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Block A, 1 Richmond Forum, Ground Floor, Cedar Avenue, Richmond,

Sanef Statement 11 March 2015
The South African National Editors Forum (Sanef) strongly condemns the
thuggish behaviour by members of the police who manhandled a journalist
outside Parliament and forced him to delete pictures from his camera.
Two hours before President Jacob Zuma was due to answers questions in
Parliament, Media24s Jan Gerber was blocked by five unidentified policemen in
white shirts outside Parliament while he was taking pictures of them and also
public order policing vans.
The five dragged him to the ground opposite the SAPS station in Plein St and
forced him to delete his photographs. He sustained a few scratches and bruises
injuries during the incident.
The police officers refused to identify themselves other than to say they belong
to the SAPS VIP protection services.
Sanef is perturbed by these actions that are in contravention of police standing
orders which prohibit police officers from deleting journalists' pictures. This is the
latest incident of police intimidation despite promises by senior police officers,
including the national commissioner, that such illegal behaviour would be
Sanef will take this matter up with General Riah Phiyegas office as a matter of
urgency. Sanef further encourages Gerber to lay a criminal charge against the
police officers concerned and consider instituting civil action as a strong
message to the police that they are not above the law.

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