msg D) prererau Shes. During the period of Kaniskha, Buddhism had split into A) two branches B)__ three branches ) five branches D) _ four branches. QG ccivachler Gs 60. seudfler SSurrsid 8 cradle pp cainaci A) 32.28 B) 33,27 ©) 35,25 D) 34, 26. [Turn over HANU 14 The sum of two numbers is 60 and their difference is 8. The numbers are A) 32, 28 B) 33,27 c) 35,25 D) 34, 26. 39. aSLemem sOLYE LL Quppouce geinp A) 1961 B) 1960 ©) 1962 D) 1963. Dowry Prohibition Act was passed in the year A) 1961 B) 1960 Cc) 1962 D) 1963. 40. a Gompasefd ae 5g Appialp soo aciemp senproiuGdlpg ? A) sina B) Gaucteners Qgsrilect ©) gesgBiget D) sme wooo. The breaking waves are called A) waves B) white caps Cc) surf D) wave cut platform. 41, ‘quuGyageer SMen? oop Au tego Qgmitymug ? A) ure 2 puigdls QOuBéain B) Sievert Cobur® C) Gaucher ss O04 D) Camp every Coburg. The Operation Flood Programme relates to A) milk production development ——-B)_water resources development ©) flood control D) poultry development. xxx [6007] @ ! i end Smet nt rhe to arms son + 15 HANU “42, AAAs vEos@gn.t oeowbgcter Qe { A) ax a@uféen B) qélur y C) Ose sOuiéan D) yes lGqoSlurr, : ‘The Andes mountain range is located in ; A) North America B) Asia | ©) South America D) Australia 43. ger cugunensgia Copel in eudlegid oper’ : A) gileur B) Snmt 4 ©) ugerts D) ems. ‘The state which ranks first in per capita income is, A) Orissa B) Bihar ©) Punjab D) Gujarat. Qlus ancSupdles Pepoyrot pris Qio A) OgEeCo B) GerorcSur PO) Sgeitiretr D) sonflur {Incidence of "Yeasu Kaviyam” was held at : A) Jerusalem B) Somalia i ©) Jordan D) Samaria. Gagnt Asuris send por.Gupp yi A) | 6.9, 1806 B) él... 1860 Se) di, 1804 D) Al. 1857 i Vellore Sepoy Mutiny was fought in | A) 1806 A.D. B) 1860A. D. : ©) 1804. D. D) 1887. D. | oe (8) [Turn over HANU 16 46. 47. 48. Y= 4aduepss Stead Oorain sneruT® A) 2y+3-0 B) y-7=2 ©) y+8=7 D) yr4=0. ‘Which equation has'y = 4 as solution ? A) 2y+3=0 B) y-7=2 ©) y+8=7 D) y+4=0. Ojoo sci aPitiy Cungreigde ugerIo wag Ceiuiur ke wed sa@aast act A) gaamiord Cpe wbpb amp) B) GorBlané Cpe wip C. R. girev CC) apSluuré wdprd smiyseér Méay D) Sasi vdow Meer esAqurd, ‘Two prominent leaders of Punjab were arrested in connection with the hartal against Rowlatt Act. They are A) Jawaharlal Nehru and Gandhi B) Motilal Nehru and C. R. Das ©) — Satyapal and Saifuddin Kichloo D) Tilak and Bipin Chandra Pal. pAlescopSd sfio sno cama — @pnpflperomact ereomniugélen pen. AY Gand B) ada co) sul D) Abs. . Large number of jute mills are found.on the banks of the A) Kosi B) — Hooghly ©) Tapti D) Indus. xoxxx [6007] @ ' \ { i | 49. 50. 51. 17 HANU S076 Fp SouTids shaseos Combolesart AD haut B) eusterevmit CC) Lréut, (pSgeed Ogg, D) TM. gmt, The Samarasa Suttha Sanmarga Sangam was founded by A) Periyar B) Vallalar Cc) Dr. Muthulakshmi Reddy D)_ ‘iT. M. Nair. Qyrgu eur 2 peentsaflesr UpeDs erevid A) preate genGact B) wenn Qain@aer C) pbs gairQser D) ap qainGact Rajya Sabha members are elected for a period of A) four years B) three years Cc) five years D) six years. Ucqud Tg ucgud Meier GurGsdl. Mp GarGsecuLGorer |@piinseners Darcin® sfures Heoews CeitpOso + utqud 1 cages It a) guusthts Denscortiy 1. NH, BF, bd) FBe Denar 2 2,88 Cat 3. 2,8 a) Mg** 4. Yeesay Seooserin. ebSGsst + ¢\iessee Suittter Seststat: Feesseat, Buea esearch o 4 1 2 38 Dia ee eo Bw | Turn over HANU 18 52. 53. Match List I with List II correctly and select your answer using the codes given below = List I a) © Electrovalent bonding is b) Co-ordinate bonding 2. c) Ca" 3. a) Mg** 4. Codes : A 1 2 38 4 Bo 4 8 2 1 Cua ae tna Do 4 #2 1 (8 3 opps 6 @@r L.Oum os A B) o 3 D) The G.C.D. of 3 and 6 is aod : B) Gita! D) vrai. fOupscer ... A gent B) ©) Gpwemvéet D) The District Judges are appointed by the A) Governor B) ©) Chief Minister D) some [BOOT] @ . List NH,, BF, 2.8.8 2.8 Polar bond. worst 4 Shr QpAus Gquyss senvast. District Collector President of India, 54, ie i Ho: Weg ‘OB. ‘ 19 HANU ... emishgistengs. A) 90" B) 66)" co) 23h D) 23" The earth is inclined at an angle of A). 90° - B) 66s" ©) 23 a Dy 23° pataushe ef Apoy 2 piy Oso Goer A) yéeflennr B) usury 8) ©). ung@veguid D) anton Special locomotory organ is absent in A) Euglena B) Corals 7 ©) Paramecium D) Hydra. + 8 56 Sadi weredd aster waeess Codu yor benen egemmauis j eb. ae A) yo B) wiles os Cc) Apseos Di Slbenid. : Mukkurtht National Park in Nigiri Hills ts the sanctuary for { A) Tiger B) Peacock : c) Leopard D) Lion. ‘ 57. 1995 4b geinG 2 wed Quainest ore7@ pros Sib a A Quighe B) gad nay ©) weine D) BSuurts, ; In 1995 World Women's Conference was held at 5 A) Beijing B) Delhi : ©) London DI New York. oor [600T] w [ Turn.over i a HANU 20 88. 7.4.5, 1.7, 3, 4.6.7 Gia wa A) 7 " B) 6 oO 5 D4. The mode of 7. 4, 5, 1, 7,3. 4, 6, 71s a) 7 B) 6 o 5 D 4 59, s@tYy UGS) Vain Sihls Hold sramtugdem ori A) Geox B) sgwufl ©) Camuibyysgmt D) @ssrenen. The black cotton soils are found extensively in the district of — * A) Salem B) Dharmapurt ©) Coimbatore D) Chennai. 60. Qbsu Mere ad, cutdugranpd, waajranyd Qeuduags A) sas eutidldsenres B) use @ Lem Blslbexre © C) @bslu sigeders, D) usher. @ HA apasdidsca, Reserve Bank of India acts as the banker and the agent of the A) World Bank B) International Monetary Fund ©) Government of India D) LF 61. Dererernt vemies Qstieud’ oer @MiIGuL put A) @Gsert wener all B) seomtuaeomt ©) satan: women Dd) sapeun voxxx [BOOT] wo 21 : HANU Who was praised as “Minnanar Vanangum Detvam" ? : A) Wife of Kusela B) Ananganar j C) Wife of Krishna D) Anusuya. i 62. @giBerreogé aL gs Qpriedluest "F A) aoe B) @puder gud 4 ©) eS D) urdu. « ; The construction of Qutb-Minar was started by . A) Iitutmish B) Qutb-ub-din-Aibak 7 ©) Razta D) Balban. £63. aDippme ge Serougi arspendleren oti Apmo acremté one i Qeudugderpgi. : A ee B) @yarg ‘ 4 © evap D). rere. Ee ‘ In Tamil Nadu there is a .. ..c tier system of Rural local government. ‘ A) one B) two ‘ c) three D) four. S64. @sdurade acter omPotseMd uprueraler ogcune sOpsro Qréios adladipgi. 5 A) usi@ennerpnevss B) Qyatnrougs é \ C) gpeipraugs D) spraugs : i Tamil Nadu fs .................. in geographical area among the states of the Indian i ‘Union. } A) Eleventh B) Second 4 c) Third D) ‘Seventh, a (e001) @ {Turn over | dai HANU 22 65. 66. 67. 2001 yan Wdact Asrensd seomdOs Grier ug, QMS vss Grane A) 1-027 SevShueer B) 1-037 Deveussr C) 1-047 Uevedwesr D) 1.057 WeveSluctr. According to 2001 Census, India’s population was A) 1.027 billion B) 1-087 billion €) 1-047 billion D) 1-057 billion. sys WaBondnssle eSlener Dev A) ust B) sagrifl C) Ldscred sped D) — sigueucrsid. ‘The stepping stone for the progress of the society is A) School B) College ©) University D) Office 6. 5,000 5 5% Qian ary ofesHe 2 qanGaaae sell aig A). 250 B) @. 500 C) g. 750 DI. 800 Simple interest for Rs. 5.000 at the rate of 5% for 2 years is A) Rs: 250 B) Rs. 500 C) Rs. 750 D) Rs. 800. Glu Gele Upaagrd stsord gHuGd UdpEpmL A) Gand yboSipmis B) pds ubpGami CC} geondye y>p@pmi D) — erguby yopEpmi xxx [BOOT] @ ' 71. § xxx (500T] 23 ‘The ultraviolet rays from the sunlight cause A) skin cancer B) C) lung cancer Dd) ag) sald wal ove 2 A) GOpcgedivento B) ©) @usGur D) Which ts not a simple fruit ? A) Polyalthia B) Cc) Pepo D) 9G Gu, etrligs eHdGs suid 7 A) 139 MeV B) Cc) 931 Mev D) One a.m.u. is equal to A) 139 MeV B) Cc) 931.Mev D) Pardoturr sGUyserse 2 gmyoob A) aregr BOUY WGHE B) C) DPT sQby webs D) Example for killed vaccines is Aj Cholera vaccine B) ©) DPT vaccine D) HANU blood cancer bone cancer. Berry Drupe. 391 MeV 936 MeV. 391 MeV 936 MeV. : BCG pO0Y UGS TT sG6y wope. BCG vaccine TT vaccine. [Turn over HANU 24 72. Qauitahhust seraShder SsAlpperay A) 0-01 8S oO os The least count of vernier callipers is A) 0-0] mm. Cc) Olm 73. Ancinsossleer Qenwuy wigs 7 A) artist, Gleustefixis Cc) smduit, Bey What are the constituents of bronze ? A) Copper and tin ©) Copper and iron Ee 1+ tan? 6 jer wilcuy A) cos? Cc) cosec* ® ‘The value of 1 + tan?@ is A)” cos?6 CC) cosec? 8 75. QibHur Serubpxd apt Paper A) ungreposinp wdeerm dl anenp C) 878 won 2ocxx (B00F} B) D) B) D) B) D) B) D) B) D) B) D) B) D) 0-01 Ge 0-001 Gs. 0-01 cm 0-001 em. SrLut, SBE BSSETHD, BGoy. Copper and zine Zine and iron. sec? 8 cot? @. sec? 6 cot? 8. CquTsssoaout wdsaTTLA wor aranBory 24.8 qreop. 25, ANU ; India ts following |. 4 - ‘ A) Parliamentary Democracy B) Presidential Democracy i ©) Kingship D) Dictatorship. Pe F 78. wpe PouyLureos 1869-0 qein@ 66 Geode Ppawucig i, ; A) gad opps sdager B) Ubumt wpprd adage 7 ©) vburi opps an@er D) uburb wppsb Geetrenen, : \ The first ratlway line was laid between «...jjssenns: 9 1853 ie { A) Delhi and Calcutta B) Bombay and Calcutta \ ©) Bombay and Thane D) Bombay and Chennal. A 577. Ci cflutact uctlag pod eo0bs GLb i Wow t A) ureing eal ; B) sreoéaré ; of ©) aykeibung, D) Qecnenen i 4 The Danish founded a factory at i i A) Pondicherry B) Karatkal ; 4 ©) Tranquebar D) Chennai. ' [ 78. uneke odiyrs acus Hubs Aermetucsg 7 4 : i A) gidle ops B) @ipdest i ©) wavelinacr D) Ap\egeutact. < ; ‘ Khilafat movement was started agalnst the 7 hk A) British Government B) Hindus ' { Cc) Muslims D) Christians. xaxs (BOOT) a ( Turn over ANU 26 79. 80. 81 82. ‘ede @aper a é\fut A) satramgre cr B) ©) ager D) The author of ‘Kuil’ magazine was A) Kannadasan B) ©) Suradha D) ump Shue up dlonecss Bharathiar Bharathidasan. Qhdurcder orer@ecvrt cetrpepsasuGesg «rg 7 A) Qeetreneat B) ©) Gia D) Which is called the Manchester of India ? A) Chennai B) ©) Delhi D Berd aBlbS Sung cerpopssouGass A) @bdu Cedw @yreqem B) C) urdlévgres Cadu @yremiud Dd Azad Hind Fauj was A) Indian National Army B) C) ~ Pakistan National Army D) Qodus SCisGqy senossur gernG A) 1950 B) c) 1951 D) suc [BOOT] @ wbou Gear. Mumbai Salem. IAcigey BoSw Gyr geoyed IOpse CoSw @\yremieud, British National Army French National Army. 1949 1952. z 27 HANU Planning Commission of India was set up in the year A) 1950 B) 1949 ©) 1951 D) 1952. 83. OBO BEBE oe oreennen, AMUPerer Spd Iuagris Hesse CassssrGro. A) 30 35 cc) 40 D) 45. ‘The State Governor must have completed .........:0...-. Years of age. A) 30 B) 35 Cc) 40 D) 45. 84. x? + 10x + 21 = 0 creitp ener gett Stays sev A) {7.33 B) {7-3} Cc) {-7.3} D) {-7,-3} ‘The solution set of x* + 10x + 21 = 0 ts A) {7.3} B) (7-3) Cc) {-7,3) D) {-7.-3} 85. Bbw Cotse gencomubd .. . apivertseners Clamain. git sysootny BEd. ao. B) 2 a 38 D4. The Election Commission of India is a body Of ........s:es+ members. ayo B) 2 a 8 D) 4. sexex (6007) @) [Turn over HANU 28 86, serIptamen SyCgu uTaingu ogee A) 6QpiBesr 05 B) AiwDcyemy ©) wmpautinetr D) sibagetr. ‘The Pandiyan king who put an end to the Kalabhra rule is A) Kadungon B) Stmhavishnu ©) Maravarman D) Achuthan. 87. ‘Reng ESE Gerdard wenp Geis Gerp A) @Ganggitiectr B) sam Qyngssiyer ©) afamevcin D) Aqurewer. “Narai mudithu sollal murai seidha cholan” is A) Kulothungan B) Rajendran I C)— Karikalan D) ' Vijayalayan. 88. Qpsur AQsma Cupp 50-aug gang Qpmaeculr ALL A) gpshipn pisrainos SLLb B) a@dimb pbereirOs ALLO C) user pbsreinOs Siu D) geusmb pbsrain@s ALL. ‘The plan launched on the fiftieth year of Independence was A) Third Five-Year Plan B) Eighth Five-Year Plan C) Tenth Five-Year Plan D) _ Ninth Five-Year Plan. 89. Gourmadidr ardipae uel 300 Ge.5 slows wep Gup smears QEsGD Benen A) autairer allfgr dlener B) ap dbe8 Blanen CC) ameGu euesenreiir dlener D) @amtiseer Alener. xox (6001) @ 29 HANU ‘The north-eastern parts of Himalayas receive more than 300 cm rainfall by A) Bay of Bengal branch B) Arabian sea branch ©) Gulf of Khambhat branch D) Konkan branch. 90, Gacdnenc erflsit 2. olds 2cter Cleslevasit A) Sordemis@ B) ensdormii® Cc) wani@ D) erent. The name of scales in Mullet fish is A) Placoid B) Cycloid oc) ‘Ctenoid D) Ganoid. 91, Ged Qencioscow a GaréAwout A) ume B) Qua ©) dvdeuretr D) ogre. Cell theory was propounded by A) Darwin B) Mendel c) Schwann D) Operon, 92. ai ama gGenmib sears DNA Ghuanp KeopsacuQdnw 2 A) gbeb Gee B) Sewredic, CC) ameioy D) euad. Circular extra genomic DNA is called A) Recipient cell B) Plasmid ©): Flagella D) Pius, o ( Turn over HANU 30 93. 94. 96. OG HAL Pepysior user Osa 1B. A? grees gow Bsenasures Seoseuss semédigas A) IN B) Cc) 3N D) 2N aN, What force would be needed to produce an acceleration of 1 ms” on a ball of mass | kg? A) IN B) cc) 3N D) X-sGleoy sci Plisgout wnt 2 A) | J.J. gmboor B) CC) gredonggetn D) X-rays were, invented by A) J.J. Thomson B) C) Roentgen Dd) C) oxidation D) xxx [8007] @ 2N aN, Sour AgnerGl Queene Faraday Henry Becquerel aadiyrer she alenor . roots @Alngs. “A efise B) Aexsapse ©) aba gGonpno D) gsa, Gain of electron is. A) combustion B) decomposition reduction. i ‘ Lars 96. a) b) c) a) eBSQaen : a A} T B) 3 c) 4 Dd) 1 below : a) b) co) d) Codes : a A) 1 B) 3 c 4 Dr 1 0c [5007] 31 HANU utgwée Ig ulywe Heid Guigss}, FCp SarGdetucGerer GPulpsserd Garang ofuresr Seocous Boig@s : ucqud 1 y@omBles aout cunysest aaflo ft b oe 2 3 2 4 3 2 2 4 1 3. uci uée 1 erevF lui Ler sep! 6. erat seth Sirwid SAQSSOULS Sait WB, Match List I with List If correctly and select your answer using the codes given List 1 Bromine Sulphur Gases Mineral water List Calcium Polyatomic element Liquid Compressible. (Turn over HANU 32 97. ai gBer abperay A) 2ar sagaet B) oar” gig a@acr Cc) AP 8887 sneer D) ar sageet, The perimeter of the circle is A) 2ar units B) ar? sq. units ©) *E sq. units D)xrunits. 98. 42-015) opdummody AGsaé oCLb Guppluwe gein® A) 1947 B) 1950 ©) 1963 D) 1976. ‘The 42nd Constitutional Amendment Act was enacted in the year A) 1947 B) 1950 ©) 1963 dD) 1976. 99. Geab, prose, sGWYN, pracuLgond opp seeraytkd umidlerp gy A) sxauens, B) arailfl CC) gmBlguzenfl D) Osiurg. ‘The river that flows through Salem. Namakkal. Dharmapuri. Nagapattinam and ‘Thanjavur is A) Vaigat B) Kaveri C) Thamirabarani D) — Cheyyar. 100. (s8 SOnier CuMt Ba Oubp gain A) Ad. 1194 By) Al. 1191 ce) A. 1193 D) 4.5, 1195. ‘The first battle of Tarain took place in the year A). 1194A.D. B) 191A. ©) 1193 A.D. D) 1195 A.D. xxx [600 @ 33 HANU ae 101. Identify the compound sentence : A) The farmer was old and so he could not plough the field himself wets! B) He is too tired to walk ©) After he had done the sums he went to bed i D) - As he worked hard he completed the work. 102. Identify the complex sentence : : A). He proved his innocence 4 B) He proved that he {s innocent C) Being mnocent, he proved it : 1D) He was innocent so he proved it. Hat 103. Identify the complex sentence : ees A) Hearing the footsteps they ran away Hee B) As the cat ts away the mice are at play i C) He ts old so he is weak ; D) David is poor yet he is happy. rf 104, identify the simple sentence : A) Be diligent and you will succeed . B) Be diligent or you will fail ©) Be diligent to succeed D) Be diligent and you will be a success in life. \ i 105. Identify the sentence : et On account of heavy rain the match was cancelled. hy A) compound 8) complex ‘ ¢) simple D) none of these. é i 106, Identify the superlative degree : 2 A) Gold fs the most precious metal vs B) Gold is more precious than many other metals { C) Very few metals are as precious as gold. 4 D) Silver is not more precious than gold. wo [Turn over (PRE E. HANU 34 107. Identify the superlative degree : A) Action speaks louder than words B) Leela is the oldest of the two sisters ©) Kumar is not so wise as Kannan D) Kannan fs wiser than Kumar. 108, Identify the degree : 109, 110, un 112. 113. There are few districts in India as hot as Nellore. A) comparative degree B) positive degree C) superlative degree D) none of these. Identify the comparative degree : A) Ravi is as strong as his brother B) This pony is better trained than yours C) This temple is the biggest temple in India D) No other bowler is as good as Ramesh Identify the comparative degree : A) Gandhiji is the greatest Indian leader B) Your painting is worse than mine C) — Urantum ts the heaviest of all elements D) _ No Indian leader ts as great as Gandhijt. Find out the odd word (noun }: A) hesitate B) _ hesitation ©) hesitatingly D) hesitated. Find out the odd word ( noun } : A) waver B) wavering ©) | wavy D) wavelet. Find out the odd word ( adverb ) : A) sport B) — sporter ©) sportively D) _ sportive. xxx [001] @ reader readings ocean oceanography. data . datem. foodes food. trafficks trafficking. scenery sceneries. y 35 aus. Find out the odd word ( verb ) : 3 + A) © read j é eB: Fo readable D) *. "415. Rind out the od word adjective ) : . : A) ovearite B) & = C)_— oceanaut D) “ie. Select the correct plural form of eo) man! A) mans B) =] ©) manés D) p@l7. Select the Corfect plural form of datum — } 4M datums B) 4 ©) datas _ D) 9 118. Select the corfect plural form of EPs food— TA) foods . B) i C)_ foodies D) “4119. Select the’ correct plural form of Eid traffic — ‘ A) waffles B) a ©) traffic D) “{ 120. Select the.cdrrect plural form of 2 scenery —/ a A) scenerys B) = C) sceneryses D) 4 121, Sclect the correct sentence : s A) it Ray had won the election, he would have become an M.P. % B) If Raj had won the election, he willbe an M.P. ct ray hhad won the election, he would be an M.P. + cee ig fey had won the election; he ‘shall bean MP. [Turn over ANU 36 122. Select the correct sentence : A) This ts the house where Jack built B) This is the house that Jack built C) This is the house when Jack built D) This fs the house that Jack build, 123. Select the correct sentence A) They found him guilty of murder B) They found him guilty for murder C) They fotind him guilty about murder D) They found him guilty as murder. 124, Select the correct sentence : A) We hope to see him again B) We hope to seeing him again ©) We hope that to see him again D) We hope that to saw him again. 125. Select the correct sentence : A) Generally 1 liked ice-cream B) Generally I like ice-cream ©) — Generally | did not like ice-cream D) Generally | will like ice-cream, 126, Find out the error The news are not good at all A B c dD” 127. Find out the error ‘The three last chapters are difficult A B cD 128. Find out the error Though he prepared well he fails. A B Cc DEH 129. Find out the error : Bread and butter are available here A B c D : oo Be coo ca 37 Find out the error : Harishchandra,. was ahonest king. Ae a: c D . Fill in the blank, with correct’ Homophone : All animals’ will, not be .. in winter. A) seen B) Cc) ‘see D) Fill in the blank with correct Homophone : I thought it might A) rain B) ©) reign D) . Fill in the blank with correct Homophone : i scene ...- parents donated Rs. 10,000 towards the schoolbuilding extension. A) Some B) ©) Seam D) Fill in the blank with correct Homophone : The little boy had short ......... A) sight B) C) site iz D) Fill in the blank with correct Homophone + Sambu's .........:... Is sharp and hooked. A) nose | B) ©) noose - D) Comprehension : Sum Seem. cite suit, nows. The street hawker is a familiar figure. He is a moving shop. He brings at our doors the articles of our everyday use. In this way he saves much of our precious time and trouble. Who brings articles at our doors ? A) shop owner B) C) servant ' p @ street hawker children. [ Turn over HANU 38 137, Comprehension : Cleanliness is a great virtue, It is next to godliness. Almost ail the nations attach the greatest importance to cleanliness. In Hindu scriptures, it is said that cleanliness of body leads to purity of mind, which elevates our moral as well as spiritual life, and at least brings us nearer to God. What is next to godliness ? A)’ purity of mind B) patriotism ©) moral iife D) cleanliness. 138, Comprehension : A merchant had may clerks. One of them used to come late to the office. The merchant warned him that his habit would lead him into trouble and told him that he had better mend his ways. What was the habit of the clerk ? A) clerk never came late "B) clerk came early ©) clerk came late D) clerk came very late 189. Comprehension ‘The Egyptians made a tiny hole in the bottom of a stone bowl which they filled with water. The inside of the bowl was marked to show the hours. Sand was sometimes used instead of water. How do we tell the time today ? A) __ by using clocks and watches B)__ by using stone bowls and sand C). by using water and stones D) by using watches and sand. 140, Comprehension : The Chinese were the first to invent the art of printing. Before this invention, books were written by hand. The Chinese invented the art of printing with movable types. With this invention, reading and learning became open to ordinary people as they were able to print the books in large numbers. ‘The Chinese invented the art of printing with A) printing machine B) movable types C) immovable types D) ink pad. 141, Identify the sentence pattern : ‘They elected him their chairman yesterday. A) SVOCA B) SVIODOA ©) SVOAA D) SVCAA. sox [DOT] w@ it ; i = A svi0 D0 * ‘py SvOE id 7 © SVOA F D) SVAA : 3 7143. Identify the sentence pattern * : 1S We find the sum difficult. 7 3 A sv on : B) sve 2 ze O svoe Dd) SVIODO. : @44, Identify the sentence pattern : * if 1 I chose her my wife‘last month. 5 ge A Sv10 DO ‘By SVCAA 4 © svoa D) SVOCA : + Wlentiy the sentence pattern : : i He sells apples 7 4 A) SVO fa . B) svoc 3 Cc) SVA} ‘ D) SVvO. 3) 5. Change the following Verb into Nouin form: . Imagine — « : i A) imaginative B) imaginary : f ° imaginiation fa t D) imagined. ¢ S147. Change the following Noun into Verb form : ' of F snowledge — ay kndun." B) knowingly t ; ©) know D)- knowing. f “748. Change the following Noun into Verb form : : > Nominee — “= ay nomisiatiye B) nomination : 4% nomafaie D) nominal. z 4149. Change the folowing Adjective into Adverb form : ° 7 Sincere — © sincerely ~ By sincerity : SC) sincefenéss D) sincereful. 4 gon ‘ wo (torn overs i , ‘ Identify the sentence pattern :* “ Our boss promoted hit our manager HANU 40 150. Change the following Adjective into Adverb form ; 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157, Quick — A) quickness B) quickful Cc) quickly D) quits, Select the correct voice form and fill in the blank : I want the work .- by him, A) done B) to be done oO did D) 1s doing. Select the correct voice form and fill in the blank : Radi ..-es.sseeees. BY Marconi. A) is invented B) has been invented C) was invented D) invented. Select the correct voice form and fill in the blank Where ....... the stolen idol ... ia A) was, hidden B) were, hidden ©) have been, hidden D) will, hide. Select the correct voice form and fill in the blank : The picture... BY him. A) has drawn B) had drawn ©) draws D) has been drawn. Select the correct voice form and fill in the blank ‘The letters A) finishes B) haven't been finished ©) finish D) will finish. Fill in the blank with a gerund sone French is easier than speaking tt. A) Toread B) Tobe read C) Having read D) Reading. Fill m the blank with a suitable participle : Theard Bhim o.oo... @ SONG. A) sing B) is singing €) singing D) sings. sox [BOOT] a t a : 4a HANU 188 Fill in the blank with a stable past particip le * ee 1 “All is well that ends Wells a Famiu’ ply ..........-. by Willlam Shakespeare. fay writes PY “By wrote® Po written | D) writing. : ; : 7 159. Fill in the blank with'a suitable infinitive : : F # = : + I consider him ... the best Bayer in the team A its B) © being . i ©) has been’ = D) tobe . iu nthe blank ‘pith a suitable infinitive : a : want you the sum soon. 2 A) finish 5 4 ©). tofinish: = 16%, Select the corréct question tag: i oi She scldom goes A) doesn't she ©) isn't she, r swimhing, . aoe 1@Z. Select the correct auestion tag: ; J "2 Lam not interésted in polities, .... “% A) amn'tl | ; don't : fo ai :. D) ami 163; Select the correct question tag : This is the need of:the hour, .... fe eae “Pay isntit | B) isit i ©) need tt * D). needn't it 164: Select the.correct question tag : fe arate 4 You like him, 2 I A) doyou | B), doesn't he : } ©) don'tyou D) doesn't you. 165, Select the correct!question tag : : {Lam honest, : i 2A) arent 5) arel } ©) ami DB) amn'es. A at [s00r) } @ [ Turnover } HANU 42 16. 167. 168. 169. 170, 171. 172. 173. Select the correct tense form of the verb given in brackets : Lessee (ask ) him what his name was. A) asked B) willask C) would ask D) will asked. Select the correct tense form of the verb given in brackets WT cscscsseees (DE) a dog, I would teach loyalty to men. Ay am B) were ois D) was. Select the correct tense During my childhood, 1... comedy shows. A) was watching B) watched ©) used to watch D) had watched. Select the correct tense She wishes that she the Prime Minister of India. As B) was c) were D) willbe. Select the correct tense : When I arrived at the theatre, the movie ..... A) had already started B) will be started Cc) started D) start. Fill in the blank with suitable article He gave ..... .. one-rupee coin, A) no article B). the c) a D) san. Fill in the blank with suitable article : He finished the work hour ago. A) a B) no article c) the D) an. Fill in the blank with suitable article : Radium was discovered by woman scientist. A) a B) an Cc the D) no article. 1 i f i : : ; ‘ 43 ANU: Mohan and hisimother went to zi Chenmay to'mect their rlatives. 2 Ala i B) an 7 : ft BO tet ! D)_ ngarticle. : : 175. Fillin the blank with suitable article : z = Rahini ret’. _.. boy in the str€ét. : Z > Noa ie B) the ; ‘ <¥ C) noarticle D) fuente i 176. Fill in the blank with sustable preposition : : i HL ‘There tsa television ... the-corner. ” ; ‘ 3 aioe tat e B) in ; : yO) nent oS wiamon ie 127. Fillin the blank with suitable preposition : : 4 ‘The party 18. ‘Thursday. ‘ te A) in B) by ’ 4 ©) near’ ' : Peer eee eeeer eee) eee te 178. Fil in the blank;with, suitable preposition : ; j 7 Sitting ....cfeees me, she 1s watching the film, : 2 A) from B) beside oO) next: He D) at. 3 Be Fill tn'the Dlaink‘With suitable préposttion’: vi ER He stood . David and Danlel. A)” among: ; B)*: between . i oo mt oy Dn 4 180 Fill in the left ‘suitable preposition : : {Did you see Shoba ............0.. the party ? : A) of | B) at ; ©) over 3. , BI into. eed L a ao0r) i @ (Turn over * HANU 44 181 182. 183. 184, 185. 186. Choose the correct ‘antonym’ for the underlined word from the options given below He worked for the cause of the destitutes. A) poor B) rich C) substitute D) divine. Choose the correct ‘antonym’ for the underlined word from the options given below : ‘The convict disliked the meal. A) drinks B) liked C) nibbles D) sales. Choose the correct ‘antonym' for the underlined word from the options given below : The battle of Waterloo was won at the play fields of Eton A) got B) lost ©) succeeded D) missed. Choose the correct ‘antonym’ for the underlined word from the options given below I wanted to conquer my fear of Red. A) weak B) defeat © full D) yield. Choose the correct ‘antonym’ for the underlined word from the options given below Today multimedia presentations are enhanced with graphics. A) modernised B) reduced ©) increased D) arranged. Select the word with the correct prefix A) illegible B) illtechno Cc) iilmarine D) _ illviolence. xxxx [BOT] B a & & ee ender tone cs pp tt cri EBay i oe yy 4 t Ay en em BEET ae Fade eee 45 187, Select the word with the correct prefix : A) recash. B),« uncash o encash D) decash. 188. ae the word with the correct suffix 2 A) bookful B) playful : co rootifil D) _ hallful. ‘ 189. Select the word with the correct suffix : 4 A cardiology B) —commonology_ 4 ©) gangalogy D). philosophy. 190.. Select the word with the correct suffix: é A Heal B) soal cc sfombnal D)> seal. i 191. Match ‘he following words given in Goluma. A with thetr-méanings in. Column B and select the correct answer fromthe codes given below : 4 -Column A Column B a) triumph 1. powerless : b) dreadful 2. -victory 3 cc). elegant 3. very bad : a) impotent 4, graceful’ Codes. i a b c A) 3 1 2 B) 4 2 4 Oo 2 4 1 D) a e = xxx [BOOT] ‘a HANU 46 192, Match the following words given in Column A-with their meanings in Column B and select the correct answer from the codes given below : a) by ) a) Codes : a A 3 B) 4 ao 1 dD 3 Column A hurdles portable popular tide 2 1 3 2 4 4. Column B 1. a strong current of water 2. famous 3. difficulties 4, easy to carry. ‘ 193. Match the following words given in Column A with their meanings in Column B and select the correct answer from the codes given below a) b) ° a Codes : a Alo 4 Bh 2 co 4 D2 Column A bylane suspicion pause rescue Column B ' 1. stop 2. street 3. save 4. doubt. £ : a7 : HANU 194, Match the‘ following phrases given in Column A with their meanings in , we e . : Spa i i Column ae select the correct ahswer from the codes.given below i t 3 {Column A Column B * : * a). turned down 1. postponed = : ») : fooked into 2, recovered i . 4 ce) gotover 3. investigated , ‘ 5 4) putoff 4, declined. b { F) A Codes : : a oboe 4 : iS € ¥ 1 “ Ao 4 3 2 1 # 1 Byes Pieia ean era t O 4:2) 1 8 i D 3.2 4 1 : ! “£195, Match the following words givenin Column A with their meanings in Columa 4% and select the correct answer from the codes given below 5 aaiee * Column A Column B ae a al pry 1. belief : ea bd). «credo © 2. speed in walking : i 4 ¢). pace 3. go back % ‘ 4 a); retreat 4, search. ‘ { * Codes : : 2 7 j ‘ a b c a 4a 2 A 2 4 1 8 , 4 oe B) 4°)i 2 8 | iy Ghee etiaretia : Foy a a xxx [BOOT] t wo {Turn Gyer a HANU 48 196. 197. 198. 199. 200. Choose the correct ‘synonym’ for the underlined word from the options given below : The Bishop slept tranquilly. A) fast B) peacefully ©) quickly D) carefully. Choose the correct ‘synonym’ for the underlined word from the options given below ‘Who fs the person to entertain you ? A) eager B) stmple ©) great D) enjoy. Choose the correct ‘synonym’ for the underlined word from the options given below Sambu stroked his nose in a characteristic gesture. A) action B) use C) present D) _ study. Choose the correct ‘synonym’ for the underlined word from the options given below : Before the advent of computers, people spend most of their time watching television. A) exposure B) entertainment ©) arrival D) focus. Choose the correct ‘synonym’ for the underlined word from the options given below : ‘The least little blemish drew tears from my eyes. A) dust B) merit Cc) fault D) defeat. RK) oudt wo iL} 49 (SPACE FOR Rt if Lange cnet thereng net gon cette it dieters nt ts ei thee ya Aye Ramee ca ine seo ye hep | : : ey | eo we] ere i ea HANU xxxx (6007) 50 ( SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK } VAC HANU Booklet Series Register D Number 2011 *. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE WITH GENERAL ENGLISH Time Allowed : 3 Hours | [Maximum Marks : 300 Read the following instructions carefully before you begin to answer the questions. | Bas ApPlssoyn % : a IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS Da 1. This Booklet nas a cover (this page } which should not be opened tl the snvgilator gives signal wo {2 8 ‘open it at the commencement of the examination. As soon a9 the sigaal is received you should tear | “8 1 the right side of the booklet cover carefully to open the booklet. ‘Then proceed to answer the |g t questions, 2, Rie guesvon Booklet contains 200 questions. 3 3. Answer all questions. All questions carry equal marks. at 4. The Test Booklet is printed in four series e.g. or [D] (See Top left side of this page). at For example, if the candidate gets [A] series booklet, he/she has to indicate in the side 2 of the H eee ai A BI(C][D] You must write your Register Number in the space provided on the top right side of this page, Do 7 not write anything else on the Question Booklet 6. An Answer Sheet will be supplied to you separately by the Inviglator to mark the answers. You must write your Name, Register No. and other particulars on side 1 of the Answer Sheet provided, falling which your Answer Sheet will not be evaluated, 7. You will also encode your Register Number. Subject Code ete., with Blue or Black ink Ball point pen mm the space provided on the side 2 of the Answer Sheet. If you do not encode properly or fail to encode the above information, your Answer Sheet will not be evaluated. 8. Each question comprises four responses (A), (B). (C) and (D). You are to select ONLY ONE correct response and mark in your Answer Sheet. in case you feel that there are more than one correct response, mark the response which you consider the best. In any case. choose ONLY ONE response for each question. Your total marks will depend on the number of correct responses marked by you in the Answer Sheet 9. In the Answer Sheet there are four brackets | A} | B || C } and | D | against each question, To answer the questions you are to mark with Ball point pen ONLY ONE bracket of your choice for each question, Select one response for each question in the Question Booklet and mark in the Answer Sheet. If you mark more than one answer for one question. the answer will be treated as wrong. e.g. li for any item, (B) is the correct answer, you have to mark as follows : (A) MBLC) (D) 10. You should not remove or tear off any sheet from this Question Booklet. You are not allowed to take this Question Booklet and the Answer Shect out of the Examination Hall during the exammation. After the examination 1s concluded, you must hand over your Answer Sheet to the Invigilator. You are allowed to take the Question Booklet with you only after the Examination is over. 11, The sheet before the last page of the Question Booklet can be used for Rough Work. 12. Fallure to comply with any of the above instructions will render you Hable to such action or penalty as the Commission may decide at their discretion. 18. For Question Nos. 1 to 100 in all matters and in cases of doubt. the English Version Is final 14. Do not tick-mark or mark the answers in the Question Booklet. (CEAMIL VERSION OF INSTRUCTIONS IS PROVIDED ON THE BACK COVER OF THIS BOOKLET | xxx [BOOT] o {Turn over DO NOT TEAR THIS COVER OF THE QUESTION BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE ASKED TO DO SO aSlenng OgmgiiSen GloGoganpenu setresresfiamert Tear here 3 | : 1

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