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Bosnia Reading Questions

1. What religious tensions existed in Yugoslavia pre-and during

World War II?
Bosnia was separated into three main groups, Bosnian Serbs (Orthodox Catholic
Christians), (Sunni Muslim), and Bosnian Croats (Roman Catholic Christians), all with
local homeland claimed by historical factors.
2. Why was Tito important in Yugoslavia?
His rule had held the federation together and he encouraged Serb nationalism not
only at home, but also in the other republics where there were large Serb
3. What were Milosevics goals in Yugoslavia?
His goals were to have Serb nationalism everywhere and to gain independence.
4. Who did Serbian nationalists target in the Bosnian genocide?
They targeted Muslims in Srebenica.
5. What happened in Srebenica?
Serb troops and paramilitaries led by Ratko Mladic attacked Srebrenica in July 1992.
Muslims were taken as hostage, villages were ruined, and they was barely any food
or water for the people of Srebenica.
6. What does this incident suggestion about European leadership
and the role of the UN?
This suggests that the UN does not try their best to help because they did nothing
to help the people of Srebenica because they didnt want to intervene. They also,
unintentionally, helped the Serbs because the Serbs removed the Dutch soldiers'
blue peacekeeping helmets and later wore them themselves to trick escapees into
handing themselves over.
7. Who was responsible for eventual peace in Bosnia?
The American Journalist who provided people with real evidence of what really
happened and brought it to everyones attention. After he was arrested, peace
negotiations were held and an agreement was signed in December 1995.
8. In your own words, describe ethnic cleansing.
An attack on a certain religion to purposely get rid of them from a certain place.
9. How did the map of Bosnia look after 1995?
It was broken up into all different countries including Serbia, Slovenia, Croatia,
Bosnia, Herzegovina, Montenegro, and Macedonia.
Describe 2 problems Bosnia is facing today.
A problem is displaced persons, refugees, and asylum-seekers. After the war, 2
million people were left with nowhere to go and they still are displaced to this day.
This is a problem because they want to help, but they have no resources or
anywhere to put them.

Another problem is military intervention which keeps people believing that armed
conflict is the go-to to solve a problem. It also means that genocide is still being
planted in peoples heads which means people always live in fear of another war.

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