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Indian Institute of Technology Patna

ME101: Engineering Mechanics

Problem Sheet # 7: Required to be submitted
Group: G1-G2

Maximum Marks: 10

1. Determine the polar moment of inertia and the polar radius of gyration of the shaded area shown with respect
to Point P in Figure 1.
2. For the quarter ellipse in Figure 2, first find the moment and product of inertia about x-y axes. Then use
Mohrs circle to determine the orientation the principal axes (w.r.t. x-y) at the origin and the corresponding
values of the moments of inertia.
3. Using Mohrs circle, determine for the area indicated in Figure 3, the orientation of the principal centroidal
axes and the corresponding values of the moments of inertia.

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

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