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Cold Reading Variations mse ro >> yy aa r Richard Webster Dedication For the members of IBM Ring 160 Thanks for setting me free Grateful thanks to Johann Sebastian Bach for providing me with the title of this book. Thanks also to my clients who made this book possible, and to my family who made the ‘writing of it necessary. And special thanks to you for buying it Upon Cupid Love, like a gypsy, lately came, ‘And did me much importune To see my hand, that by the same He might fortell my fortune. He saw my palm; and then, said he, “J tell thee, by this score here, That thou, within few months, shalt be ‘The youthful Prince d'Amour here.” I smiled, and bade him once more prove, And by some cross-line show it, That I could ne'er be Prince of Love, ‘Though here the princely poet. Robert Herrick, Hesperides INTRODUCTION A few years ago I spent an enjoyable day reading palms at a psychic fair in Phoenix. it was great fun and I met some wonderful people. However, the person who interested me ‘most was not one of my customers, but the reader next to me. He was a man in his early sixties with distinguished-looking, long gray hair and a beard. He wandered in long after everyone else had set up. He began by putting up a hand- written sign that said "Women only”, and then went round and chatted with all the other readers, I was intrigued by the sign and waited impatiently to see what he would do next. He was a segular at this psychic fair and seemed to know everyone. Half an hour after arriving he completed setting up his stand. This was simply a cloth depicting the signs of the zodiac and another hand-written sign saying "Knee readings”. The fair was quiet to begin with, so J introduced myself and we had a talk about psychic fairs and how business was better in the “old days". Gradually, I managed to get him talking about knee readings. “t's so unusual," I said, "Everyone else is reading palms or the Tarot, What got you into knee reading?” He laughed. "I've been doing these fairs for years,” he told me. "I used to read palms and the Tarot, and my wife used to do astrology. Between us, we had pretty well everything covered. When my wife died, I gave it all away for a year, but came back because I missed it. Well, the place I went to already had palm readers and Tarot readers, and I wasn't doing too well, so I thought to myself, let's try something different. “Td been twiddting say thumbs all morning doing no business, so I turned my sign over and wrote knee readings on it - and Ive been doing them ever since.” “Ttmust be a great way to meet women, too," I said. "After all, you say ‘women only’ “That's my marketing gimmick," he explained. “I didn't really want to read men’s knees, but didn't want to lose any sales, either. So I tried that as an experiment, and it's worked like magic. Sometimes, some guy will get annoyed when | won't give him a reading, but that simply attracts attention to my table, The women regard it as something special, just for them. I'm sure there's some sexual element there, too. After all, they have to pull up their dresses to have a reading!" “How did you learn to read knees?" "Are there many knee readers around?" ‘The man laughed, “I'm the only one I know of. It's surprising there aren't more, as it's a lot of fun. T start at the knee and see how high I can go!” ‘As the day went on, it became increasingly obvious that this man was by far the most popular reader at the fair. Most of his customers were regulars who greeted him as an old friend. Afterwards, I thought a great deal about the knee reader. I wondered if the reason he was so popular was because he was offering something that was titillating, but non- threatening. Maybe it gave some of the women a chance to be touched by a man. Certainty, most of his customers iughed outloud during the reading and some playfully slapped his hand when it strayed too far away from the knee. Again, maybe he was popular because he so obviously enjoyed what he did, and this pleasure was transferred to his clients. Of course, maybe his readings were so incredibly accurate that people came back again and again. In fact, I know that is not the case as I heard him give the same reading over and over again all day long. The first half of the reading was about how happy he and his wife had been, and how hard it was being a widower. In fact, I wondered if he was using his readings to try and find another partner. The rest of the reading consisted of generalities about health, wealth and relationships. I think a great deal of his success was his personality. He was a bluff, hearty man who laughed often, His cheerfulness rubbed off on everyone he dealt with. Everyone left him feeling happy. also think he was successful because he was offering something different. There were perheps twenty readers there, and most were offering palmistry, the Tarot, the runes or astrology. Some had set up very elaborate displays to attract atiention to themselves, but as far as the public was concerned, they were still just another palm reader. All of the readers were regulars and I expected to be the busiest person there as 1 was the only new person. I thought everyone would be keen to try me out. In fact, I was kept ‘busy, so many people did, but I probably made about half as much that day as the knee reader. I was reminded of this experience in June when 1 was at the American Booksellers convention. Llewellyn Publications, who have published a number of my books, employed several of their authors to give free readings :o attract visitors to their stand. It worked extremely well and we were kept frantically busy throughout the convention. Naturally, it is not hard to sell a free reading and we had three readers working all the time, in two hour shifts, for the entire four days. This year, though, as well as the usual Tarot card readers, we had a paper reader. He was a sensation. He had the same long line of people waiting their turn as did the other 8 readers, but he also attracted a crowd of people who stood around and watched him work, ‘Why was he attracting this attention, when the Tarot card readers and numerologists were able to give their readings without an audience? ‘The answer, of course, is that he was offering something completely different. When was the last time you saw someone doing paper readings? When I returned home, an agency asked me to spend an evening giving readings at a special function at our local casino. I was happy to agree and we negotiated a price for four hours of quick palm readings. Three days later the agency phoned me back, extremely apologetically, to say they had to cancel the booking as the casino did not want "real" fortune teller working on their premises. Could I recommend a “fake” fortune teller? Funnily enough, I could. I spent a very pleasant evening giving readings for a Paty of local celebrities and everyone was extremely happy, including the casino lowever, I did not do palm readings. Everyone who received a reading was amazed st how an entertainer, not a fortune teller, could give such accurate readings from pieces of paper. ‘The puspose of this book is to give you some ideas for different types of readings that you can do for your clients. In previous books and tapes [ have covered palm readings, jone readings, aura readings, the oghams, the Tarot and the runes. This book will devoted to some of the more unusual - yet commercial - methods of giving readings that you may not have considered before. You will find them fun to do, and they will Also separate you from the crowd of other readers who do nothing but, say, the Tarot. By being versatile you can open up all sorts of new opportunities, have more fun - and make more money! Chapter One COLD READING Ihave written about this subject many times before, and will not repeat the information again here. However, this chapter contains a little bit of basic information for anyone who hasn't read the other books. Cold reading is the art of being able to tell a total stranger all about him or herself. In other words, you start your reading "cold", with no prior knowledge or information about the person. Although itis a very impressive skill, itis surprisingly easy to do. This is because we are all more alike than we are different, ‘We all have similar hopes and dreams. We want to be happy. We want success, money, good health and a fabulous relationship. That's what I've always wanted, How about you? Of course, we all have to make adjustments and compromises as we go through life. If you are successful, rich, healthy and in a fabulous relationship you are unlikely to visit ‘a psychic reader. But when something is wrong, and you ase scrambling around looking for answers, you may well decide to visit someone who "sees all and knows all So, already you know something about the people who come to see you. Something is out of balance in their life. They are not happy. Obviously, any number of things could have gone wrong. They may have been widowed, divorced or dumped by someone. They may have lost all their money through crime, gambling or bad investments, They may have lost their job. They may have been diagnosed as having a potentially fatal illness. On the other hand, they must just be desperately Jonely and be happy to pay your fee simply to have someone tell them that things are going to get better. Fortunately, many people can't wait to tell you what their problem is. That, of course, makes it very easy. However, even if they don't say a word from start to finish, you will be able to convince them that you know exactly what is bothering them, and will usually have some suggestions about what they should do. However, you should never make decisions for them. Give them suggestions by all means, but let them make their own minds up about their future courses of action. When giving a reading we cover all of the main areas of a person's life. By paying attention to them as you speak, you will be able to see which areas are the most important, When this happens, you simply elaborate on it. It is not hard to read the expressions on people's faces. Did you know that there are only six emotions that can be accurately read by someone else? “They are: happiness, sadness, disgust or contempt, anger, fear and interest. Our expressions can change very quickly, and these are called micro-momentary facial expressions. For instance, if someone told you how delighted 10 they were to see you, but did not like you, you would be able to see a micro-momentary expression of disgust cross his or her face. Naturally, we need to observe the other person's face to be aware of these. Fortunately, people see greater eye contact as being liked by the other person. By increasing your eye, and consequently face, contact you are both seeing more, and being liked more as well! Let's suppose that you are giving a reading for a forty year old woman. She is well- ‘groomed and well-dressed. She smiles a lot and seems to have no worries at all. As you through the reading you keep a close eye on her to determine which area of her life she s interested in. It could be: relationships, family members, particularly children, money, health or travel. You may have deduced that her problem is in the area of relationships, This is valuable information, but it needs to be treated carefully. It might be her marriage, but it may also be her relationship with her parents, an old school friend, or her children, ‘You might be well off track if you immediately started talking about problems in her marriage. For instance, she might be widowed, divorced, never married or in a lesbian relationship. Fortunately, as she appears to be happy, you can probably discount death or other tragedy. Consequently, you skirt around the edges. "Relationships," you might say. "An imporsant area in all our lives, but not always an easy one. As we're human, we're likely to have ups and downs at times with all the important relationships in our lives. Sometimes I wonder why any of us choose to have children, but then, of course, that's also where our greatest happiness lies.” As you say that, you're observing to see how shell respond. Suppose she made no response at all. That's fine. You simply continue. “In the past there have been some fabulous moments, but like all of us, you've also had your share of the down times. I read somewhere that life contains ‘more pitfalls than pit ‘tops and more tears than rainbows’. It looks to me as if you are not in a rainbow right now.” This gives her another chance to volunteer information. Again, we'll assume that she doesn't, Tt makes no difference. You simply keep on talking until you make a hit, ‘When you do it will seem as if that is where you were heading all along. It sounds hard, but in fact the people you are reading for will help you, directly or indirectly. Often they can hardly wait to tell you what the problem is. Even if they don't tell you right away, they are likely to open up as soon as you come anywhere near the problem area. Even if they remain silent their body language will always give them away. You need to be observant and aware, I find now, that I do not even need to be consciously aware of all these things. They have become automatic. You will find actly the same thing happening to you after you have done readings for a while. To make your path as smooth as possible you should read books on body language, basic psychology and counselling ‘There are many books nowadays covering the different stages of people's lives. Passages by Gail Sheahy is still the best I've read. A more recent book, The Stages of Life by Clifford Anderson, M.D., is also well worth reading. W You also should read the available literature on cold reading. I've included a list of suggested books in the bibliography. To be a good cold reader you need to be ethical, discreet and enjoy helping others, Remember that you are fallible. You will never achieve 100% success with everything you say as a reader. Get feedback, if you can, from the people you read for. This will help you get better and better. 1 do not think the future is fixed and inevitable. We all have the power to change our lives and better ourselves. If you instill positive thoughts and motivations in the people you read for, you can help them improve their lives. You are doing something really positive and worthwhile by doing this, which is a far cry from many "genuine" psychics who predict death, disasters and accidents. You will find it interesting to visit a few fortune-tellers to see what they do. Ihave had many people tell me that they intend giving cold readings once they get good enough. By visiting a few professional psychics and seeing just how bad most are, you will realise that you are already equipped with the knowledge you need to start. Finally, remember that people are interested primarily in themselves and their problems. If you give them your completely focused attention, and listen sympathetically as they tell you about what is going on in their lives, you will become a successful cold reader, Most people do not listen, Consequently, people are not able to tell their problems to partner, family or friends. You, sympathetic, understanding, attentive, listening you, are able to help these people immensely. It is a major responsibility, but one that can be highly rewarding in many ways. Chapter Two SAND READING L first became aware of this method of giving readings when I read Karrell Fox's book Clever like a Fox. He called it "The Shifting Sands of the Sahara” and used it as a question answering device. I don’t think I would want to carry a tray and a bag of sand around just to answer a question, but it is well worth doing as window dressing for a cold reading. ‘You need a small round tray, a chopstick and a small bag containing sand. I bought a round tray, ten inches in diameter, from an import store. Following Karrell Fox's advice T found a brown suede bag to hold the sand. This bag has aged wonderfully well and Jooks better now than it did twenty years ago when I bought it. Sit on the opposite side of a table to the person wanting a reading, with the tray between = you. Produce the bag of sand and gently pour it into the tray. T use an incredibly white tiver sand. ‘The sand I have has tiny, minute flecks of gold in it and these sparkle slightly in the light, I could say this sand came from anywhere, and be believed, because it is obviously not just sand} found on a beach. "This is sand from the Sahara," you might say. "It is thousands, maybe even millions of years old. What a history it couid tell, if it could only speak! It may not be able to tell us E about the people who walked or rode over it during those millions of years, but it can tell ‘me a great deal about you. (I vary this sometimes by using this introduction: "Have you ever walked along a beach and wondered about the people who've left the footprints that E you see? They all left behind some of their energy in the form of those footprints. I'm 10 read your energy tonight by using not your foot, but your hand. Your palm in this sand that has come all the way from the Sahara Desert is unique to you. As I read it, I'l also obliterate it with this chopstick, just exactly the way footprints are removed from a beach by the vagaties of wind and tide.”) F Smooth out the sand with the chopstick and gaze at the sand thoughtfully for a few ‘moments. "Ase you left handed or right handed?” = Itmakes no difference what reply they give you. You always ask them ro hold their left F hand ont flat and 0 place it firmly on the sand. When they raise their hand again, an imprint oftheir palm will remain on the sand, If you know something about palmistry you can immediately deduce a number of things. ; If the fingers are spread wide apart, the person is outgoing and confident. If the fingers pare held together, the person is more introverted and cautious. Naturally, you can also see the shape of the palm and the length of the fingers in the print. Any basic book on 13, palmistry will provide you with this information, { recommend Revealing Hands, but I'm biased, Some people will not be happy with the imprint they make and want to do it again, Naturally, I am happy to smooth out the sand and have them make another impression, ‘These people are usually anxious types, and - of course - this information will come out in the reading. You will also notice that some people make much deeper impressions than others, Men, generally, make deeper impressions than women - but unemployed men make shallow impressions, “Aggressive people press down firmly, while timid people press down lightly. Again, useful information that can come out in the reading. Actually, I use numerology as my crutch when doing sand readings. Most people have five fingers and these relate to the first five numbers in numerology: 1 represents independence and attainment. 2 represents tact, diplomacy, close relationships and intuition. 3 represents self-expression and creativity. [ also use the keyword 'fun' for this number. 4 represents hard work and responsibility, 5 represents freedorn and variety. 1 also use it for travel. If you talk about all of these things while giving a sand reading, you are likely to cover whatever areas of concern the sitter may have. L use the little finger to represent number one. As I talk about independence and attainment I use the chopstick to slowly obliterate this finger. I don't want the sitter to realise that I am getting all my information from this finger, so I also use the chopstick to ‘make marks on the palm as I talk. By the time I've finished, all the fingers have been read and removed from the print. A brief reading would sound something like this: (1) "Ise that you're a capable person, and were able to stand on your own two feet at quite a young age. You have a strong independent spitit. With your abilities you should aim as high as you can, If you aim low, you'll get there, but you'll also get there if you aim high. Don't underestimate yourself, in other words. If you look back, you'll realise that at times you've been your own worst enemy. ‘That's no longer a factor, but it looks as if you sometimes hold yourself back. That might even be a subconscious, rather than conscious, process. (2) “Close relationships have not always been as easy or as smooth as you would like. ‘You scem to be entering a good stage in your life now as far as this area of your life is concerned. Your ability to empathize and get close to others is a wonderful trait and draws people to you. I think you can assess people very quickly. You are shrewd and perceptive. You may not even realise that your intuition plays a part in this. You could certainly take your intuition much further than you have so far. I am sure that you 14 sometimes listen to the small voice inside, and it looks as if you pay more attention 10 it tow than you have in the past. @)_ "As well as a strong intuition, you are highly logical. You have a quick, perceptive teain and have the ability to sum things up at a glance. You are capable of handling several different projects all at the same time. You have a creative, imaginative approach toll the things you do. You have a wonderful sense of spontaneity. You make the most of your opportunities, and you have a great deal of fun doing so. I think you enjoy ‘having fun times with friends and loved ones, and these times serve as a good balance to the more serious moments. A1 the end of your life, when you look back, the moments you'll remember best will be the fun times you spent with family and loved ones. {4) "You certainly take your work and career seriously. You have the ability to work hard and long, and to achieve your goals. Did you know that 95% of the world's population set no goals for theniselves? So you are definitely in the top 5%! You are spared to work very hard when it is necessary, but fortunately, you don't usually overdo things. Make sure that you do get enough rest and take regular vacations. (5) "You enjoy new experiences. They say the only constant in life is change, and Ru nately you can handle change better than most. You would benefit by travelling to strange and exotic places to see how people live in different parts of the world. Evaluate the opportunities that come your way and seize the ones that can help you achieve your ong term goals. “It looks to me as if you are getting your life into more and more order. You have a E elearer sense of who you are and where you are going than ever before. Aim high, and 0 for it!" ‘That, obviously, is a generic reading that could be given to anyone of reasonable {ntelligence. What I say would always be upbeat and positive in a quick, fun reading, but F itwould be modified by my impression of the person and also by the plmisty wats that Taw in the palm print, Also, as mentioned before, most readings become conversations, and [ll answer questions and go off at a tangent when necessary. This makes the obliterating of the fingers very useful. Sometimes, if I've been giving these readings for E afew hours I forget what I've told the person, With sand reading { can simply look at the fingers that are still showing and instantly know what still needs to be covered in the reading, Naturally, the readings vary enormously in length depending on how chatty the peopte are, and how busy I am. If I have a long line of people waiting for me I can do these readings in just under five minutes from the time the person sits down, {As I say the final few words I smooth out the sand to indicate that the reading is over. If ‘Tam doing it at a function where a number of people are waiting for a reading I will stand Eup and shake the person's hand 0 signify that its over, When stan, the other person stands and this discourages them from asking further questions. 15 Interestingly, Dr. Joe Slate, in his book, Psychic Empowerment, also suggests using numerology along with sand reading. After his subjects have made a palm print in the sand he asks them to write the first single digit number that comes into their mind in the sand alongside the palm print. He then reads the palm print psychically, but uses the ‘numerological meaning of the number they chose as part of the reading. J kave not tied this myself, as Ido brief sand readings only. However, itis something I keep in the back of my mind. Who knows - one day I may be booked to read for a small group and will want to lengthen each reading. This is a very easy way of doing that. Dr, Slate has spent much time evaluating hand prints in the sand. He discovered, for instance, that dentists usually show a greater depth of the little finger than the others, Plumbers, though, make a greater indentation with their thumbs. He also says that when the fingers are held close together, in the print, the person is suffering from stress. This, does not agree with the traditional palmistry interpretation, but may well apply with sand reading, The best way is to experiment and make your own conclusions. Just for Fun ‘The longest word in the English language is the one following the phrase: "And now a word from our sponsor". 000000000 Letters can be just as confusing as words, Following a class on genetics a student asked a friend what DNA stood for. “That's simple,” said his friend.. "It stands for National Association of Dyslexics.” ‘000000000 ‘The young actor was excited at getting a job and rushed home to tell his father. “Guess what, Dad, I play a man who has been married for thirty years.” "Don't worry, son, Let's hope you'll eventually get a speaking part!" 200000000 ‘One actress complained to her friend that she was so tired. "I didn't get to sleep until after three,” she said. "No wonder you're tired,” said her friend. "Two is all I need.” 16 Chapter Three PAPER READING Thad not heard of paper reading until I saw someone doing it several months ago. Since. iscovering it 1 have been having a great deal of fun with it and am finding it highly commercial. Ail you need is a stack of 8 1/2 x 11 paper. I find the type of paper used by photocopiers to be ideal, but anything will do. Ask the person you are going to read for to write his or her name at the top of the sheet. This is necessary for orienting the piece of paper later on, “Would you please crumple up the paper now, just as if you were going to throw it away. That's good. Til now unfold it and see what it has to tell us." ‘Actually, the reading process begins when they write down their name. Do they write or print it? Is it a hasty scrawl or an example of calligraphy? Alll of these things have ings tat you can bring into the reading, Of course if you have read a book or {wo fon handwriting analysis you will almost not need to look at the marks the crumpling fakes on the paper. Watch them crumple up the paper. If they do this quickly and vigorously and make a ‘Small tight ball you can safely assume that they are independent and assertive. Usually, foen make tighier balls of the paper than women. However, business women tend to make tight bails, too, making this a valuable clue. Unfold the paper carefully and smooth it out on the table. If you are psychic you will F pick up impressions while you are doing this. If you are nat, you will have to read on. ‘The tap hal€ of the sheet of paper relates 10 positive influences, Naturally, the bottom half denotes negative influences. ‘The left hand side represents the past and the right hand side the future. ‘This gives us four quadrants: © Top left = positive influences from the past. ‘Fop right = positive influences yet to come (the future). E Bottom left = negative influences fram the past. Bottom right = negative influences yet to appear (the future). ‘The center vertical line indicates the present. The further you go to the left, the more you {rel othe pax. The same applies with the right The Fr sigh side of the sbee ates the more distant future, while just ro the right of center indicates the near future. 7 ‘When you unfold the ball of paper you will find a large number of creases and many of these will form shapes, such as triangles, squares and even hearts, These can all be interpreted, ‘Triangles indicate problems. The direction the triangle is pointing in indicates how the problem will be resolved. If, for instance, the top point of the triangle is in the lower right hand side of the sheet and is pointing towards the top left, the answer will be found from a positive experience in the person's past. In this case you might say: "This triangle down here indicates difficulties that you will have in the furure. However, the solution will be found by looking back into your past, particularly the happier times you've enjoyed. We can all learn from the past, and this triangle indicates a challenging Situation. You will enjoy solving it and will grow as a result.” ‘Squares are also negative and show that the person is hemmed in and restricted. On the left hand side of the sheet they indicate negative experiences that have already happened, On the right hand side, they are yet to come. If they are in the middle of the sheet they are happening right now. Stars indicate a psychic talent. The more points the star has, the greater the psychic ability. Circles indicate good fortune no matter where they appear on the sheet of paper. Usually, this good fortune is associated with career. Consequently, it often indicates a promotion or financial success. Parallel lines indicate personal relationships. When several are found on the sheet, the person is likely to be highly sociable and have plenty of friends. If few are found, the person is likely 10 have one special relationship. The duration and success of it can be determined by the length of these parallel lines and their position on the sheet. Single lines represent assertiveness. People who produce a large number of these are able to stand on their own two feet and achieve whatever itis they desire. Crossed lines indicate confusion and conflict. Usually the person has hopes and dreams that are proving hard to achieve. Consequently, he or she is in a stalemate until the situation becomes clearer. Here is a sample reading. Let's assume this reading is for a young woman in her early twenties. She crumpled the paper tightly and is leaning forward expectantly as you unfold it and place it down on the table. ‘ou are assertive and ambitious,” you might begin (because she crumpled the paper tightly into a small ball). "You should aim high. Ab, this is interesting." You pause and with a finger follow some of the indentations on the paper. "Very good. Before I start, Jet me explain a couple of things. The left hand side indicates the past and the right hand side the future. Anything in the middle is in the present. The lower half indicates negative influences and the top half indicates positive. 18 Quadrant map for paper reading Positive Future Influence Positive Past Influence Negative Negative Past Future Influence Influence Present 19 “Look as shis remarkable straight line heading diagonally across the page. It shows that you are on the right path. It crosses the center just below the halfway mark, so you are still surrounded by negative influences, but much less now than before. I would say this would be people saying you shouldn't do that, be happy with what you've got, doa’t take risks - all that sort of thing. As you can sce, as we go into the future the line moves into the positive, so you are making good, steady progress. I'm willing to bet that it's not as fast as you would like it to be, as you tend to want everything today. The hard work pays off in many ways, not least financially, You enjoy making money, and it looks as if you have a great time spending some of it, too. "You also have three small circles in your future. These are extremely positive and usually relate to career. I think you'll be actively involved in bringing up a family, but you'll be carrying on with your career as well. “Right in the center you have these two small lines crossing each other. This indicates confusion. Don't worry about it. The long straight line shows that you are on track. Periodically, you'll pause and reassess things. This is good as it gives you a chance to stand back and sort of look at things from the outside. Sometimes we get so involved in what we are doing that we lose sight of the big picture. So there wilt be times of confusion and uncertainty, but not very many, and they are not too serious. “You have parallel lines here in the past. As they're in the top half it indicates a particularly happy relationship. Although it's in the past, I sense it's the sort of relationship that never really dies. Next time you see this person you'll be able to start again exactly where you left off. You have plenty of short parallel lines all over the place. ‘This means that you are outgoing, sociable and enjoy having a good time. Ia the future, and not very far in the future, by the way, you have another major set of parallel lines. As they are largely in the positive quadrant, they denote a particularly happy, long-term relationship. Even nowadays, this is usually a marriage. “The four triangles indicate problems that need to be resolved. We all have ups and downs in our lives and you're no exception, Two of those are in the past. If you think back, you'll probably be able to tell what they were. ‘There are two more ahead. As you can see, the second of these is tiny. This triangle is minute compared to the others, so you'll breeze through it. The other is about the size of the previous two. You got through them all right, and you'll certainly do so again, Besides, you are a person who enjoys challenges, so I'm sure you see problems as opportunities in disguise. “You have thousands of little lines and indentations on the sheet. This means that you're going to lead an extremely busy life. It looks to me as if you lead life to the full in every area. With that good, strong, supportive relationship and the strong career line, you are going to be very fulfilled and very happy." ‘As you can see, creased paper reading is very easy to do. It is novel, intrinsically fascinating, and attracts a crowd of people wanting to see what you're doing. If you ‘want to increase your popularity and your bookings, give this a try! 20 Chapter Four DOODLE READING At least in my part of the world, ‘doodle’ is a slang term for part of a man’s anatomy. E This makes it rather difficult to set oneself up as a ‘doodle reader’, though I'm sure if I ‘id, ¥ meet all sorts of interesting people! ‘The word "doodle" in the sense intended here did not appear in any dictionary before the H 1930s. Prior to that date, the word doodle meant fo cheat someone, or to play the bagpipes. Nowadays, doodles are described as "aimless scrawls made while the attention is otherwise engaged’ This creates an immediate difficulty because, when we ask people to draw a doodle, their minds will be engaged on producing it. Consequently, they will produce a drawing, not a doodle. True doodles are produced without conscious thought when someone is waiting, listening or simply pondering. As a result they come from the subconscious mind and can be extremely revealing. Many people subconsciously sealise this and obliterate their doodles after having produced them. Naturally, this tells you a great deal about them! People's doodles are unique to them. There have even been successful prosecutions of frople who were identified by the doodles they drew a the scene of their crimes. In one se, a man denied having been at a certain telephone booth, but while being questioned 4n a police station absent-mindedly produced an identical doodle to one found in the ‘phone booth! {As doodles are created by movements of the hand and a pen, the subject is closely related to handwriting analysis. Graphology is regarded as being “almost scientific” and handwriting and doodle analyses are good methods of doing readings in places who wuld not dream of employing a psychic. I do a bit of work for an agency owned by a orn-again Christan. She would never employ a fortune teller, but is appy to book soe doodle reading and graphology. I am booked to do "character portraits". .} first became interested in doodle reading a few years ago when Andrea McNichol put 2 video on the subject. Unfortunately, this was not “true” doodle reading as she Ftaked people to make doodles around twelve pre-printed designs, This was a test that figinated in Europe and is great fun to do, but is not suitable for quick readings. However, it got me started. (Incidentally, the "new and expanded" edition of Andrea Nichal’s excellent book Handwriting Analysis: Putting it to Work for You temporary Books, Chicago) contains a chapter on doodle reading. This chapter is in earlier editions of the book.) ww do we read doodles? There are two major types of doodles. Some people like to with a blank piece of paper and simply draw sornething. Others prefer to start by 2 adding on to something that is already on the page, such as a capital letter. Consequently, I provide a sheet of paper with both of these options on it. The instructions tell the person to draw 2 doodie in one of the boxes, Most people do this. However, some people draw doodles in all four boxes, and this tells me they have a desire to be noticed. Others draw in one box but expand their doodle beyond the boundaries of the box. This tells me that they are expansive people who distike being hemmed in and restricted. Can ‘you see how easy this method is? Most people draw their doodle within the confines of the box. If they choose one of the boxes with a capital letter in it, and begin by shading in the letter, I know that they are conscientious, methodical people who can be relied upon to carry out orders and finish what they start. These people are conventional, unimaginative and unambitious. However, if the doodle begins by shading in a letter, but then expands to create squares and circles, we are in the presence of someone who has a good sense of order. Everything has to have its own proper place. My next-door-neighbour does doodies like this and his workshop is unbelievably tidy and well-organised. Every tool has it's own special home and is always replaced there after use, even if it's going to be used again in afew minutes, If the doodle continues and becomes more and more elaborate we are in the presence of someone with a creative imagination. People who construct extremely elaborate and intricate doodles have high ideals but find them hard to realize. (1can not use this information when doing quick doodle readings, but people who always choose the same capital letter to doodle on tend to be preoccupied with the name of someone. Naturally, if they choose the initial ietter of their own name, they are preoccupied with themselves. People who draw and redraw their own initials or name are self-centered and egotistic.) Now we come to the people who choose an empty box to doodle in. These people are self-starters and enjoy challenges. If they draw a design that shows perspective (common ones are railway lines or telegraph poles getting smaller and smaller as they ceach the horizon) the person is imaginative and far-sighted. They plan ahead and set goals for themseives, If their designs are based on squares they are orderly, orthodox and hold themselves back. However, a design made up of interlinked blocks or squares reveals someone who is inventive and ingenious. If this design ends up as a completed pattern with no loose ends, the person is a good planner. Circies represent tolerance. These people like to view things from every possible angle and consequently find it hard to make decisions. It is often easier for them to go along with everyone elise, rather than make a stand of their own. Sometimes people create & doodle and then surround it with a circle. These people are logical thinkers who do not like being forced into making a decision. However, once they have considered all points of view, they will then make their minds up. 22 The Famous Doodle Analysis Test All you need do is create a doodle on this sheet of paper. Once you have done it, pass it to Richard Webster, your certified doodle analyst, Don't let anyone else see what you have created, as it tells a great deal about you. Doodle WORK PIE IL IL Richard Webster, 22 Marriott Road, Pakuranga, Auckland Phone (09) 576-5438 23 Patterns that finish with a firm dot in the middle show that the person has made up his or her mind. Sometimes people start with a circle and finish up with a target, complete with an arrow in the middle. These doodles are done by people who dislike committees and endless discussions. They want to go straight to the heart of the matter. Some people draw specific objects, and these are often done with considerable skill as the ‘drawing has been done couniless times before. Often these people do not know when they first started drawing the object. When I doodle, I'm inclined to draw a small, two- door, vintage car. I draw this purely because my mother used to, and it began by imitating her when I was a child. Consequently, the vintage car itself has no specific meaning, but I draw it because I know I can do it, and I'm not sure if I could successfully draw anything else. Because of these factors, when people draw objects, it pays to ignore the object and look at the style. People who are able to draw objects with two or three strokes of the pen have a strong aesthetic sense and like searching for the hidden truths behind things. People who do the opposite, and draw an object in enormous detail are concerned with outward appearances, but they also possess good powers of observation. People who constantly redraw the same outline, such as a human figure, are in search of an impossible ideal. It would be impossible to write this chapter without mentioning hearts. In fact, hearts do not appear all that often and are common oniy with teenagers. It indicates a sentimental, idealistic, dreamy view of love. Stars and the sun indicate optimism, enthusiasm and positivity. The moon indicates the opposite, We also need to look at the amount of pressure used to create the doodle. People who use heavy pressure are forceful and want to get their own way. People who use light pressure are insecure, lacking in confidence, and concerned about what other people might think about them. Sharp straight lines in a doodle indicate tension. When lines cross there is the possibility of inner conflict. Curved lines are drawn by people who are more sensitive and considerate than people who draw mainly straight lines. A few people simply draw scribbles. These people are confused or frustrated. People who draw unpleasant objects, such as demons or weapons, are unhappy and feeling anti- social. However, it does not indicate that they will act on these feelings. People who carefully shade in their doodles are showing their sensuality. However, if the entire doodle is shaded, they are feeling pessimistic. If half the doodle is shaded, creating an equal amount of light and shade, the person is inclined to be up one minute and down the next. If you are looking for someone who is sensual and passionate, but also on an even keel, try and find someone who shades in no more than a quarter of their doodles! 24 Chapter Five TREE READING ‘Tree reading is very closely related 10 doodle reading, but the person is not given a free ‘choice of subject. Your clients are specifically asked to draw a tree on a blank sheet of paper. Some twenty years ago I was reading palms at our annual Eastet Show. 1 was sharing a ‘ented space with one of the psychic bookstores, a decision I came to regret as I was busy most of the time and they sold just a handful of books throughout the entire show. It was the wrong place for ther to exhibit. Anyway, that's another story. During the week the afternoon's were always quiet and the stallholders wandered around and talked to each other. I was talking to a young guy who was manning the psychic bookstore booth when a middle-aged lady approached us. She was selling cheap clothing {in the next pavilion. "Iread trees," she told us. Aimmediately thought she looked at actual trees and determined their health and future. ‘gamped to this conclusion as I'd just finished reading a book about an English psychic ‘who had piven up reading for people as he made more money giving readings for their pets! "No," she explained. "I have people draw a picture of a tree and then I interpret it. Tell you what - none of us are doing anything. How about you give me-a palm reading and in exchange I'll give you both a tree reading. Eve always been a great believer in the barter system, so was happy to draw a tree. I pve the lady a palm reading and she went away for perhaps half an hour. She returned gave each of us a sheet of paper containing a couple of paragraphs of character lysis. I was amazed at how accurate she was with toth of us. following year I met the lady again at the same show and commented on her uracy. , ve given that up,” she said. “1 found the Lord and He told me not to do it any * T thought this a shame as if all her readings were as good as the ones I saw, she have helped a lot of people. Tcouldn't ask her any questions about how she did it, Not long after that I read a of Ai Mann's which contained a section on tree reading. Unfortunately, this book vanished into a black hole in my library, so I can not fell you which one itis in, 28 Since then I have bumped into a few tree readers, but this is an art that seems to be extremely rare. Ihave never seen a tree reader at a psychic fair, for instance. Trees have fascinated people since prehistoric times. The druids considered trees to be very special because their roots were in the ground (the underworld), the trunks were in this world, and their branches reached for the heavens. You will be amazed at how differently people draw trees. It seems that no two people ever draw the same type of tree. Consequently, it is as good a method as any other for giving readings. ‘Trees represent our egos and aspirations. Consequently, we want the drawing to depict a healthy-looking, well-balanced tree with the trunk in correct proportion to the branches, People who draw trees like this are, not surprisingly, healthy-looking and well-balanced, ‘The stranger the tree is to look at, the stranger the person who drew it will be. Some people draw fir trees and these represent phallic symbols, so you can guess what is con these people's minds! Others draw fruit wees, complete with fait. This denotes lve and family. If the tree is bare and leafless, the person is feeling depressed about something. ‘The extent of this is indicated by how drooping the branches are. Some people draw the ground around the tree, but others don't, You are considered “well-grounded” if you include some of the ground, particularly if you include a few leaves of grass or a small flowering plant. If the tree appears to be suspended in space the person is feeling "rootless" and unsettled. If the tree contains a great deal of shading, particularly in the vegetation, the person is introverted and shy. Outgoing, confident people usually draw bold-looking trees, with a lot of foliage, but little or no shading. As with doodles, you have to look to see if the lines are sharp and angular and drawn with a great deal of pressure. People who draw like this are forceful and want to impose their will on others. People who draw trees with rounded curves and little pressure are more gentle and can express their innermost feelings easily. Reading trees is more intuitive than any of the other methods described here. All you need do is look at the tree, relax and say or write down the very first things that come to your mind, You will be amazed at how accurate you become. You may even think that You are a real psychic - and, if you think you are, you are. Chapter Six DICE THROWING : i es ‘The fascinating ant of dice seading has almost disappeared, which is sad, as it is ‘enormous fun to do. ‘The title of this chapter might give you a clue as to why it is so enjoyable. Maybe you'll fall in love with the art and bring it back into prominence. It is a highly commercial, and intrinsically entestaining, way of giving cold readings. Dice and dominoes were almost certainly invented for divination purposes. Dice used to ‘be made from the anklebones of sheep, and examples of these have been found in Egyptian tombs that are more than four thousand years old. The Greeks were recorded as ‘ging them some three thousand years ago. The same dice, dating back to 600 BC, have also been found in China, Sophocles claimed that the Greeks invented dice as a way of passing the time during the lengthy siege of Troy. Unfortunately, he did not tell us if ‘they were used to predict the outcome of the war or for gambling purposes. Hf you can find a client and three dice you have everything you need to make money out ‘of this fascinating art. Of course, it never hurts to add a little bit of window-dressing. Get some good quality velvet of a nice rich color. You want it to be about eighteen inches | square as you need to mark a twelve inch circle on it. Mine is red velvet and the circle is gutlined with gold braid. My wife moaned the whole time she was sewing the braid on, ‘but the final result looks classy and professional. “You can throw the dice from cupped hands, but it looks much better if you throw them {from 2 cup. Ihave a leather dice cup that I bought years ago from a gambler's supply sore in Chicago. It has aged nicely and, when the setup is not being used, I use it to the velvet and the dice. tuse three dice that are three-quarters of an inch square. 1 bought them second-hand 4 garage sale and they look about a thousand years old. If you buy new dice, it ight be a good idea to age them, again just for window-dressing purposes, for the act of throwing. You can either do this yourself, on behalf of the people you reading for, or alternatively show them how to do it, and let them throw the dice. I this procedure depending on how busy I am. fou hold the dice cup between both hands and shake it vigorously. Once you have done . you leap into the air, yell out, "dice threeeeeeeee!” at the top of your voice and toss dice into the circle. Can you see how useful dice throwing can be 10 attract attention what you are doing? Of course, if you demonstrate and then ask your client 10 do it, Il have a good picture of his or her personality by the time this pan of the procedure jcomplete. After this profound and mystical experience, the rest of the reading is rather All you do now is add up the numbers at the top of each die and deliver your reading. ‘There are only sixteen possible combinations, which makes dice throwing more than four times easier to perform than tarot card reading. It is also intrinsically much more enteraining. (Another advantage of dice throwing is that the outcome should happen within nine days. This means that the person will have to return to you for another reading every nine days.) It is important that all three dice end up inside the circle. [Fone ends up outside the circle, it is an indication that the person is going to find delays and difficulties on the path to success. When this occurs the dice are tossed again and even a third time if a dice falls outside the circle. If this happens three times in a row, the person is not able to have a seading that day - which is rather unfortunate as he’s now gone through the embarrassing throwing procedure three times and received nothing back in return, If two dice end up outside the circle it is an indication of a disagreement, Three dice outside means the person is a hopeless dice thrower. However, it is also a sign of unexpected good luck. If two of the dice have the same number on top, the person is in for an extremely fortunate period in his or her life. This fortunate period is made even better if all three have the same number. And of course, if one die ends up on top of another it means a wonderful opportunity is about to open. "(Probably a job as a close-up magician in a family restaurant.) Here are the traditional meanings: THREE Obviously, this is the least number of spots that can appear. Consequently, itis a good omen and means that your social life is about to improve. Everything will go your way for the next three days. You are also likely ¢o have a pleasant surprise. FOUR You need to move ahead cautiously. Expect detays and frustrations. At the end of this cycle, something you have been waiting for will happen. FIVE Do something new or different just for the sake of it. This could open the doors to new friendships and interesting experiences. SIX Expect a minor setback. Be careful with money matters as there is the potential for loss. SEVEN Be discreet. Avoid passing on gossip as it will rebound on you. The gypsies say that this number means you'l| be involved in a scandal. EIGHT Keep to the straight and narrow and avoid anything underhanded or unethical. ‘You are likely to be blamed for something you have not done. 28 NINE ‘his is a lucky number in dice throwing. It means you will receive an invitation 10 a party or celebration. This could be a wedding. It also means special, fun times with friends, TEN Traditionally, this means the birth of a baby. You know what to do if you want to avoid this. St can also mean a christening. ELEVEN This means a temporary parting of two friends. However, it can also mean an inheritance. (In this instance, the parting is likely to be permanent.) TWELVE You will receive a long-awaited message, probably by mail, THIRTEEN “Triskadeckophobia" means fear of the number thirteen. Unfortunately, this throw is unlucky. Something is causing you to worry. FOURTEEN A new friendship will blossom. This is likely to be of a romantic nature. FIFTEEN Someone is trying to involve you in something that will cause a lot of problems. Refuse to have anything to do with it, SIXTEEN Travel is in your future. It will be a happy, pleasant rip. SEVENTEEN You are about to enter a busy, productive and happy phase of your life, You can move ahead strongly now. EIGHTEEN This is the luckiest number you can throw. It is a sign of great success and happiness. Obviously, these readings are far too short to use for even the briefest readings. ‘However, they can be useful to give you something to start with. Once you have used it ‘you need to carry on with a cold reading. Of course, this is ridiculously easy to do if you know something about numerology. You ‘tan patter on about the meanings of the numbers on top of each dice. You can talk about the compatibility of these numbers to each other. If you still need something to talk hou, you can always tum all the die over and interpret the meanings on the bottom cs. You will remember the numerological meanings for the first five numbers in numerology ‘Chapter Two. Here they are again, with the addition of number six: represents independence and attainment. represents tact, diplomacy, close relationships and intuition. represents self-expression and creativity. Itis the "fun" number. represents hard work and responsibility. represents freedom, variety and travel. represents home and family responsibilities. It can also indicate love, masriage and ily life, 29 Here is a sample quick reading using three dice. "Very good! You placed all three dice inside the circle. This means you'll achieve your goals without too many problems. Now let's see what we have here. A one, a four and a six. That totals eleven, a Master Number in numerology, You should be congratulated = that's very auspicious. It means a temporary parting of two friends. There could be any number of reasons for this, but seeing the four there, it is probably because you are going to be extremely busy. It could also mean an inheritance, but don't count on it. The four is the number of hard work, so it is unlikely that you'll receive any easy money in the next few weeks. “Eleven is a Master Number, so you will have a number of inspirational ideas come to you in the next week or so. Evaluate them carefully to make sure that they are practical, Some of them are likely to be great ideas, but others could be just wishful chinking. ‘There'll be a bit of day-dreaming, 100, but that’s good. I think it was Einstein who said that inmagination was more important than knowledge. Use your imagination, evaluate your thoughts first, make plans, and then move forward. "The one is interesting as it is a number of independence and attainment. You will have to stand on your own two feet and achieve something. This could take you out of your comfort zone, but we all need to be stretched every now and again, and you'll benefit from the experience. “T've already mentioned the four. It means hard work, but this effort always pays off further down the track. Work hard within the limits you find. Don't waste your time batting your head ageinst a brick wall, Work constructively and steadily, and enjoy the final rewards. “Six is wonderful to have as the final number. It means you are going to be surrounded by the special people in your life. Arrange some fun outings or visits. You may be called upon to help someone close to you, but this will be a pleasure, rather than a burden.” Can you see how easy it is? All I've done here is elaborate on the keywords for the numbers, I chose six to be the final number as it allowed me to finish with a “warm fuzzie” about loved ones. In practice, I could have made any of the numbers the final one. Naturally, with a real live person in front of me, I could include much more. For instance, if the person was a twenty- year-old woman, I would interpret the number six as close relationships and the possibility of a permanent relationship. For someone older six could mean a relationship, or children, nieces and nephews, grandchildren - whatever. I also would have noticed what the person was wearing, if they were outgoing or introverted, what condition their hands were in, how nervous they seemed to be about having a reading, who was with them, and so on.” All these things enable me to embellish the reading almost indefinitely. 30 Even with quick, fun readings, people will ask questions, and these can easily be. answered by consulting the dice. "Tm concerned about my daughter. Will she be all right?" Obviously, with a question like that Thave no idea if the daughter is having an affair with someone the person does not approve of, has started a new career, is planning a trip overseas, is pregnant, handicapped in some way, or even on a life-support machine, "Your daughter. It's interesting that you asked that, because number six relates to home and family, particularly home and family responsibilities. Now there is some concern there at present, but the outcome is positive, even though, because of the four, it takes longer than you would like. If I turn all the dice over we get a six, three, and a one. The ‘one and six do not change, and this is a good sign, but we also gain a three. Three is a positive number that indicates future happiness. ‘It also indicates some form of self- expression, which is usually talking. The dice speak to me in symbols, of course, and I can only say what I see. Tell me, does this answer your question?” ‘What happens if 1 am doing readings fot a group and the next person also throws a one, four and six? If everyone listens to everyone else's reading I need to make sure that the ‘ext reading is not the same as the previous one. With quick readings there is never a problem as I am simply using the keywords for the numbers and can use some of the deeper meanings from numerology if I wish. Alternatively, I could always change the system. For instance, } could give 4 reading asing interpretations from the Tarot deck. If I used the Major Arcana, and the person threw 8 1, 4 and 6, the reading would be based on The Magician (1), The Emperor (4) and The Lovers (6). The total comes to 11, which is Justice. The reading would then sound something like this: *Well thrown! You succeeded in getting all the dice into the circle, which is very positive. [t means the outcome of whatever itis you are striving for at the moment will be fee ive. If we add up the numbers on top of each die we get 11. That is excellent, ause it shows that you should aim high, rather than low, You have the potential for great success. You have many ideas and should evalua:e them all carefully as the quality varies, Some are absolutely brilliant, while others are vest forgotten. (Now we move on toJustice.) You are going to be very pleased with your accomplishments and they will be well deserved. Basically, you reap what you sow, so if you work hard and ensure that | everyone has a fair deal, you will be astonished at your success. I can see papers that seed to be signed, contracis and the like, Read the small print before signing. *You are starting to take much more control of your life (the Magician). You have a idea of where you are going now than you have had at times in the past. You have yy more skills thant you may have realised, and you are using them more and more. can see more responsibility and authority in the future (The Emperor). You are ined, patient and have a great deal of inner strength, Once you have made up your 31 mind to achieve something, nothing will stop you. Fortunately, you do know when to pause and relax, but you never lose sight of your ultimate goal. "I see a strong love relationship (The Lovers). ‘There 1s a great deal of communication between the two of you, and I can see the relationship continuing to build and grow throughout this incarnation - and possibly well into the next. It is almost a karmic bond between the two of you, It looks as if you have an important decision or choice to make, If you use your good intellect, sense of justice and fair play, and your intuition, you will make the right decision.” Again, all I have done is use the keywords of the three cards and expanded on them to create the reading. It has never happened to me, but if the same three numbers appeared yet again, I could change the system once more, of keep to the Tarot by switching to the Minor Arcana. For instance, I might choose to give the reading for the Ace of Pentacles for the one, the Four of Cups for the four and the Six of Wands for the six. Itis easy to do provided you have a system. It doesn't matter what the system is as long as you can remember it easily. I personally like numerology as numbers can easily relate toa huge variety of digferent things. However, the Tarot, runes, astrology and palmistry work just as well. Incidestally, if you are familiar with the twelve houses of astrology, you can divide the casting circle into twelve sections. When the dice ase cast, you can interpret them using both numerology and astrology. 32 Chapter Seven DOMINO READING Pethaps dice reading is too noisy for you. If so, you should look at the gentle art of domino reading. Domino reading has one huge advantage over other divination systems, If you see something really bad in your client's future, you can simply suggest that you play a game, rather than continue with the reading. The earliest dominoes came from China and were probably used for religious or divination purposes. They were also invented independently by Koreans, indians and Eskimos. ‘They were introduced into Europe in the eighteenth century and were originally made of ebony with ivory faces. It is thought that they were called "dominoes" after the domino masks that were popular in Europe at that time. A domino mask is a loose cloak with a half-mask that was used to conceal the person's identity, usually at masquerades, All you need is a set of the twenty-eight dominoes. (Its interesting to note that different cultures have different numbers of dominoes in their sets. The Chinese, for instance use thirty-two, while the Eskimos use 148!) Place your dominoes face-down on a table and mix them thoroughly. The person you are reading for selects one of the dominoes. This is interpreted and then placed back with the others. The dominoes are mixed again, and another one chosen. This is also interpreted and retumed. After the dominoes have been mixed again, a third domino is selected and interpreted. Naturally, if you have a line of people waiting their turn, you read just one or two dominoes, rather than the entire three. There is a possibility that a particular domino will be selected twice. When this occurs it is a strong indication that the person's wishes will come true. And if the same domino is selected three times - wel, their funure i assured. may have oocured fo you already that if a certain domino is marked on the back, the PATEO force is quite an effective way of ensuring the person has good luck in the future. Naturally, numerology can be very useful in interpreting dominoes. 1 jot down the dominoes they select on a sheet of paper. Then I can add, subtract, or do anything else T wish to the numbers if I want to lengthen the reading. In practice, I find that simply interpreting the numbers on the three dominoes gives me more than enough information for a five minute seading. Naturally, it is good luck if two or more numbers happen to be the same. As with the dice, Ican aiso comment on the relationships of the numbers to each other. ‘Thave never been queried on my interpretations. Unlike Tarot cards, very few people know the traditional meanings. Here they are, if you choose to use them: DOUBLE SIX Financial success and a happy marriage. 33 at aL aa gg gee SPCFIVE There have been some ups and downs in the recent past, but keep on going. ‘You will get there if you persevere. SIX-FOUR You will be happy in the future, but it is unlikely that you'll attain wealth. SIX-THREE You are about to receive a present from someone. This domino is always considered Jucky. It is a particularly good omen if you are about to get married or are deeply in love. SIX-TWO If you are honest, this domino portends suecess in business. If you are dishonest, everything will go wrong. SIX-ONE An indication of two marriages - the second being much happier than the first, Ifyou are already married, this is an indication of great contentment and happiness in the laier years, SIX-BLANK Be careful to avoid gossip. You could become implicated in something unpleasant, 1 is also an indication of financial difficulties. DOUBLE FIVE A particularly successful move, usually to « new home, Double-five is always a sign of success in whatever che person is undertaking. FIVE-FOUR An indication that people who owe you money will not repay it, Itis also an indication of marriage for love. FIVE-THREE You will receive some unexpected news from a visitor. It is also a sign that your finances will slowly, but steadily, improve. FIVE-TWO You need to do some more thinking before proceeding with your plans. “This is not a good time for marriage. FIVE-ONE Your social life is about to improve. Expect plenty of invitations in the future, FIVE-BLANK If this is chosen by a man: you need to raise your standards and improve your behavior. If chosen by a woman: be wary of the opposite sex for the next few days. DOUBLE FOUR You will achieve success if you are prepared to work hard. A good omen for people who work with their hands. There is a wedding in your future, FOUR-THREE You will marry and have at least one child. You wilt never be rich, but neither will you lack for anything. FOUR-TWO This indicates 2 period of change. This could be anything ranging from a change of location 10 a change of heart. Be alert for thieves, Something important may be stolen. 34 FOUR-ONE Be careful with financial matters. You could end up owing money. A period of greater closeness for lovers, FOUR-BLANK You will receive a message that makes you angry. Disappointments in ove are likely. DOUBLE THREE This domino shows that you will ultimately have more money than you've ever imagined. ‘THREE-TWO You will find something thar you previously mislaid, A good time for making investments and for travel. THREE-ONE Beware of flattery, and do not do anything that could harm your good name. There is a potential for being misunderstood at this time. THREE-BLANK You will have a disagreement with someone you've just met. (maybe a domino reader.) DOUBLE TWO _You will be noticed at work for your diligence, but keep a close eye on your finances. If you watch the cents closely, your fortunes will steadily improve. TWO-ONE You will shortly be visited by an old friend. TWO-BLANK This domino portends a particularly happy trip. Bon voyage! DOUBLE ONE You will be extremely happy. Lady Luck is smiling on you and offering new and interesting opportunities. ONE-BLANK You are about to hear some exciting news that will make you very happy. DOUBLE BLANK Proceed with caution as there are problems ahead. This domino indicates a major disappointment. It is usually considered the most negative of all dominoes. Do not take these interpretations as gospel. In révising this book I checked the Interpretations in several different books and found a large number of similarities, but also some significant variations. For instance, one book says that One-Blank means: "Beware! Your enemy is after you." Consequently, } would not recommend memorizing traditional meanings. Use numerology or some other system that works for you. bave come across only one other domino reader, and he used them as a climax to his reading. After the dice had been thrown and interpreted he would then produce his noes and have one selected. He would relate the chosen domino to the dice. It was, sting to see him work, but I don't think I could be bothered carrying around three and a set of dominoes, when I could achieve the same result with just the dice, find you, I don't do illusions either as I can't stand the thought of lugging all that heavy st around.) However, the dominoes could come in handy after a dice reading to firm something that was seen in the dice, of to answer a specific question. That way, 35 the dominoes would be regarded as a special "bonus", that you do not do for most people. Just a thought. One book I read suggested that the person select all three dominoes at the same time, This would eliminate two of the mixing stages and might be worth doing when you are busy. I personally like giving the client the possibility of choosing the same domino twice, Just for Fun A group of girls had been entertaining the troops at a remote army camp. After the performance the major asked, "Would you prefer to mess with the officers or the troops?" “It makes no difference," replied one shapely blonde. "But we've got to have something to eat first.” 000000000 intriloquist went into a bar and asked for a gottle of gear. Then he drank it without moving his lips. 000000000 He'll never forget his first Royal Command performance. The Queen told him to shut up. 000000000 "You can't resign," said the manager of the circus to the human cannonball, "Where would] find another man of your calibre?" 000000000 "Did the show have a happy ending?” "Yes, everyone was delighted when it was over." 36 Chapter Eight TEA LEAF READING Tasseography, or tea leaf reading, used to be extremely popular. You seldom see it nowadays, which is a shame. I guess the popularity of tea bags hastened its decline. I used to do a lot of tea leaf reading at ane time and even wrote a booklet on the subject 10 pitch after the reading. This small book (How to read Tea Leaves)was also sold through bookstores and back in 1982, when the book came out, {did a promotion in the country's largest bookstore to help publicise it. We ended up with hundreds of people refusing to leave the store at closing time because they had not yet had their reading! ‘The disadvantage is that your clients have to drink a cup of tea first, which makes this an inappropriate method of reading in many places. However, ina tea house type of situation, it would be perfect. I chat with my clients while they drink their cup of tea. When about one teaspoon remains I ask them to make a wish, They then swicl their cup anticlockwise a certain umber of times and, without interrupting the swirling action, turn the cup upside down on the saucer. People wha are left-handed should swirl their cups in a clockwise direction, In my system, the sitters have to switl the cup the number of times indicated by the sumerological Life Path number. ‘The Life Path number is determined by adding up all the numbers in a person's full date of birth, and then reducing them to create a single digit. For instance, someone born on November 15th, 1945 would have a Life Path number of 9 as 1+1 (month) + 1 + 5 (day) + 1+9 +4 + $ (year) = 27, and 247 =9. (There is much more information on this in Cold Reading the Future with Numerology.) Jn numerology there are two Master Numbers, 11 and 22, which do not normally get seduced. With tea leaf reading they get reduced to 2 and 4, as there seems little point in having someone swirl their cup 22 times. In fact, if their Life Path number is a one or two, Task them to swirl the cup three times. This both gives me their number and also Allows the tea leaves to be swirled sufficiently. ‘Wel, as you may have guessed, 1 am now able to give a reading without even looking at the tea leaves! You already know the keywords of the first six numbers in numerology. {Here are the keywords for 7, 8 and 9: Seven represents knowledge, learning and spirituality. f Tepresents money and material success. represents impartial humanitarianism. } all right. Here are the keywords for 11 and 22: n represents illumination and inspiration. (Great ideas, but usually a dreamer.) 37 Twenty-two is known as the master builder. Someone who is able to do things on a large, even universal, scale. 1 Buy or borrow a book no matter what type of So you now know enough to start giving numerology readings on Pythagorean numerology. You will find it very useful, readings you ultimately choose to do. So the person has swirled the cup the correct number of times and placed it upside down on the saucer, Wait a few seconds before picking it up. Look at the leaves and turn the cup around to loak at them from different angles. Sometimes you will see clear pictures, which makes the task extremely easy. When I do, I always show it to the sitter, as this will be remembered and talked about later. "You wouldn't believe it, but there was a perfect picture of my dream home in the bottom of my cup!" ‘You will also frequently find letters and numbers. Naturally, these can be inter by numerology. Lines also appear regularly. These indicate paths and journeys. When the Tine is strong and straight it indicates speed and success. Weak, wavering lines indicate delays and complications. In traditional tea Jeaf reading, the handle side of the cup represents home and family matters. If the person is not living at home, it represents their temporary abode. Leaves that are close to the rim of the cup are in the immediate future, and leaves at the bottom are a long way off. Leaves in the middle are, naturally, in the aot ¢oo distant future, Consequently, if the number 4 was created by the leaves, it would mean four days, four weeks or four months, depending whereabouts on the cup it was sited. Events in the past are shown in the leaves to the left hand side of the handle, when the handle is pointing towards you, and events in the present and future are shown on the right hand side. ‘There are many books that will give you standard interpretations of the different designs and patterns you will see, (My own little book, How to read Tea Leaves, for one.) However, you will do just as well using your imagination. For instance, if you see @ flying bird in the tea Jeaves, it could mean a number of things. It might mean news from abroad, It could mean the future was bright and sunny. It might mean that the sitter is about to take a trip. Your sitter will be pleased with any of these interpretations, and you might choose to give them all. (In traditional tea leaf reading, a bird indicates good news and prosperity. A number of flying birds indicates travel.) OF course, a bird could {indicate that someone is going to drop something on your client from a great height, but ‘you would not mention that as the readings should be upbeat and positive. Here is a sample reading for a middle-aged woman with a Life Path number of nine: “That's a large number! Swirl the cup nine times and then tum it over and put it back on the saucer upside down. Make a wish as you do it. Don't tell me what the wish is. 38 That's good! T'll leave the cup there for a few seconds. That's long enough. Let's see What you have created. Aha! Very interesting, Do you see that long line running across the cup?” Yes.” “That is a line that comes from the past and heads into the future. The past is on this side of the cup, and the future is over here. ‘That is very good. It shows that you are on the right track and making good progress. It is a bit wavery at times, so your progress might vary at times. Don't worry. It gets easier the further along the line you come. "Now all these leaves clustered together at the bottom indicate people who rely on you. People who sometimes try and take advantage of your natural goodness, and your caring, humanitarian approach. Tt looks to me as i€ you have been far too good at Times in the past. You have probably given in for the sake of an easy life and ended up being down frodden and taken for granted. That won't happen in the future as you have grown, You can say “no” when you have to now. However, you will always be a concerned, caring sort of person, “Lsee creativity there, perhaps some new hobby or interest. It starts small, but gradually grows and plays an increasingly important part in your life. *Can you see this little boat heading towards the handle?" “Ob, yes, so I can!" “That means you'll be receiving visitors. ‘They're not very far away, either, They bring good news and give you a real lift. You'll become very enthusiastic about something as & tesult of their visit, “ican also see a large number of dots. This is a sign of money. It means there are opportunities for you to progress financially. Naturally, be cautious and make sure you .g00d, professional advice before acting. This could mean real security for you inthe “Finally, do you see this square on the right hand side?” "Tthink 50 - oh, yes, Ido." “That means your wish will come true, Congratulations.” ‘This gives you the idea. Most of what I said came from her Life Path number. However, I did actually see a line, a boat and some dots in her tea leaves. Naturally, if this was a real reading, 1 would spend a bit of time pouring over the cup and making ‘comments about absolutely everything { saw. You will be amazed at how your ability to ee items in the tea leaves improves with just a litle practice. co 1 always tell people at the conclusion of a tea leaf reading that their wishes will come true. If there are no specific good luck signs in the leaves, I simply indicate anything (as I did with the square in the above reading) and say that it means their wish will come true. It marks the end of the reading, and also sends them on their way feeling positive about the future. And, if the wish does come true, you will be given credit for predicting it! You may find a pendulum useful when you are reading tea leaves. Simply suspend the pendulum over the center of the cup and have the sitter ask it questions. The pendulum will duly move to and fro, from side to side, and around in a circle, clockwise and anti- clockwise, to answer the question, Pendulums are common to us, but they are still fascinating and magical to the general public. (And I believe someone has writien a book containing all sorts of things you can do with these wonderful gadgets.) There are a large number of quaint superstitions about tea leaf reading. ‘The most common relates to tea leaves floating on the surface of the cup of tea. This indicates the imminent arrival of visitors. Another common one tells you not to stir up the tea in the pot. If you do, you'll stir up trouble. If you see any bubbles in the cup try and spoon them out before they reach the side. If you succeed, money will come your way. If a girl lets a man pour a second cup of tea for her, she'll fall in love with him. ‘The most common favorable signs are: Anchor Arch Bird Circles Clover Crescent (moon) Stars Trees plus most animals indicate good luck and small dots indicate money. ‘The most common negative signs are: Crosses Guns Shovel or spade Snakes Important signs that are neither good nor bad: Letters of the alphabet - identification of people in the sitter's life. Line of dots - a journey or path Numbers - interpreted with numerology For a while it was hard to buy a tea that was suitable for tea leaf reading. ‘The best teas are those that comprise a mixture of logs and leaves. Some of the cheaper blends leave only a powder behind, which makes interpretation difficult. Many of the gourmet teas are 40 perfect for reading. Experiment and find one that you like drinking. After all, if you take ‘up tea leaf reading youTe going to have to drink the stuff every now and again, ‘You will find it much easier to give readings from a wide cup with a white interior. Many of the people I read for ask about the history of tea leaf reading. Tasseography probably began in China two and a half thousand years ago. Tea was introduced there from India, and tea leaf reading quickly followed. It wasn't until 1609 that tea became available in Eusope. {t began in Holland and spread slowly across the continent, not reaching Briain unl 1650. ‘The gypsies were quick to see the financial posse of tea leaf reading and were responsible for the popularity of this form of fortune telling, ‘The gypsies still practice the art. By the end of the nineteenth century Gypsy Tea Rooms were popular on both sides of the Atlantic. COFFEE READING Coffee reading is not new. The Italians were doing it two hundred years ago, but it has never gained the popularity of tea leaf reading. However, nowadays itis often difficult to obtain a cup of tea made without a tea Dag, and it might be worth your while to experiment with coffee reading. ‘The method is just the same as tea leaf reading, but you might like to try the Irish method where everything in the teading occurs in the next twenty-four hours. In this method the handle of the cup represents noon and the events of the next twenty-four houss are recorded in a clockwise direction. If you get good At this, you'd only need a dozen clients as they'd have to come and see you every day! a Chapter Nine COIN READING Coin reading is something I devised myself years ago when I was caught unawares. Someone at a party wanted me to give them a reading, but didn't want a palm reading, as Thad given them one of those a few weeks earlier. My immediate thought was to do a quick tic-tac-toe numerology reading (as described in Quick Readings with Numerology), but I'd had a few drinks and, for no reason that I can recall, suggested that she might like a coin reading. By the end of that evening, I knew that I had something highly commercial to offer elsewhere. The system has been altered slightly over the years, and this is how ithas ended up. I hope you find it both enjoyable and lucrative. You can offer coin readings anytime you have at least thirty coins on you. However, itis best to have a bag full of coins that you keep for divination purposes. Ihave a mixture of silver and copper coins of several denominations. I also have one unusual coin in the bag. In my case it is a half-crown dating from the days before New Zealand switched to decimal currency. In the US a half-dollar would be perfect. You also need a small cloth with a twelve inch circle marked on it. The velvet cloth used for dice throwing is perfect. Your clients reach into the bag with their left (psychic) hand and take out some coins. They can take as many or as few as they wish. Ask them to formulate a question in their mind as they do this. They then hold their fist about six inches above the circle on the velvet cloth and open their hand. The coins drop onto the cloth. Some will land inside the circle. These are the coins that will be interpreted. However, I don't tell my cliems that as, sometimes, I may wish to carry on reading the coins that have fallen outside. ‘The coins can be read in a number of ways. Count the number of coins that have landed inside the circie. If there are more than nine, bring the total down to a single digit. For instance, if 16 coins landed inside the circle, you add the 1 and the 6 together, creating the number 7, This number is then interpreted using numerology. Silver coins are more powerful than copper ones. Coxsequently, it is very beneficial if more silver than copper coins are inside the circle. Count the silver coins, bringing them down to a single digit if necessary, and interpret them as well. Repeat this with the copper coins. If you have the same number of copper and silver coins inside the circle, the person's wishes will be realised. This is highly auspicious. You are not finished yet. Check to see how many coins have landed with the head-side upwards. This number is interpreted, of course, and you repeat this with the number of tails upwards. 4a By now, you will have five different numbers to talk about. Each number refers to a different aspect of the person's life, ‘The total number of coins in the circle represents the outcome (the future). ‘The silver coins represent the present. ‘The copper coins represent the past. ‘The number of head-side up coins represent circumstances that the person can control. ‘The tail-side up coins represent circumstances that are out of the person's control. Remember the one unusual coin? If this turns up inside the circle, the future is extremely positive, no matter what negative indications are shown elsewhere, If the unusual coin ends up outside the circle, the future will be successful, but this success will come only after a great deal of hard work. ‘Sometimes, when the person drops the coins most end up outside the circle, When this happens I simply read the coins as if they were all inside the circle, and finish off by telling the person that if, say, an odd number of coins is inside the circle the outcome will be extremely positive, Naturally, the outcome is always favorable as I secretly count the coins first, to ensure that I say the right thing. Coin reading is great fun to do. It makes a certain amount of noise, which attracis people's attention. People enjoy watching it, even though they have no idea what is going on. If you have a collection of unusual coins from different countries, you can make it look even more exotic. In this instance, you should have a particularly unusual coin to use as your special one. Perhaps one with eight sides, or with a hole in the middle, Isnt it interesting how numerology can be utilised in almost any form of divination. I've included this system for two reasons. Firstly, I think it is as good as any other. But, more importanily, it might start you thinking about some unusual props you have at home that you might be able to use t0 devise your own system of divination. Then - like the kknee reader - you'd be the only person able to offer it. 4B Chapter Ten COLOR READING Thave written about color before in Aura Reading for Fun and Profit and You are a Rainbow. Many psychological studies have been done using color and almost everyone has heard of the Lilscher Color Test. People nod their heads wisely if you talk a bit about how wearing red gives you more confidence, but can also make you more aggressive. You can mention how potentially viotent criminals calm down when placed in pink cells. JF you read auras, you can mention how the part of the aura surrounding your client's head is currently suffused with yellow, showing that they are using their brain and thinking about what you are saying. ‘The Luscher color test is the most famous, but there have been many others. The first of, these was devised by Hermann Rorschach, who is more famous today for his ink blot test. He published his findings in 1921.’ Not surprisingly, for something new and different, his ideas were ridiculed and criticised. The important aspect of Rorschach's test is that he discovered that it is possible to determine personality craits, not only from what colors are liked, but also by the colors that are disliked. Hermann Rorshach’s test was devised for use with mentally disturbed people. Max Pfister, a Swiss psychologist, carried on in this field and published his Color Pyramid ‘Test in 1950. In his test, the patient is given a chart containing fifteen blank squares that comprise a pyramid. He is given twenty-four squares of different colors and is asked to fill in the blanks on the pyramid. The squares used are: four each of red, green and blue; three purples; two each of orange, yellow and brown; and one each of black, white and gray. The test is repeated six times, with the subject being asked to create certain designs. For instance, he might be asked to make an ugly pyramid, than an attractive pyramid, followed by one made any way he wishes, and so on. The results are noted and can be interpreted, providing information on the subjects mental and emotional state. Max Lischer, like Rorschach and Pfister, was Swiss. He published his first test in 1947. It was very involved, using seventy-three colors. A much shorter test using eight colors appeared in 1958, and this is the version chat has become famous around the world, Max Lischer was adamant that his test be used seriously. In his book he wrote: “despite the ease and speed with which it can be administered, (the Lilscher Test) is a ‘deep’ psychological test, developed for the use of psychiatrists, psychologists, Physicians and those who are professionally involved with the conscious and unconscious characteristics and motivations of others. it is NOT a parlor game.” At the same time as Max Liischer was doing his research in Switzerland, Faber Birren was also looking at the psychological implications of color in the United States. His color test uses twelve colors and is aimed at ‘normal’ people, Consequently, it is the ‘most useful for us as entertainers and readers. 44 The test that I do uses nine colors: the seven colors of the rainbow, plus black and white, My brother-in-law used to work for a company that manufactured "Formica, an amtificial surface that is used in kitchens and bathrooms. He was able to provide me with two inch squares of these nine colors. I suggest that you obtain samples of these colors on card and then have them laminated. You will find them very popular and useful. I show the nine colors to the person I am reading for and ask them to place their favorite color in front of them, Their next favorite color is placed beside it on the right. This is continued until all nine colors are laid out in a row with the client's favorite color on the left and least favorite color on the right. 1 then give a reading based on the colors they chose. Tam sure you already know how Ido this. Yes, each color is related to numerology: {in true! aura reading there would be four more numbers. 8 represents pink, 9 represents bronze, 11 represents silver and 22 relates to gold, However, these colors were not available to me, and I chose the white and black for many reasons. White is light, black is dark, White is good, black is evil, and so on, Each color has a meaning which, again, relates very much to numerology: Red is exciting, stimulating, enthusiastic, loving and strong Orange is friendly, sociable and outgoin; Yellow is sunny, cheerful, optimistic and full of ideas Green is peaceful, quiet, comfortable and relaxed Blue is comfortable, secure and self-possessed Indigo is calm, caring and nurturing f Violet is dignified, reserved, spiritual and intuitive White is innocent, spiritual and forward-looking Black is sophisticated and different also related the positions of each color using numerology: Position 1 = independence and attainment Position 2 = cooperation, tact, diplomacy, intuition and close relationships 45 Position 3 = self-expression, communication and fun Position 4 = limitations, restrictions, hard work, system and order Position 5 = freedom, variety and travel Position 6 = home and family, responsibilities and humanitarianism Position 7 = learning, analysis, understanding, spirituality and a unique approach Position 8 = large scale undertakings and money Position 9 = creativity and humanitarianism Naturally, J do not stick to this slavishly. In practice I look at the choice of colors the person has made and read them accordingly. As soon 1s the first color is chosen I know fa great deal about the person and can start the reading, if I choose. (This information is. derived from Color in Your World by Faber Birren. His test is based on the person's favorite color and the color they dislike the most. His book contains a whole page of information on each color chosen as the favorite.) ‘The favorite colors are the primary ones: blue, red, green and yellow. People who choose a different color to these as their favorite color are discriminating and "different". ("You like to go your own way, You don't follow the flock and do what everyone else does. The least liked colors are white and black, Extroverts choose the warm colors (red, orange and yellow), while introverts choose the cooler colors (green, blue and purple). Knowing this, you instantly have something to say. For an extrovert you might begin the reading by saying, "You enjoy being out there in the hurly-burly, bustle of the crowd, You fit in well wherever you go. You are enthusiastic and responsive, You make the most of every situation.” For an introvert you might say, "You like to think chings through before acting. At times you like to stand back and observe what's going on. Sometimes you feel as if you are not fully understood by others.” Here is a sample reading for someone who laid the colors out in this order: red, blue, violet, yellow, white, green, orange, indigo and black. “That's an interesting, well-balanced choice. I'll start over here with the color you liked most- red, As I'm sure you know red is a passionate color. It is the color of blood, and gives you life and energy. In this position it means that you are a self-starter, most of the time, and have the ability to really do something with your life. Don't be satisfied with "good enough’. Do the job properly, go the extra mile, and watch your career move ahead strongly. “You have blue in the second position. This means you get on very well with others, in a calm and relaxed way. You are able to cooperate with others and fit in to most situations. without too many problems. All the same, you do not like being tied down or restricted atall. You need a certain amount of freedom to be truly happy. “Violet is an interesting color for this position. It mears that you communicate well with the people you love and care for, but might hold back . bit with people you do not know 46 well, There is a certain degree of reserve there. Some people may misunderstand you at times, but this reserve is appealing and attractive to many. "Yellow is an outgoing, extrovert color and you can use this to your advantage in this position. You are prepared to work hard - in fact you enjoy challenges. You have a osiive, buoyant appsoach to things that others might regard a= confining, You work well within the limits you find and remain cheerful and positive throughout. Your communication skills are excellent at work. “White is an interesting color. In a sense, it is light and encompasses ai! of the other colors, This means that you will broaden your horizons, possibly through travel or by undertaking a variety of exciting and different activities, You will lear from all of these, but yet remain innocent and almost child-like in your enthusiasms. ‘This will be of especial benefit to you in your old age. "Now we come to green, a peaceful, restful color. You have placed it in an imeresiing position. This shows that your home and family life are especially important to you. Itis Where you can relax and be muly yourself, After time et home you can retum to the fray Testored and revitalized. “Orange is well sited here, 100. It shows that your faith and philosophy will grow, with the aid of pleasant conversations with others. You question things and enjoy hearing ster people's points of view. Orange in this postion also denotes a strong intuition, which will ultimately play a large partin your life. You should use it more. "We are naw coming to the least liked colors. It is interesting that indigo is in this Position, as you placed blue in the number two position. It shows that in business and other large scale ventures you use a caring, comforting, even nurturing approach. You have learned that cooperation and occasional compromise help you achieve your goals, without the stress and strain of more dogmatic approaches. “Black is your final choice. Most people have it as on¢ of their final selections. It is not surprising as black has always had negative connotations. Yet this need not be the case. Notice how elegant black can be in fashion, for instance. Black gives you a certain degree of sophistication. It allows you to help others when the need is genuine, but also allows you to say ‘no’ when the occasion demands it. “Allin all, you have a fascinating arrangement of colors. You are a highly complex and sometimes mysterious person, You can surprise others - and even yourself - at times. {t is good that you dwell more on the positive than the negative. If you seize the right opportunities for yourself you wil} experience much joy and happiness.” Itcould be argued that this is character analysis, not fortune telling. This is true, In fact the different psychological tests using color are aimed at determining personality. However, if you wish to give the person a guide for the future, you simply go back 10 basic numerology from the colors. Simply regard each color as representing one month In the imaginary arrangement above, you would start by saying the first month was a month for new starts and independent action (this is from number 1 derived from the a color red). The following month (blue) the person could expect surprises and have the opportunity of tackling something new or different (number 5 which comes from the color blue). There are many other ways of using colors for divination. You may choose to use the first and last colors and give an assessment using the ideas of Faber Birren. You may use the colors and give an aura reading. You may use the colors someone is wearing and give a reading based on that. You may choose to have the person answer a few questions about colors and then give a reading. (This is how You are a Rainbow works.) People enjoy choosing their favorite colors. The last time I had a regular close-up engagement at a restaurant, the quick readings with colors were the most popular thing I did. I hope people enjoyed the magic, but what they talked about afterwards - and came back to the restaurant again for - was the color readings. Just for Fun ‘A famous astrologer was entranced by the baby in the pram. "Beautiful," she said. "Simply beautiful.” She beamed at the mother and said, "Do you know what sign she was conceived under?” "Yes," blushed the young mum, “It said ‘Keep off the Grass'!” (00000000 Life is full of complications. Even when you're born there's a string attached. (000000000 I was so surprised by my birth that I was speechless for a year and a half. 000000000 He always wanted to be a comedian, but he was afraid people might laugh at him. 000000000 "Now that I've cured you of your gambling addictior present you with your bill.” aid the psychiatrist, “Ian "Thanks, doc. Toss you double or nothing.” 48 Chapter Eleven GEMSTONE DIVINATION Sooner or later you may wish to give longer readings. Here is a method that uses astrology and gemstones, an extremely powerful combination, A knowledge of gemstones can be very useful for a cold reader, If you see someone wearing red jasper, for instance, you will probably be correct in telling her that she is an Arian. Stones have been used for divination purposes since at least the time of the Babylonians. ‘They chose twelve stones to depict the signs of the Zodiac. ‘The Chaldeans came up with another twelve to represent the planets and he aspects ofthe planets tha ruled each sign. Naturally, over time, various people have had different ideas about the attribution of the stones and now it is impossible to say which stones were chosen by the Chaldeans and Babylonians, This can be useful if you give a gemstone reading for someone who is knowledgeable on the subject. Simply tell thera that you are using the, say, Atlantean system that you remembered after you were regressed back to that time. You will need twenty-four gemstones. These are easy to obtain nowadays as "rock shops” seem 10 have sprung up everywhere. The size and quality of the stones you choose is up to you, Mine are tumbled stones that are about half an inch long. Here are the stones for each sign of the Zodiac and its ruling planet; ARIES: dark red jasper RULING PLANET: bright red jasper ‘TAURUS: dark blue sodalite RULING PLANET: pink rose quartz GEMINI: pale yellow citrine RULING PLANET: yellow and brown banded agate CANCER: cloudy or translucent white chalcedony RULING PLANET: clear crystal LEO: brown and yellow tiger's eye RULING PLANET: any yellow or orange stone ‘VIRGO; translucent orange camelian RULING PLANET: multi-colored petrified wood LIBRA: translucent pale green aventurine RULING PLANET: opaque, black stone SCORPIO: red bloodstone 49 RULING PLANET: cream and pink serpentine SAGITTARIUS: turquoise howlite RULING PLANET: transucent red camelian CAPRICORN: smokey gray quartz. RULING PLANET: green bloodstone AQUARIUS: blue-green amazonite RULING PLANET: deep green malachite PISCES: translucent, dark purple amethyst RULING PLANET: pale purple amethyst It is a good idea to keep your stones in pairs until you are familiar with them and can recognise them immediately. Once you know each of the stones you can keep them in a yellow silk purse. If you want to do gemstone readings in the proper, traditional manner you will need two more items: a casting cloth made of black velvet, and a flat-bottomed, clear glass bowl that will fit over the markings on the casting cloth. When the Moon is waning, the stones are cast directly on to the cloth. When the Moon is waxing, from the New Moon to the Full Moon, you place the bow! on top of the casting cloth and then three-quarters fill the bow! with water. The stones are then cast into the bow! and interpreted according to the indications on the casting cloth, Naturally, it is much more fun - and looks more impressive - to use the bowl, but this is not practical when you are giving quick readings. However, for a full-length reading, it adds mystery and power. Consequently, I don't worry about the phases of the Moon, and simply use the bowl of water any time I am giving a longer reading, ‘The casting cloth has a design sewn on to it, and the outside diameter of the circle should be the same as that of the bowl, As you ean see on the illustration, the design has areas relating to karma, heaith, wealth, spiritual growth, career, love and outside influences, If you have studied astrology you may prefer to simply have a crcl divided into twelve sections, each one representing one of the houses of astrology. After the stones have been cast, you can then interpret them using the twelve houses and the positions of the sign and ruling planets. J used to perform this form of divination using the twelve houses, but changed to the more traditional method, after giving readings for a large number of astrologers who kept wanting to know the astrological reasons for everything I said, I did not mind that, but was not so pleased when several of them boughi sets of gemstones and began doing this form of reading themselves. By using the traditional type of casting cloth, the whole reading becomes much more mysterious. I felt that astrology made the whole thing “almost scientific”. By the way, you can put whatever design or symbols you want on the casting cloth, just a long as it means something to you. The design I use is based on one I saw a reader 50 using in Bath, England, many years ago. 1 took note of it as it occurred 10 me that I could also use a pendulum with this sort of reading as the basic up and down, to and fro, and circular movements are already incorporated in the design. Whatever you do, don't make the cloth too elaborate or complicated. 1 ike to tell people abont the different areas as {interpret them, They have no idea what I am talking about, but nod their heads wisely, and (hopefully) feel that I am helping them understand where Yam getting my information from. To give a reading, you ask your clients for their date of birth. This is ostensibly to determine their sun sign, but naturally, it also gives you their Life Path number. Once you know this date, you naturally know their sun sign, unless they were born between ihe 18th and 23rd of the month. In this case, they are born on the cusp and their actual sign depends on the year in which they were born, When this happens, } say: "That's wonderful! You were born on the cusp and that means you possess most of the positive attributes of (this sign) and (that sign). You also miss out on some of the negatives, so itis a wonderful ime 1 be born. Tell me, what sign do you consider to be yours?" Once you know your client's sign, you remove the two stones that represent it, the Zodiac stone and the Ruling Planet stone. You place these in your client's hands and ask them to close their eyes and randomly select another eleven stones. By the end of this they shouldbe holding thineen stones in their left hand. Ask them fo think ofa question before opening their eyes. Once this has been done, they are to describe an anti- clockwise circle with their left hand gently sprinkling the stones into the water as they do 80. If you are doing this in the correct way by paying attention to the cycles of the Moon, the client simply sprinkles them over the cloth when the Moon is waning, This is not early as much fun, but is certainly quicker and easier if you are doing these readings at a psychic fair. Casting the stones is the easy part, of course. It is great fun to do and involves the spectator in the actions. Now you have to interpret the particular pattern they have made. INTERPRETATION You start by looking for your client's important two stones, the Zodiac and the Ruling Planet stones. They are interpreted first, because they relate most strongly to the events of the next twelve months. You then continue by reading the stones in the center of the cloth and gradually radiate outwards. How do you interpret the stones? Surprise, surprise! I use numerology. Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac which gives it a mumerological value of one. Taurus become two, Gemini three, and so on, Of course, this does create a problem with Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces, the 10th, 11th and 12th signs of the Zodiac. You will see how { treat these in a few paragraphs. sl Instead of using the traditional astrological stones listed above, you might decide to use stones of the right color to fit in with numerology. You need a red stone for Aries, an orange stone for Taurus, a yellow stone for Gemini, and so on. Here is a possibie fist: ARIES is the first sign, which gives it a numerological value of 1 - red jasper ‘TAURUS is the second sign, which gives it a numerological value of 2- orange carnelian GEMINI is the third sign, which gives it a numerological value of 3 - moonstone CANCER is the fourth sign, which gives it a numerofogicat value of 4 - green serpentine LEO is the fifth sign, which gives ita numerological value of 5 - lapis lazuli or howlite VIRGO is the sixth sign, which gives it a numerological value of 6 - sodalite LIBRA is the seventh sign, which gives it a numerological value of 7 - amethyst SCORPIO js the eighth sign, which gives it a numerological value of 8 - pink quartz SAGITTARIUS is the ninth sign, which gives ic « nurnerological value of 9 - brown and yellow tiger's eye (to indicate bronze) CAPRICORN is the 10th sign, which gives it a numerological value of 1 (as 1+0=1) - black obsidian AQUARIUS is the 11th sign, which gives it a numerological value of 11 (Master number) - hematite PISCES is the 12th sign, which means it should be reduced to a 3, but I consider it to be 222, the other Master number - goldstone or gold tiger's eye ‘As you can see, Capricorn and Pisces are the odd ones out, as the others simply follow the rainbow through giving the standard colors for the numbers one to nine. ‘You will also need to buy a second set to represent the Ruling Planets. I did this by choosing oblong shapes to represent the sign and squarish shapes to represent the Ruling Planet. I can tell them apart at a glance, but doubt if anyone else would ever notice. If you use numerology, in preference to astrology, you will have nothing new to learn. As I have also studied astrology, I normally use the astrological stones and frequently use the astrofogical meanings as well, or instead of the numerology ones. What J use depends on a variety of factors. If 1 want to lengthen the reading I'll use both, If lam reading for someone who has studied astrology, even at an elementary level, I'l use the astrological meanings, Many people love talking in the Astrological language, They'l say thinks like: "No wonder everything's going well - Jupiter's rising.” Or, "i'm sorry this got delayed, but as you know, Mercury is retrograde." They'll even explain their personality defects to you this way: "It takes a while to get to know me. I'm a Pisces, with Virgo Rising and a Gemini Moon in direct opposition to Uranus. To make it worse my Saturn is quincunx the Moon!" You have to be gentle with these people. { always nod sympathetically and talk about their special intuitive insights while giving them a reading. { also use much more astrological jargon than J would normally. With these people I can also include the angles between different stones, saying, for instance: "this stone is sextile that one”. However, if you have not studied astrology, 1 would not recommend that you take it up just so you can do this gemstone reading. Study astrology by all means if the subject interests you, but it is extremely involved and you would probably gain much more useful information studying books on cold reading. 52 FINANCES. OUTSIDE INFLUENCES Gemstone Reading Casting Cloth 53 Most people simply receive a straight numerological reading. Let's assume I'm giving a reading for a Gemini using the numerological stones. Once the stones have been cast I Took to see where the oblong and square yellow moonstones are. Suppose the square one is in the center square, which represents karma, and the oblong one is in the financial section. Tcan immediately say something like this: “The center square on the spread indicates karmic factors, often relating to things that occurred in one of your past lives. Anything in there needs to be repaid in this lifetime. Can you see the yellow stone? That represents Gemini, which is your sign. As you probably know. Gemini is light-hearted, carefree and enjoys doing several things all at the same time. 'As itis a karmic factor now, it shows that you overdid all of those things last time you were here. Consequently, you may still need to learn to express yourself wisely, rather than saying the very first thing that pops into your head. You may also need to apportion your time, so that you have time to work as well as play. “Ibis interesting to note that the other yellow moonstone is in the financial sector. This means that you will have the opportunity to benefit financially through some form of communication. This could even be through what you are doing now, if you use your voice a great deal in your work. The obvious example is a teacher, but sales people, entertainers and many other people use their voice a great deal, It could aiso indicate that you'll be standing up and expressing your point of view somewhere. You'll enjoy that and gain enormous benefit from it. "Now you have two other stones in the Karmic square. The first one, .." and so on. By the time you've done that thirteen times, the reading will be fairly substantial. You can also elaborate enormously by relating certain stones to ather stones that happen to lie in the same area. if you are using astrology, you can compare the positions of the Zodiac stone with the position of the Ruling Planet one. ‘That is everything you need to give entertaining and helpful readings with this form of gemstone divination. If gemstone reading appeals to you, you should read Hobrin’s excellent book Gemstone Reading for Profit, as well as Omens, Oghams and Oracles, ‘You might also want to watch my video How io Give Readings with Gemstones available from Flora and Company. I don't recommend learning the traditional meanings, but here they are, just in case you ‘want to give these readings in the traditional manner: ARIES ZODIAC STONE (dark red jasper = relationships) In the karmic sector: know when to let go. Inthe travel sector: a new relationship proves promising In the love sector: you will exchange gifs {n the health sector: you will feel revitalized and full of energy In the financial sector: you will receive good opportunities. ‘Think and then act. In the career sector: hard work will pay off Inthe outside influence sector: a friendship or relationship comes to an end 34 ARIES RULING PLANET STONE (ted jasper = bard work that pays of) {In the karmic sector: Yt go of the past and stat to move ahead In the travel sector: your affection and love are likely to be one-sided. Pause and think. In the love sector: possibilty ofa short-term affair In the health sector: a light-hearted flirtation makes you feel youthful In the financial sectos: Act when required, but exercise caution I the career sector: a partnership or relationship proves helpful In the outside influence sector: someone dishonest is trying to put something across you ‘TAURUS ZODIAG STONE (sodalite = love) In the karmic sector: a love relationship improves Inthe travel secwor: move ahead slowly In the love sector: great contentment and happiness In the health sector: vitality and feelings of wellbeing Inthe Financial sector: Steady progress In the career sector: potential for combining business and pleasore Inthe outside influence sector: ending of a relationship ‘TAURUS RULING PLANET STONE (rose quartz « friendship) Inthe karmic sector: an old friend returns In the wravel sector: good news coming In the love sector: good prospects for meeting people In the health sector: possibility for travel Inthe financial sector: you'll be giving to charity In the career sector: A fiend will confide in you Inthe outside influence sector: a friend may prove false GEMINI ZODIAC STONE (yellow citrine = career) Inthe karmic sector: a large step forward Ta the travel sector: travel on business Inthe love sector: potential for work-related romance lathe health sector: you'l eel expansive and generous Inthe financial sector: consolidate in order to aid future progress Inthe career sector: be patient Inthe outside influence sector: your plans get interrupted GEMINI RULING PLANET STONE (agate = change) In the karmic sector: a change leads to improvement nthe travel sector: change of address In he love sector: you will need to think fast Inthe health sector: your attitudes could either help of harin In the financial sector: someone will give you good advice Inthe career sector: you can benefit from something someone else does Inthe outside influences sector: you could be misunderstood ‘CANCER ZODIAC STONE (chalcedony = unity) 3S In the karmic sector: a joining In the wavel sector: a family celebration In the love sector: major family celebration In the health sector: a pause to reevaluate In the financial sector: happiness In the career sector. success in sight In the outside influences sector: delays and frustrations CANCER RULING PLANET STONE (clear crystal = emotions) In the karmic sector: act on your intuition In the travel sector: look within for the answer In the love sector: your emotions could hinder, rather than help In the health sector: rise above personality differences In the financial sector: steady, but slow, progress In the career sector: successful conclusion In the outside influences sector: do not let other divert you from your goal LEO ZODIAC STONE (tiger's eye = ambitions) In the karmic sector: your hard work will pay off In the travel sector: make the most of a difficult situation In the love sector: move forward again In the health sector: bide your time In the financial sector: make a decision and act on i In the career sector: stand tall and stick to your guns In the outside influence sector: your hard work is ignored LEO RULING PLANET STONE (orange stone = decision) In the karmic sector: be patient In the travel sector: avoid temptation In the love sector: step back and look at the situation from a different viewpoint In the health sector: no need to worry In the financial sector: money paid out now will rewrn multiplied In the career sector: be at peace with yourself In the outside influence sector: potential for making bad decisions VIRGO ZODIAC STONE (carnelian = patience) In the karmic sector: delays In the travel sector: frustrations and disa In the love sector: something needs to be In the health sector: take a vacation In the financial sector: ignore short term gains. Look to the Jong term. In the career sector: be patient Tn the the outside influence sector: don't wait for ever VIRGO RULING PLANET STONE (petrified wood = the outside world) In the karmic sector: face up to reality In the travel sector: don't take everything on face value In the love sector: compromise 56 ‘An the health sector: accept the inevitable In the financial sector: be patient Inthe career sector: hard work pays off later In the outside influences sector: mistakes made LIBRA ZODIAC STONE (aventurine = balance) Inthe karmic sector: a chance In the travel sector: a lng. In the love sector: obtain advice from others Inthe health seetor: you may feel imposed upon In the financial sector: think carefully before acting Inthe carer sector: time for thought Inthe ouside influences sector: disagreements LIBRA RULING PLANET STONE (obsidian = limitations) Sn the karmic sector: be careful Inthe travel sector: need for patience In the love sector: petty annoyances will bother you Inthe health sector: avoid impatsiveness In the financial sector: delays Inthe career sector: difficulties In the outside influences sector: what will be will be SCORPIO ZODIAC STONE {bioodstone = secress) Inthe karmic sector: refuse to divulge your source In the travel sector: unexpected gain In the love sector: giving and receiving In the health sector: have a checkup Inthe financial sector: be prudent and careful Inthe career sector: extreme caution In the outside influences sector: take nothing on gust SCORPIO RULING PLANET STONE (serpentine = learning) ‘This stone in any sector gives the potential (or greater understanding and growth. Accept the delays that will occur, be patient, and remain confident thatthe future will be more successful than the pas. SAGITTARIUS ZODIAC STONE (howlite = health) Inthe karmic sector: maintain physical fixes In the travel sector: things will work out if you allow time to play Inthe love sector: mave forward slowly In the health sector: pay attention o the right diet Inthe financial sector: do not overdo things Inthe career sector: minore problems will aggravate Inthe outside influences sector: time fora vacation SAGITTARIUS RULING PLANET STONE (cammelian = action) Inthe karmic sector: Take your time and act when the moment seems tight 37 In the travel sector: make haste slowly In the love sector: patience required In he health sector: avoid disagreements In the financial sector: take no unnecessary risks In the career sector: avoid being influenced by others In the outside influences sector: risk of being misconstrued CAPRICORN ZODIAC STONE (smoky gray quartz = experience) {In the karmic sector. sel(-improvement pays off In the avel sector: financial improvement Inthe love sector: need to give in for sake of harmony In the health sector: experience gained through a disappoiniment Tm the financial sector time to invest Inthe career sector: persistence pays off Inthe outside influences sector: expect the unexpected CAPRICORN RULING PLANET STONE (bloodstone = fuuute) In any position this stone indicates slow, gradual progress. It eepresents forward movement. AQUARIUS ZODIAC STONE (amazonite = communication) In the karmic sector: be cautious In the travel sector: danger of being misunderstood In the health sector: attend to any minor problems Jn the Cinancial sector: investigate carefully before investing In the career sector: act emusiastically, even though you may not fect Il In the outside influences sector: avoid temptat AQUARIUS RULING PLANET STONE (malachite = difficulties) {tm any position this stone indicate disruptions, frustrations and aggravations. PISCES ZODIAC STONE (dark purple amethyst = present situation) In the karmic sector: make new friends Inthe uavel sector. study and learning prove atractive In the love sector: important decisions to be made In the health sector: help others, but don't be ken advantage of In the financial sector: help from others appreciated Inthe carer sector: unexpected help In the outside influences sector: help given to someone close to you PISCES RULING PLANET STONE (pale purple amethyst = spirituality) In any position this stone indicates an intuitive awareness and a spiritual awakening. It is always considered to be positive, 58 Chapter Twelve CONCLUSION Thope this book has given you some ideas that you'll be able to put into practice and make money with. I'm always happy (0 sell books, but it is even more exciting to receive a letter or phone call from someone who is actually doing the things I write about, So, if ‘you start making money with any of these methods please let me know. Maybe you won't use any of the reading methods described here, but will be motivated to ‘come up with something of your own. If you do, please write it up somewhere, so that ‘we can all benefit, ‘Wc saust be painfully obvious by now that I Jove numerology. This obsession amazes me as I was hopeless at mathematics at school. Nowadays, I can't go anywhere without adding up all the numbers I see. If I'm following a car, I'l add up the number plate and bring the result down to a single digit. TIl do the same if 'm dialling a phone number. Tell me your street number and I'll give you a quick reading on your house! Consequently, I am totally sold on the benefits of having some sort of system. It doesn't matter what it is, Once you have it memorised, you have a too} that you can use to read anything. Combine the system with cold reading and you have something incredibly powerful at your disposal. By offering something a little bit different and exotic you open up new worlds of opportunity. In Auckland, where I live, we seem to have a Tarot card reader on every street corner. Any of these people could use their knowledge of the Tarot to do most of the readings described in this book, If they did, they would stand out and become readers who are very special and different - and consequently memorable. ‘They could keep on reading the Tarot but add, say, a dice or domino reading at the end to confirm a few points. Ifyou are doing a Jot of psychic fairs you will find it useful to have a number of different divination systems at your disposal. From my limited experience of these I'd suggest knee reading! Failing that, any of the methods described here should prove popular. Have fun. Keep your readings upbeat and positive. If you do, I can see great happiness and increased wealth in your future. Good luck! APPENDIX This book covers some of the less well known methods for giving readings, However, after studying it you might decide to stay with the more ‘mainstream’ methods of fortune telling. If so, here are some books that you'll find useful on the most common forms of divination: ASTROLOGY Astrology for Beginners by William W. Hewitt (Llewellyn Publications, St. Paul, 1992) Astrology for the Psychic Entertainer by Richard Webster (Brookfield Press, Auckland, 1993) The Modern Text Book of Astrology by Margaret E. Hone (L. N. Fowler and Co. Ltd., London, 1951) The Only Way to Learn Astrology (3 volumes) by Marion D. March and Joan McEvers (Astro-Analytic Publications, San Diego, 1976. Revised edition 1981) AURAS Aura Reading for Fun and Profit by Richard Webster (Brookfield Press, Auckland, 1988) Color in Your World by Faber Biren (Macmillan Publishing Co., ine., New York, 1962. Revised edition 1978) Color your World by Frank Don (Destiny Books, New York, 1977) You are a Rainbow by Richard Websier (Brookfield Press, Auckland, 1991) FENG SHUI Feng Shui for Beginners by Richard Webster (Llewellyn Publications, St. Paul, 1997) GEOMANCY Omens, Oghams and Oracles by Richard Webster (Llewellyn Publications, St, Paul, 1995) GRAPHOLOGY Cashing in on Handwriting Analysis by Ron Martin (Vindreaders, Marlboro, 1992) 60 Handwriting Analysis: Putting it to Work for You by Andrea McNichol with Jeffrey A. Nelson (Contemporary Books, Chicago, 1991) I CHING The I Ching Workbook by R. L. Wing (Doubleday and Company, Inc., New York, 1979) The Pristine Yi King by Louis Culling (Llewellyn Publications, St. Paul, 1989) The Tao of I Ching by Jou, Tsung Hwa (Tai Chi Foundation, Piscataway, 1984) NUMEROLOGY Cashing in on Nwnerology by Ron Martin (Mindreaders, Marlboro, 1992) Cold Reading the Future with Numerology by Richard Webster (Brookfield Press, Auckland, 1995) ‘Numerology: The Romance in Your Name by Dr. Juno Jordan (DeVorss and Company, Marina del Rey, 1978, Originally published 1965 by J. F. Rowny Press) Quick Readings with Numerology by Richard Webster (Brookfield Press, Auckland, 1979) Numerology: The Complete Guide (2 volumes) by Matthew Oliver Goodwin (Newcastle Publishing Company, Inc., North Hollywood, 1981) OGHAMS The Book of Ogham by Edred Thorsson (Llewellyn Publications, St. Paul, 1992) Omens, Oghams and Oracles by Richard Webster (Llewellyn Publications, St. Paul, 1995) PALMISTRY Chinese Hand Analysis by Shifu Terence Dukes (Samuel Weiser, Inc., 1987) Hand in Hand by Elizabeth Brenner (Celestial Ants, Millbrae, 1981) Revealing Hands by Richard Webster (Llewellyn Publications, St. Paul, 3994) Quick and Effective Cold Reading by Richard Webster (Brookfield Press, Auckland, 61 The Hand Book by Elizabeth Brenner (Celestial Arts. Millbrae, 1980) The Palm Readers Notebook by Ron Martin (Ron Martin, Ste. 368, 7771 Sudley Road, Manassas, VA 22110, 1993) PLAYING CARDS The Secret to Reading Cards and Clients by Ron Cain (Flora and Company, Albuquerque, 1991) RUNES Reading the Runes by Ron Martin (Flora and Company, Albuquerque, 1992) TAROT Arcanum: Tarot by Harry Meier (Scott Davis and Associates, Ellicott City, 1990) The Tarot Reader's Notebook by Ron Martin (Flora and Company, Albuquerque, 1990) YANTRAS (Magic Squares) Talisman Magic by Richard Webster (Llewellyn Publications, St. Paul, 1995) 62 SUGGESTED READING THE STAGES OF LIFE by Clifford Anderson, M.D. (The Atlantic Monthly Press, New York, 1995) ‘THE BOOK OF YOU by Berard Asbell with Karen Wynn (Fawcett Columbine, New ‘York, 1991) Originally titled WHAT THEY KNOW ABOUT YOU. CONFESSIONS OF A COFFEE HOUSE PSYCHIC by David Fredric Ashton 111 (Diligent Publishing Company, Portland, 1995) COLOR IN YOUR WORLD by Faber Birren (Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc., New ‘York, 1962. Revised edition 1978) PSYCHO BABBLE by Herb Dewey (Herb Dewey, Annapolis, 1996) ‘THE CLASSIC READING by Lee Earle (Binary Star Publications, Phoenix, 1989) CLEVER LIKE A FOX by Karrell Fox (Supreme Magic Co. Ltd., Bideford, 1976) TEA LEAF READING by William W. Hewitt (Llewellyn Publications, St, Paul, 1989) GEMSTONE READING FOR PROFIT by Hobrin (Brian Howard) (Brookfield Press, Auckland, 1988) KING OF THE COLD READERS by Bascom Sones (Bascom Jones, Bakersfield, 1989) OUT OF THE DEEP FREEZE by Kross (Ford Kross, Irvington, 1978) THE TAROT READER'S NOTEBOOK by Ron Martin (Flora and Company, Albuquerque, 1990) MAX MAVEN'S BOOK OF FORTUNETELLING by Max Maven (Prentice Hall, New York, 1992) HANDWRITING ANALYSIS: PUTTING IT TO WORK FOR YOU by Andrea McNichol with Jeffrey A. Nelson (Contemporary Books Inc., Chicago, 1991. Revised edition 1994) RED HOT COLD READING by Thomas K. Saville Ph.D. and Herb Dewey (In Visible Print, Denver, 1984) PASSAGES by Gail Sheehy E. P. Dutton and Company, Inc., New York, 1976) 63 PSYCHIC EMPOWERMENT by Dr. Joe H. Slate (Llewellyn Publications, St. Paul, 1995) INITIATIONS by Alexander Thomas (Fiora and Company, Albuquerque, 1989) ASTROLOGY FOR THE PSYCHIC ENTERTAINER by Richard Webster (Brookfield Press, Auckland, 1993) AURA READING FOR FUN AND PROFIT by Richard Webster (Brookfield Press, Auckland, 1988) COLD READING FOR THE MAGICIAN by Richard Webster (Brookfield Press, Auckland, 1991) COLD READING THE FUTURE WITH NUMEROLOGY by Richard Webster (Brookfield Press, Auckland, 1995) ENTERTAINING MENTALISM by Richard Webster (Brookfield Press, Auckland, 1994) HOW TO BUILD UP A PSYCHIC PRACTICE WITH FULL LENGTH COLD READINGS by Richard Webster (Brookfield Press, Auckland, 1986) HOW TO READ TEA LEAVES by Richard Webster (Brookfield Press, Auckland, 1982) ‘THE MAIL ORDER PSYCHIC by Richard Webster (Brookfield Press, Auckland, 1990) OMENS, OGHAMS AND ORACLES by Richard Webster (Llewellyn Publications, St. Paul, 1995) PENDULUM POWER FOR THE PSYCHIC ENTERTAINER by Richard Webster (Brookfield Press, Auckland, 1990) PSYCHOMETRY FROM A TO Z by Richard Webster (Brookfield Press, Auckland, 1987) QUICK AND EFFECTIVE COLD READING by Ri-shard Webster (Brookfield Press, Auckland, 1985) QUICK READINGS WITH NUMEROLOGY by Richard Webster (Brookfield Press, * Auckland, 1979) TALISMAN MAGIC by Richard Webster (Llewellyn Publications, St. Paul, 1995) YOU ARE A RAINBOW by Richard Webster (Brookfield Press, Auckland, 1991)

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