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Ozone layer encircles the earth
Which screens out 99% of suns harmful
Ozone located 24 Km away from earths
It is in the form of ozone layer
Ozone is a from of oxygen present in
earth surface.

Ozone layer important for following

It protects from ultra-voilet radiations
from sun
It is connected with life sustaining
Depletion of ozone have effects on
life systems
Concentration of ozone on earths
atmosphere is thinning

Causes of ozone depletion

Emission toxic gases by automobiles,
Human activities threaten ozone layer through:
1. Use of chemical compounds
2. Jet travel
3. Deforestation
4. Availability of oxygen necessary for
maintaining ozone level
5. The patches thinned ozone layer called
ozone holes

6. Ozone depletion since 1960s

7. Each year ozone hole grown larger

Methods of controlling ozone

Saving ozone layer is cell of the day
Global efforts being made in this direction
Material development to be replaced with
sustainable development
Limit exploitation of National Resources
Nations to save environment
Developed countries to reduce
disproportionate use of natural recourses
Cutting luxurious life styles

Nations to follow environment goals

Environmentally sustainable patterns of
Sustainable development of forests
Reducing gases contributing to global
Protection of worlds diverse plant and
animal species
Electric crematoria to be made in major
towns, cities
Planting of trees to be integral part of
school and college education

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