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Audience measurements panels

Audience measurement measures how many people are in a audience, and usually in
relation to radio listenership and television viewership, but also in relation to newspaper
and magazine readership and, increasingly, web traffic on websites. The term is often used
as pertaining to practices which help broadcasters and advertisers determine who is
listening rather than just how many people are listening. In some parts of the world, the
resulting relative numbers are referred to as audience share, while in other places the
broader term market share is used. This broader meaning is also called audience research.


BARB provides the most robust in-home TV measurement system in the world,
monitoring over 5,000 UK-representative homes (around 11,500 viewers in
total). BARB data forms the basis of TV trading in the UK.
Audiences are reported minute by minute and data is available to subscribers
the morning after transmission. BARB also includes guest viewing, timeshifted viewing (through both DTRs and VCRs) and viewing to both primary
and secondary sets across the various different rooms of the house. This
research can help brands understand what viewers like best and what time
they are most likely to watch TV.

Face to face interviewing

Face to face interviewing is one of the worlds most common research
method. Face to face interviewing can offer advantages over self
completition, methods such as postal and online surveys because
respondents are more likely to give their undivided attention when an
interviewer is present. Face to face interviews often give the person asking
the questions a more accurate response. Also, it does not take as long.

Focus Groups
Focus groups are a method of market research that has been around for
decades. The prominence of account planning in advertising means that
campaigns now rely heavily on consumer insight; and focus groups remain
one of the key means of obtaining this.
The benefits of running a focus group are clear they are a great way for
brands to learn about consumers experiences in granular detail and
understand more about the relationship between the brand and that person.
They can also test out ideas and gain live feedback, drilling down into areas
of interest to see what works and what doesnt.
Watching shows like The Apprentice can be, in a way, a great survey for focus
groups, it is interesting to see how much insight is gained just by watching an
episode or two.

Questioners are another form of asking people there opinions on what they
like and what they dont like. There are many advantages and disadvantage
of using them, they can take a long to be sent back if sent by post, also they
dont always give a truthful opinion. Questionnaires can be useful when
someone is wanting to know a valuable question about someone else, such
as what they watch on TV and so on. Also, Online surveys can be a much
more faster way of gathering information.

Programme Profiles
Having a certain programme on TV can determine the mood of the viewer,
such as a serious drama such as Broadchurch, adverts will often be serious
adverts such as serious car adverts. Different channels promote different
sorts of products towards the viewers such as E4 channel has more of a
teenage younger market, because the adverts are more for a younger age,
also the programmes on there are more for a younger audience, more
teenager. E4 broadcast programmes such as misfits' and made in Chelsea,
which attracts younger viewers which mean they dont want to lose ratings
so use younger and more appealing adverts to grab viewers attention.
ITV2 also like to aim there programmes to a more younger audience, this
channel often advertisers, perfume, cars and alcohol, everything that
teenagers like, advantages of this include obviously grabbing the viewer
attention. Whereas as BBC one does not use adverts, this grabs the viewers
straight away knowing they dont have to view adverts.

Television figures are important and ,they are useful in assignments, BARB is
a company that tracts viewing figures of each household, they are useful to
people and to the channel company's, this helps the channel know what
viewers like and what they dont like. BARB have approximately 5,100 homes
(equating to approximately 11,500 individuals), which mean they get a fair
survey of what people watch. There are many advantages of this system
including, reliable data, accurate facts and statistics, a good variety of people
taking part.

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