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Task #2

Slobodan Milosevic
Fellow Serbians
Informative Speech
Slobodan Milosevic
I was the one who was President of Serbia from 1989 to 1997
and the President of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia from 1997 to
2000. During the Bosnian War, I was able to gain control of Serbia
after Josef Tito died in the year of 1980. After that, I tried to gain
Serbian control between other areas such as Slovenia, Croatia, and
Bosnia. I did this by forcing all of the non Serbians to either flee or
be killed. But when Slovenia declared their independence, I tried to
use armed forces to stop them, and it failed. I spent a lot of years
being President of Serbia and I put a lot of time into my work, which
was a big commitment for me.
During the war, I felt very proud of myself for being able to
take over Titos position and for being about to kill as many people as
I did. Some say that what I did is wrong but I believe in what I did
was right. I was able to assert leadership in Yugoslavia but many
opposed me and my policies that I have, which made them
flee the country. Lots of things that happened during the war made
me realize that Slovenia and Croatia didn't like being ruled by others
since they declared their independence.
This went on for months and there was a lot of blood and fights
which made both of the republics freed themselves from Serbian
But later on, in the year of 1992, Bosnia-Herzegovina also joined

these two republics for the declaration of independence.

This was a

big event going on at this time because many countries were involved
and cared about what was going on around them.
By the end of the year of 1994, the Serbian military was able to
control 70 percent of Bosnia, which was more than half and thats a

The December of 1994, the leaders of the three factions were
involved in the war that was signed by the UN and US peacetreaty.
But as years went by, I lost my control and was then I was just kicked
out. I later then died on March 11th, 2006 in The Hague, Netherlands.
Looking back at all the accomplishments that I have done, this shows
that I was a busy and hard working man in my time period. Also,
hopefully the people of Serbia acknowledged all my work and was able
to do bigger things in the future.

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