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SLIM & TRIM Kundalini Yoga exercises and meditations especially for women as taught by Yogi Bhajan For more yoga maruals, audio and video tapes, pls: ‘Ayurvedic herbs, teas and oils ‘vegetarian cookbooks ‘wholstc health books ‘and more. se ANCIENT HEALING WAYS CATALOG Free Catalog: 1-800-359-2940 For Switchboard or International Requests Call ($05) 747-2860 or FAX (605) 747.2868 or write: Ancient Healing Ways Route 3, Box 259 Espanola, NM 87532 SLIM & TRIM YOGA EXERCISES FOR WOMEN AND MEDITATIONS YOGI BHAJAN CONTENTS Introduction. 2 ‘Kundalini Yoga sets for: General Maintenance . 3 ‘Control of the Muscular System. 8 Staultion and Adjustment of Body Sytans and Mental Qari... 22 Healthy Bowel System... cold ‘Bnotgnal and Mental Blane and Preveson of Early Menopaise..16 Glandilar Balance and Gain in Energy. 19 (Circulatory and Structural Systems... : 20 ‘Self Adjustment of the Spine....... coe sees BB Meditations for: Inner Harmony (Antar Nead)....02..0+0.0 ce 24 Emotional Balance Sunia(a) Antar) 2.22000: eevee Bd ‘nerpizing and Healing Padmani Kriva) . 25 Mental Control (Brahm Kalaa).......++. 25 ‘Mental and Auric Cleansing and Balance (Kirtan Kriya) oe 28 KR (COPMIGHTE BY KL PUBLICATIONS, P., BOK 8, POMONA, CA 78,178 INTRODUCTION cis connoaiy eknonlaged that overweight ad tendon‘ we pobln ees fot mt mente of at fecery, and at Gel fequet compasoa at ‘Spi unerennpertesa and ow ery levee ‘Thee unin Togs caren ste sn aio {caso cnlnge nd one es pron eas ‘hy were taupt by You Bian, Marr of Randa Yee. the embers of + Wome Tinog Gors be Sumner of 007: Thee os te egal corse td ee or tb tod nd Sccicily mind oe Sandy, dna cer ‘Gay and neous tens od eralahs ooo ‘Stealanr of fancloo betwee aod cat ‘Sdsuverral sens wee 25 tind aoe proat sy adverse Span Bz nme of vate sn 88 ra of te od, {ten bp erer an acsenpe ty pial ten tad Seta dicotor The av Sover 2 {Yor exrsescontsned in these ste which wil delay “eons of menoprise ad ease snoiatad adverse llc "A woman, by mature, shoald exercise each day to ‘the pois where she sweats on her fordbad. For mas ‘mum bali recommended tht the each + pattern exces ts given tine of ay. Each eerie Ste stone, duration luted It is suport. chet a2 Idi do the exerci to the bet of her sity, bot sf se cant moet tht time, abe stow gradualy ‘work upto. The meditations that were txupht work Specialy to effet emotoeal and mesa balance and ‘ring alot inaer eam. Bach ofthe mediation canbe race! for upto treyone minutes ata sitting f= ‘woman pation thse exercises and meltatons cost Ty and eaverely fora minimum of forty dae, abe wil definitly expesiencepouive changes within her bedy fd ming, and wil find bere more related, enerpeie snd radi, 1, om Tiamat ye 0 tin Gi, iggy ta fy pono) wa es wees ene al one oie mene ste el het deuce, See tg dent apni No GENERAL MAINTENANCE 1) Stand with feet shoulder’ width apart, weight (hover edge of fet, Raise as strlphtont fom ‘Shs, eighty higher than perall to ound, pals Ge faeng foward at 45a) Twas at waist, ‘ringing se ll the way tothe lft, back to enter, Shen tothe right Rivthe Soeantser come, ‘We have one problem as buna being: we are ———~ sot euppeed to gt sek The descending con i the fain prolem i te entre human body, because Svat we eat das not passthrough the elon que Jy enough, Prewaze ca the inde of the fot spoils ‘our bely and your face. Put your weight onthe ot: (ideo thefeet rervched toward the ground and ight ara szetched fo the ay (20) Ras to ill positon with arms Pasi creda he ota eit ‘Rhaytim 15 seconds pr compte ‘Time: 3 completecres. "Tis execae werke on the hip bone, Women are sch in have pretenses 2b 2a. 5) Stand wih et spread ighly, palms down, bands ‘a open vena lock, (ages strike wit the eft ide finger farhes: away from the body when pals fre dowaward) level of anmpits Sa). Bend lorward ‘rom is, bragiag hand dowa toward ground, bands Stil ia venus loc, no bead in he legs 3) yt: one son down end one son p. Time: st eyes "This performs an adjustment of the pelvic region ‘which seen for woman, 4) Stard withthe fet tgeter and arms relaxed bY ‘he sds. Jump up high tinging Ings spart and clap ping hinds with straight arms overhead, smi ‘Sjampig jacks: then retra wo the lial pion, ‘Note Feet ar further apart inthe mid-air than when ‘hy lad Rhythn: 1 econd per movement, ‘Tne: ford minute, 5) Sunt wih he fet abut ae laches apart and ase hpe Swing rik leg forward wp wast, level snd tomar he Ie ion any end {n'the ht eg orm te wai, Following Wt sine ‘och am es inl postion Repent using et Iepand tne aleoain eee. ‘isin cor il are pod al ed dom porate “Thtconets meet. problems « « « . Gb. 6) Stand withthe fst shoulder’ width apart, up ox {he tenes eright ou to sides and sigaly higher ‘hn perl to ground. Inhale through the nose and Sut down int hall erow pose, sang co the toes, ‘uimaining a svaight spine and with knees apart. Esha throgh the mouth and nse up to ongzal standing postion kythm’ oe second per movement, ‘Tine 2 cnutes "Tis exeree gives one conldene, 1 Stand with os together, legs stright, arms stright oot to the sides, parallel othe ground with ‘he palzg dgwa. Pap staght arma up and down to {Seinen direction, yt 2 movement pe second ‘Time: minstes "Thc erin wis cathe elbow int ay £8) Place left fit with thumb inside at center of chest 1 the lvl of the sipplas, elbow near ede. ited fhe ght ana and finger wrught oot i frot a) ‘Thea forthe Gager into fit around thumb and (Ep the fit bck war the body bringing it i rot (far lt are, Th elbow wil be down and the Best ttm agninrt the baiy (Bo) Feel you ae pollag a ‘right at you enap the band back tomar the cst, ale ee ame aaps in and exhale on outward move: ‘ment asthe ist inopened. pti: oe compte md per movenent contin ‘rth the sph arm for minute then with the Deft Tr for mina Time: 2 mina 9) Standing with stright opine, face nother porn, fend the erms stright forward and join bands, tee into eyes (x). Verully great each ter. Squat (he toeter in erow pwr, tushng buttocks to floor faite erick Fo ne weber rego: “Tey 4 soands per gee ‘Time: S minute Relax: 5 mine. ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ 20 Stand with fot slightly apart and les slightly 00. ewe outwardly, Hunde ere in fists with palinsides facg each otber i front of chest (10), Keeping fine stright, pons forweed with the ight A, ‘wing off the pound simltancously bringing the Fie leg forward andthe Ieee back ito front 0b, Hass pron, Daring the um, te lt ft ‘2 aled toa aloogvhe let se et about the level Ofte brent Thes sping beck tothe orgs ead ‘esr poston. The epoging movement sould belight fd fat There should ot be any pressare oo the ‘pine though, if doe properly the thighs wil Bur 8 J mE ~ ‘Rhythm: 1 second per movement. ‘Tne: eft side 2 minutes, then switch tothe right Sefer? minutes, "This exerec forthe brain, bot it is done with the leg It gives oos an edgy over ansther person ‘rena elpe oor tink fast, Woman diffe from ‘ia in tht abe tend to think on mh, rather Dan Sct A woman must be physically active i order to ave ised CONTROL OF THEMUSCULAR SYSTEM ‘Thee exercises ar designed to give contr! over ‘he mueuar sytem, se well as erase one's genera Blysie fitmees, Thi eytem ean be used to dagoove Gatese and decent inthe bath of the bay Tecaus problems rovnely manifest as deocable ‘change fr parler muscles. Thre ar sues i ‘he bois which one never even moves. Thase become Teowe apf wees, we the mces which are over Sted tepia to weaken. One's ages Known from the ody. A parma helty body sould be very exible, slastic tnd able to absorb physi shocks. To achive 2 tateof optimum heh and fet oe must be Ble toselectively work wth this te, 1) Stand with loge sight and feet lightly par. (Croat arms sero the chest, bans on oppose ams just above the elbows La). Keeping the boys lance, Aft rig foe spbly (1), then Lt lg acres eft leg ‘unl seh hel meets fe ie of left kee (1) Bring foot bark io sgh of ground (Ib, and bring weight ack ors bth fet, ‘liydan: Te entre fount proms takes eeonds ‘Times Left leg for 3 minutes, and then repeat the roca with the right lg for 9 minstes. K "Threnrcine prevents ne auble y ee 2 Stand with fet together, rma straight tides (a) ‘Jump and move the fet apart 16a feet) Jump ‘ove more tes, widening the stage witheach jum (o'r nowinum of 4 feet Go, Ga). Alvays retare ‘Wc the fee fat om the pound. Then ia Tour jumps, ‘sent the original postion Fhyttm:onejump per eecond. ‘Tine: 3 mines. 2) Stand with fort 18 Snches apart. ams straight diem along the sides Crt let Band in front of fy eno right thigh. AY the same te, swing the right arm upto 4S" blind the body. Then bring the ‘eh am wolfe high and the left arm up and ack oabe, Condnue alienating, without Bending the ty uo the ribcage can be eerie Rhythm: one overseas por secon Timers minutes 10 4) Stnd with fet 32 inches spar. Hands on the ‘Rosales with finger in foot abd thumts is back ‘Bend backward sod then forvard from the wale 19 tout 90" Lalo back nd exhale forward ‘laytm: 2 seconde fr complete Time minutes 15) Sune position ax #4, but with th spine straight {thd toe legs stead ae wie apart s pom, Twat torso and nad al te way to eft and thes to ght Ate wast Inbal one se and exale othe oer, ‘Rytam: 2 seconde foreamplete cyl Time Pinus, Sore bead, Keeping arms taht (Ge). Bend forward “aoching pals to ground (6b) and then ret to the ‘peigst potion ‘hytams thre ape per soond and the entire bend {ng mao requires seconds. ‘Time? mince: ‘ ‘ . 1 Stand with hands onthe hips, eck totally tess ‘Tas exern avelves a tre of four hops, Evo Ig sede smal 1 Wile making large bop withthe eft fot. being the Het knee op and bend the right ep at the kane an that the ihe fot eroses ‘Bont of theft koe a tb. "Thins folowed by «smaller hop on eft foot wile binging the right fore to about 68 Tbebes off the ground and placing fia oat sf he ight ideo he body 7. ce “heap an righ foto he sre height asin (fa) while bringing the lft ne up and cose Ing the lef fot a front af thei ne, 4. "Finally, wile malings smaller hop ox ight foot, bring the Int fot 63 inches off the fot und in front ofthe left eide of he body in (1 for the opps eg Riyehm: I hop perucon ‘Taner 3 minutes "Tis earce works onthe upper part of :he hips sad makes a comstion which cnnot be performed ‘yany chiopeectr. 1 Stand with fort 18 inches apart. Arms straight ‘at 60% sider of fingers touching with palm ‘pes and facing forward. Long dep breathing ‘Time: 2 minster ax: 10 mines, \ a7 n STIMULATION AND ADJUSTMENT ‘OF BODY SYSTEMS AND MENTAL CLARITY sense 1) a, Stand with fet sholdere width apart. Bring zm op in oto boty, strait, 2 60° tothe ground sod thumbs inside Gu. Bop # botkwards cr fala oton of beth rasa). ‘lpyhm: 1 fl oeton ofthe ars per eon ‘Time: mine Without stopping the arm movement, sooth 1y pinto cro pose insroisuons of the arms (19. Suay down for go up in 4 and stay eanding for 4 rotations of the ams. The erme should remain steuphtatall tines Continue te gee ‘Rhpytam:1ful ration ofthe asp eecond Time: Sto minute 2) Rotate the arms backward as in #1, bet with the lett arm coming up as the ght erm coming down Bring eft Knee upto wast level as left arm up oad pAt koe up as ight arm isu. ‘Rhythms 1 full rotation of the ema pr escend. time: Sminsta 2 ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ n on 5) Feet spread 18 inches apart, arms ou to the de, Dasa ground palm down a) Jump ane spread Uretesopar a for as posible as arms come serait ‘ove the ad unt the backs ofthe hands touch 3b) ‘Temp bck to anginal positon (Se. Then Jump and ‘Daag the eels together abd arms down along the ie Ge) Lasly, Jump and retum t beginning pasta (3, Ribyti: 5 sosnds pe omplate cyl ‘Time 13 inate. 4) Place left hand under right armpit with right arm ‘Rauight down by right si Swing left leg sealght ‘beck and up se high ar pable and back down to ‘rial poston ‘Rpts 1 Sena per og movement, ‘nes contin with lef eg for 30 seconds, hen (eich fo night hand onder the arapit and repeat fhe sae lng snvement woth the wight leg for 90 second eda 10 minutes HEALTHY BOWEL SYSTEM septa 1) Stand with feet slghtly wider than sholder’s ‘width apart. Brigg the arms sight out to sides parallel to ground, palms down (la). Bend frward from wai, twist tovard the lef, bringing the Fight and to he left fot andthe left am strait up in back ab, Rhythm: about 10 scons per eye Then switch to ppaste fot and ban ‘Time: minate cache ‘Conuave the eae motion but alternating sider spd pausing fr 5 seca asthe nd tours ae ‘Timer3 minus, (Conse te se alternating motion, but pause for 25 sasnds as the aad touche ft, Time: ?rinstes. Fishel psn 2) ar ® inte co ach Relax: 29 minutes, 2) Lege sil wide apart, arms parallel to fae and ‘alms down Ga), bead othe side from waist. ting [Ete arm come down left ide se night are comer -Braight up beeping the opine verde (2), Comeback fe ial atin eich down he ik ae and en rtur original postion. ‘Rhayth 6 seconds peri 49) Stare in positon of previous exercise Twist the tors and arma the way to the eft, back to original Doaio, then twist om around tothe right and finally tack othe etary epg be arms in straight line mith eae the byt: 2:3 sends per complet cle. ‘Time: minste Relax: 10 minis, ‘These exerciss work on the bowel sytem. Not sally when # soman is tecoming sick ber bowel ‘Bovementesrveas am eal indicator. Is suggested to do these exeries for 90 minutes «day for good bral MOTIONAL AND MENTAL BALANCE ‘AND PREVENTION OE EARLY MENOPAUSE 2) Jn « standing positon with knees and hese to ber fe are fat on ground and sagig oat to ‘Ses for balznce, arms ee raised straight overiead lose to the ears with the Palme fonng forwar, (he thus canbe Joke taper. Keeping the as ‘Sright, bad back from the base ofthe gine 206 ‘The head, pine and arms form ao unbroten carve ‘pith the ams romunig i a line with the ea Hold the pstre and Leep the breath log. deep snd seale Time: 2 minutes This erie is called “Miracle Ben" It donen't ‘ead he human being t beds the nga a he human being. Tt adjiss te navel poit and begs ting an erosional and angry person to elmmaesn, the sine were best o 90" sad the beth was fat ‘ines per minute, it woud alo totally ea person, bt hit sles avery long tne, whereas this enerae tales only # shore whe Thre wil be cong and setomatic tendency toshake in the posture 2) From thi position very slouly bend forward to ‘the maximum extent keeping the arms tiga ead close tothe ears (2) Inhale and wit the best Bed 4 ts long © posible, pump the navel point cea thle and do che same onthe bel exhale Conta this proces Time: mines ‘The above exercises prevent menepaise and “Wor suas Disa’, which i caractenand by inse=ry ‘bt very emoueal babar, 5) ln & sanding positon, spread the legs as wide ‘yar psnble witoatloning oat bltae, Form 590° bend at the elbows, withthe forearms ore fleas parallel tothe for abd exending away fom, the chat read oats). Now eat he hig aa Diaoe pare! to tne ground tt moderate pect it ‘soamplee and lage a crle as possible. The ection aa be either tothe eto. ‘Time: 2 minoee “hie exercise hur and works onan ae that is ‘sever masaped and were you don lice to be Hurt, fhe back ofthe spine, Most instrte the Jews to do this exerne before lng journeys t ris their ‘pint, came heir sve tena aad give them ‘BeviloSehtand net given, 4) Maintia the same leg postion asin exercise #3 {Ba begin backward and allrate ruta of wet (toms, never bungng the arma ‘mare tan 30" in toward the body. Tbe Paytn is obs roaton of the tim per econd. While rotting the arms, bead for frard from te waist half way, straighten ap agua, Tad thee bed backward bal way from the wast ‘hath 15 scond per complete eye ‘Tame Pointe Reine 10miaats ‘is care efor stamina, clear thinking end prevention of enopase, w GLANDULAR BALANCE ‘AND GAININ ENERGY suysnie7 1) Sit op atrnght with the logs stright and spread ga, paral to the ground, love withthe shoulders, ‘alms up a) In this pote, laale and bepin bend [Bg forwacd a the wat imiy chanting one complete ‘ee of the Mal Mast: ‘Rhythm: 90 soconds per eel ‘Woe the mantras fae, the fran shoal be touching the ground andthe backs of the bands shoe be touching the tone Hold this postion always ‘Balntaining«saght pe. Now bea bending back ‘war, repening the manta, unt the tore Ing ‘it oa the ground (The torso reaches the ground ‘atthe completion ofthe manta. The arms eat tht Sides and the body i in a toully rated postion Fol this positon for 5 second. Inhale and showy corme back upto the erect posture wie repeating te ‘mantra, While coming up from the relied pation, the ars ar extended forvard so that when the ore ‘ig again in the ere protare, the arms are parallel to {he rund aad recy ove he es 2 Cone tinue in this manner vse again lowering the foreead tothe ground. Contin with the same rhythm of chanting bat smote more lowly so tat the tori bought fo an rect posture, the Mul Matra has ben Teta only ‘up to Jap instead ofthe complete mantra a before). ‘At Jap tho torso auld be in. an eect pore, Continue the mantra mhle bending tackward. Toe ‘mantra ends jut as the bck rela to he ound, Eelar 5 seconds and tise the taro to te erect Dostare whe repeating the mante up to Jap. Con "Sbue the mantra while Bringing the forehead to the round ‘ubythmooe complete cycle of the Mal Mantra takes minute 30 sesnds foreach al, ‘Timeline Tn this eerie, there is @ tremendous presse ‘pot on the liver abd the navel pint All the glands Secrets and ar balanced. The body boxes eile, ‘beaut and totally energie. In postion a, which if called paralleling th energy, one can expense 2 very ex state. The paral! bead portre Forward postion isan example of the ability of the piel Eady to omirol the fight of the mind. One annot think any wrong thoughts when thi posture is dane perfe-t A worn who completes 108 rounds of thie fantra, as in Number 2 using the dower move ‘ent, wilever grow ldo sick CIRCULATORY AND STRUCTURAL ‘SYSTEMS 1) Stand yp stmight with the fet 18 inches apart ‘Be right foot pointing eight, and the left ‘ot ats 60° angle from the midline The arms are Up et toe elds at 90° angles and the hands rein jan mir (i of index finger is under ip of thu, {Be ewe forming a irl and he remainiog Sager: ‘Sright and het sdestushing) (La) In this positon, ‘eg omering the torso ery slowly Laing the back ‘night The knees wil open wide andthe bees wl ‘ay onthe ground (1), then vise the Body back to Sanding position (La). Change tothe alternate ps ton of tie feet each ne the body islowered ‘Rbyhi: 10 seconde fr downward and 10 scons for sprardmoveneat "Time: 610 times on each de. “This exorcesurtche the antic mere. A wort who dns not eeretch this nerve anno! lve as & ‘an. Tie is where the pla of woman can lie soc ‘Bat eves dace find eis toreeve Ie addin, the hip tone ir sretced and uh bck becomes wer Santas ethers proces 2) la _anding positon withthe fet 18inches part, Sing se knees at shighs topecher so Dey touch, ‘The fet sould ¢ oe tore ward at mish ab ‘pase, Lower the rao byt to det the sacral ‘re down but Keping the bcs craight. (ere wil. ower be some bend inthe back) atthe ards on the upper thighs ard keep the head up, then ave the ‘dy bk testanding poston. ‘Rhythm: 10 seconds for downward and 10 scons for Sprard moveneat. Tine minute 2) Stand up stzight withthe leg spread tre feet * Spar the Rabe lg i front the ef og ook and the fet pining fornard (3) Slory bod frm the » ‘rst and waste orvard, extending he are ight a foward the ft tex. Keep the ls taight and bend 3 down unt te ane ar few inca a front ofthe aa. 3a. ‘ime: Hold minutes nach side ‘his eerie wil never et you grow old thas an © ttt of someting shalow heartbat when &woma ‘reomes pet 4) Stand stright with the hel together and tos \. apart The arms are up atthe sides at 90° anges, ‘nds in gan muir. Sowly brag the tars Gow, towards he pound keping the et fat on the ground td the bel stright. Contin an the body ka {equating positon, butsks afew laches off the (round, Theslowly bring the tors bck upto sand {Bg positon Hhhytm 1015 siconds for domvand and 2025 seconde for oprand movement. ‘Time: Gist Helas 0 minute, a = SELF-ADJUSTMENT OF THE SPINE ‘e677 1) Come int standing poston withthe palms to (ptr at the boar. center (prayer pose). alse the Tet lg and pce the wae of she fot on the inside (fhe ght hgh co the eel touches the grein Gi) ‘Tasca re poste ‘Time? inst. ‘New, ring the palms together over the head. To. aly aah the arms up keeping the elbows straight a. "Tae: 2 minsts, Switch legs and repeat ls) and (1b) {ord iat each ial, the bel ofthe aie fot should be resting ‘on the ple bone. Th bay seul be balancod with ‘he eine frm. There wil be presur a the hae of the sine aod all the veratrae wil automatially ‘adja Woman more than man, have this capaci) to adjrt themselves, Thi eerie bl good for ‘women with menetal problems. 2) Sund suaght with the hes together and toet ntng oot at 60" ange to the mn of the bo. Iter the fingers and place the palms om op of tbe hod. ls this porture, bed the Knees ad lower the terol dh way down Kepiag the hes cn te eros. ‘The beks wil be about 2° ines above the ground. ‘Te ane shod be kept taht allough the lower ‘back il bed forward eich inorder to Blane ‘he body. The eyes lok eight ahead ab much as {seeded inorder to keep the body belted Inbal own nd etal ‘pti 9 sconds down and 5 seconds upper cre. ‘Timer compete oye, "Thr angi the back in his exercise wil alow the lace ef the lower spine o adjust and bance thea ‘ele 4 Stand op stright and spread the lps spact afar ss pone Now sally stretch sideways to the right ringing the Toft arm up and over tbe head But ot etng it bend. The ight ar srtbes down t- ‘wards the night fot. Switch sides and such tothe ite ‘hyths: Hold the stretch position 10 acon each ‘ine, switching sides slewly Without stopping in be Time? 9 minows This exercise Is very bepfl im comeing the ‘ones of the masculostelatal stems ofthe neck 4 / y 4, EMOTIONAL BALANCE Suni Ansar Before prctng this meditation, drink a gs of seater Sit in ers pm, pase the sms ses the cst {dock the hands under the armpit, pains open and ‘gaint the body, ise the shoulders up eh egos the earlobes, aply neck lock, and soe the eyes The brenth wil stomatal come som ‘Tr 8 minus, gradually neensng the time to 11 This meditation i very good for wosien and is sential todo at tines when one St womod or upset Sed dorms know what fo ca or whe one Tels ike ‘Siscming, suing end mustonoving. When ope ie Stetina inthis ny oon of fru, stenton shold ‘pein to the b's note balance and best rte Humane are aprosinataly seventy percent Wate, ad nds behavior depends upon the relation of water and am air and ether Breth,represenung air end ‘hes, the ists of le. Non ai, ope restos fften treats per minute bot when one i able to shyt aa dom she bath cal four Bex Der minute, it pet indirect contre ovr one's om ‘Bing, lade tay from ts obpoiou bebavir, end Gals one, repariss ofthe state of affairs When ‘here ian imbalance of water inthe system, and the Ldneye are under presue can cate Worry and ‘psetDeaking water, pull the shoulder up to the ars and Ugh losing the eatre upper are crests fn tomate sli break cat can be applied tothe Tour wheel of the bran, the four sis of te brain. ‘After two oF thee minutes, thoughts wil be there, at ooe cannot fod them. Tht ie 2 ve efecune ‘iethod to blanc th fuses bain. INNER HARMONY “AntarNasd Sit in easy poe with the forearms crossed right ove lf in font of the des parle othe Brow. ‘Tae sands rip the opposite arn jut aboe the lions. Ins polo, ial, and tegin chanting the follow sng whe exaling Sea na, say sta, a8, Cy (25, fag, taa, Des, na Pas, mee, maa, maa. Inhale gala and eesti, Nove that Dian is aly repented Rlpibi Yo seconds perce, Time: S minutes, per = When chanting thi mantra, ¢ important that ‘he ange vibrates on the proper meridian pints: Sau is ponbunced just at snd, Taa is pronounced hy resing the sp of the tangue on the back of the testy to form the "sound Nan by pressing the {nga a the ge above the upper weet forthe" Su and Ma with helps pressed opener for" "Tus mediatio i tchmeally kaon aban Arta ‘Naa an ie despned to ertablish base tans harmony Fee anias sles to one's samentary or Ianer oo ‘ ‘ ENERGIZING AND HEALING Padaaai Kriya fal then slow ots aos by pacing the is. ‘he joined thins agninet tbe openings, After {aig the brat long posible, move the humbe flghly eway from the owls agua and bold the ‘rath out as longa poasle Iaale and continue. One can mentally fras eny mantra. ‘Tame: Begin with 3 mins and gradual incrnse to miosis "Ts Kriya ie FOR WOMEN ONLY. Is the most ‘bnauiful way to do pranyam (controled brething T slmple aad generates oe of energy there is say aren of fhe body that sods to be ezengthened, ‘Bently conceatate on dat area while practicing Sisprsayam. t Sit in easy pone, bring the arms infront of the chet so tat the foreras are toching from the ‘Shows to the wrists Make Totus of the hands by ‘Rrccing the Gogers oot straight and apart trom (Se another, owping the lt fngors stright, move hem inward une tat ps touch Move he thumbs formed bythe lle finger Now ile slowly and feeply through the noe Sol the lungs are completly 98: MENTAL CONTROL Brat Kalan Sit in easy pose, cross the arms in font of the has, elbows wth ¢ 90° bead, arms pale to the trouad. Place the right palm on top of the lef Upper ara and the top of lft hand Soder the night ‘ppe erm, fingers together and straight. In this banlon, low the ape, balance the posture, and ‘rec the are out from th shoulder auch as onible, The beth wl brome very slow. "Timer begin wth § lasts and gradually increse tellminutas ‘Kalaa ie aouther name for Kundali, one's ere. tivelife energy In this tj its ike ons stretching {nt the nivese, Practice of Brahm Kaisa can gre ‘tezol over encom dest. A) ‘MENTAL AND AURIC CLEANSING ‘AND BALANCE, Kirtan Kriya Sit vith » stright opine in «comfort cross: legged position ey pose with straight arms, ad the sds of the Bands resting upon the knees. Fores the jes a the bow point, in between the eyes and just aboe the root ofthe ke The rot ofthe ante {for this mediation is Sat Nam, which tastes st “one's basic nature o esac a Truth" In thie med tation, however, the manta i ais nuclear form a2 Sea TanNan Mas. With the recitation of eth of these “aylabes” there isan accompanying specific ‘band postion (aude) in wich the Gp of «finger ie ‘presed fray against the up ofthe thamb. Toa, 2 Sen pres the index finger ip (on Tas press the tidal fingertip, on Nes prs the ring ager 8p (0, and ca Mas proce th tip ofthe lle finger (2 ‘Then begin gain with San ar the tp of te Index Soper reae east he ind ‘As he manta rec meatally meditate on these sounds i he“ form; tho ean Catone ently Dictures« ontant inflow of conic energy into the {op cent ofthe head (the sar center or tenth gs. With the recitation of each syllable, one mentally raw the energy fom the ap of the head to the Brow ‘point, nd then projets tou oiafiaiy “his meditation Is recta in the following odes of “language” or expression: § minutes in neraal vor ume of vie, flowed by 5 minats in load whisper, ted then 10 minutes hatly, Le, mentally only ‘Throughet ths tme the finger tps are sarousively ‘presto the thumb tip, sd meditation onthe "L" form of exergy flow is continuous. Next come back to ‘load whisper for’ mine, and finally loud again forSminwten ‘Tocone cxmplaaly otf ths meditation, inhale, ‘cil, nll nd stretch tbe arms ups far as posible ‘nd spread the Gagers. Continue stretching the spine fet on Biv tang see lon dep Het. ua nmr nnn nnn [Note Inthe beginning one can shorn the times a2 to 3 minutes exch and gradually ulld up to 5 ‘minutes Eventually the cyels ean be repented up to total eine of 84 boars "The csc notation for this sound curent is represented as flows SA TA NA MA Tis dation a fete and powell ‘on mental, payelc and aurc levels. When Sat Nam 1 ken from tr atomic form to Sea-Tau-Naa Maa, ide ennogous to the gain in energy that occurs when ‘atom aeplt ‘Sun Tan New Man repress the eye of eration ‘Sea means infinity, Tan means existence or Life, Nes i death, and Mais resurrection or the star of ‘turn life ora new pointin ennsclousness. ‘The three mades of chaning oate to levels of consciousness a follows Laman (azcmal ot load vice) - earthly realm, the mori. Lovers (oad whisper longing oblong Divine ile) -eter, infinity (On the physi! level, the pituitary and pinaal lands are stimulated, On the mental level, negative fhought pettoms can be erased and « new balance established. Simiary on the aur level, blocks i Fadlanoe and projection can be eliminaod. This medi {atin is eepetially effective in removing the imprint “The specific muses are Usted below along with ‘heir mode of nfience % [im | Gansu | srouine $ © | 2 | Semana | vtemrevavefte ¥ j L : 5 | Es ~ 5 9 e SF

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