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Prove that P(A)P(B) if and only if

AB. [duplicate]
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Prove/Disprove that if two sets have the same power set then they are
the same set 3 answers

Here is my proof, I would appreciate it if someone could critique it for me:

To prove this statement true, we must proof that the two conditional
up vote 8 statements ("If P(A)P(B), then AB," and, If AB, then P(A)P(B))
down vote are true.
Contrapositive of the first statement: If AB, then P(A)P(B)
If AB, then there must be some element in A, call it x, that is not in B:
xA, and xB. Since xA, then {x}P(A); moreover, since xB,
then {x}P(B), which proves that, if AB, then P(A)P(B). By
proving the contrapositive true, the original proposition must be true.

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