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Nuclear Weapons in North Korea

While North Korea is a sovereign Nation and does not have to abide to any of the rules and
regulations that the UN enforces, nuclear weapons poses a threat to millions of lives, gives them
the ability to bomb preeminent population centers, and allows them to sell nuclear bombs to the
highest bidder to increase nuclear proliferation, therefore, I strongly advise that North Korea
should be stripped of the nuclear weapons that are giving them the dominant power.
I do understand the serelity of the situation and the fact that North Korea may have better
intentions or actions than we give them credit for, however they haven't proved any of these
theories right. In the Its not a Hermit Kingdom, and 4 Other Myths About North Korea author
Joel Es states The assumption is that Pyongyang desperately needs assistance from the outside
world and the only way to get it is for the North to give up its nuclear weapons. Wrong again.
North Korea did come close to becoming a failed state during the 1900s mass starvation. But
Pyongyang weathered that storm. The regime is firmly in the saddle and its new leader has enacted
measures to vitalize party control. North Korea is a sovereign nation and should not have duties to
a group that they are not even part of. But what if that means putting thousands of lives in danger?
Joel is is saying that they don't rely on other countries for assistance, but is that really true? China
is almost the back brace of North Korea. They are constantly picking up after them and refuse to
pose sanctions on the North. Without China, North Korea's economy would almost be none
existent. I suspect that the north is using their nuclear weapons as a form of power to show
dominance above all of their enemies. When Libya made an agreement with the US to give up
there nukes, they lost all power and the behavior of the U.S may have convinced North Korea to
abandon any treaty with reasoning of Nuclear Weapons. There are countless biased opinions and I
am trying to target a different perspective on the issue to remain more aware of the enormity of the
situation. I still strongly agree that the nuclear arsenal is posing a huge threat and should be
stripped despite any other facts.

The worrisome continues to broaden through the innumerable threats that the North has sent
upon us. Our biggest fear should not be that of North Korea owning nuclear weapons, but the
proliferation that will cause nuclear weapons to spread. In the article 7 Reasons to Worry About
North Korea's Weapons, Joel Es acquires The more nuclear weapons Pyongyang has the more
dangerous instability becomes. Nuclear bombs could be pawns in a nuclear struggle, even used by
different fractions against rivals or they might simply disappear, smuggled abroad, and sold to the
highest bidder. The point Joel is bringing up is seemingly significant in the dangers of nuclear
proliferation. North Korea is a terrorist country and we happen to be enemies with them. It is causing
more and more strain on our countrys confidence. If the north were to rid of their nuclear weapons to
a different country, they may have the ability that north korea currently does not have. Bomb the US.
We don't want the spread of nukes to become heightened because if they do, the U.S has more to
worry about. U.N forces need to either formulate a plot to rid of all nuclear power or find a way to
prohibit nuclear proliferation but unfortunately they have no constitutional rights to administer rules

for a sovereign nation. That being, if we could find a way to encourage posing sanctions on North
Korea, it may give us a strategy to rid the Nukes.

Another logic on why we should purge the North of nuclear weapons is because it is putting
U.S allies in adhesive danger of attack. 7 Reasons to Worry About North Korea's Weapons, Joel
Es states The more immediate danger, however, is that the North could use nuclear weapons against
its neighbors, South Korea and japan. If there was a war on the peninsula, experts believe
Pyongyang could probably put nuclear warheads on shorter range missiles and attack major
population centers. This being said, the U.S has the technology to sense any nuclear weapon and
have the potential to shoot it down. However, North Korea's surrounding countries are too close to
know when the north will launch any bombs. North Korea could intentionally destroy significant
population capitals to pose rage on the U.S because we are allies with places like South Korea. Our
allies will need constant reassurance that the U.S is protecting them and will not let the north set the
bombs off which will cause excruciating stress on us. I propose that we worry about the millions of
lives that are and will be in danger if we do not protect the norths surrounding countries. We cannot
let the communist country develop the technology to put the U.S and dozens of other countries at

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