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Izzy Tyler

Sara Price
Section 2
February 3, 2015

What does Israel Think About North Korea's Nukes

While israel may not be against nuclear power, they have taken the initiative to stand
against North Korea's possession of nukes because The North has the ability to sell them to
Israels surrounding countries and being allies with the U.S puts them in a dangerous position
because of the tension between the U.S and North Korea.
Israel, though geographically far from North Korea, senses danger in allowing nuclear
development in this far away country, due to North Koreas continued trading relationship with
Iran. Iran is a long time enemy to Israel, an enemy that has vowed to wipe Israel off the face of
the earth.. And this is not a gratuitous concern. North Korea has been caught providing Iran with
missile technology in exchange for oil. Stated in the article Israel-North Korea relations,
Israel has called for world action against North Korea's nuclear weapons programme. Israel is
suggesting that we all take actions against the North, such as pose sanctions, to dismantle the
nuclear weapons. We have struggled to accomplish this in the past because of the inability to
persuade other countries too face the North. There is also alarming tension between the U.S and
the North which causes a problematic situation where North Korea may use their nukes against
Israel for vengeance. The U.S is continuously doing everything they can to demolish the Nukes
but Israel is a difficult situation, surrounded by enemies, North Korea is just one of many threats.
The various proposals that the UN has initiated have not yet been successful in
dismantling the North Korean threat. However, in my view, the most promising of these
proposals aims at involving China in sanctions on The North, China being one of Israel's largest
trading partner. In the article Israel satisfied with North Korea Sanctions a staff writer quotes,
Israel has expressed its satisfaction with the UN Security Councils decision to impose
economic and military sanctions on North Korea in reaction to the nuclear test it conducted last
week. Israel hasn't had much say in imposing sanctions, however, they may have the ability to
help convince China to pose. By doing this, the nuclear proliferation would slowly come to a halt
and North Korea would be forced to eliminate all nuclear weapons to reassemble their economy.
In the Article Israel Minister: Iran, Syria, and North Korea are new Axis of Evil author
Malcolm Foster states Acting on a tip from the United States, Thai authorities on Dec. 12 seized
an Ilyushin Il-76 cargo plane from the North Korean capital of Pyongyang when it landed in
Bangkok. It was carrying 35 tons of weapons a violation of U.N. sanctions against North
Korea. By posing sanctions, there is always the possibility of countries cheating their way out
of it to receive the needed trading goods from the north. There is also a chance that North Korea

will react in a different manner than expected, such as threatening to use their nukes if their
trading partners abandon them. However, the U.S has the technology to react to nukes which can
easily be provided to the countries posing sanctions. Israel's neighboring countries should not
have the ability to receive missile technology, and if we increase sanctions, and Israel
concurrently makes a deal with China to revoke the relationships with North Korea, perhaps the
threat can be contained.

Izzy Tyler
Sara Price
Section 2
February 3, 2015
Works Cited

"Israel: North Korea Supplying Weapons to Six Mideast States." N.p., 10 Oct.
2008. Web. 03 Feb. 2015. <>.
"Israel Satisfied with North Korea Sanctions." - Israel Today. N.p., 15 Oct. 2006. Web. 03 Feb.
2015. <>.
"IsraelNorth Korea Relations." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 03 Feb. 2015.
Sabloff, Nicholas. "Israel Minister: Iran, Syria, And North Korea Are New 'Axis Of Evil'" The
Huffington Post. The Huffington, 7 Dec. 2010. Web. 03 Feb. 2015.

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