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Faculty of Chemical and Process Engineering

Letter of Recommendation
Dear Applicant:
Please complete this section. Give this form and an envelope to the person whom you asked to act as your referee. When
that person returns the sealed envelope to you, include it with your application before dispatching it.
Applicants name:
Proposed degree:
Proposed course of study/research:
Applicants signature:


Dear Referee:
This letter of recommendation will remain confidential and will be used by the University only for the admission
procedure. Please complete the section below and enclose a separate letter about the candidate on official headed note
Indicate how long and in what capacity you have known the applicant. Discuss the applicants qualifications and potential
to undertake advanced study/research in the chosen discipline. Describe the applicants motivation and intellect and
discuss both strong and weak points. Please write frankly. Give specific examples rather than general statements. If the
applicants first language is not English, please comment on his/her ability to read, write and speak English.
Top 5 %Top 10 %Top 50 %Bottom 50 %
Academic performance
Intellectual ability
Capacity for original thinking
Motivation for graduate study


Referees Name
Name and address of Institution
Referees Signature


Please enclose this form and your letter of recommendation in an envelope, seal it and sign it across the seal. Return the
envelope to the applicant who will dispatch it together with his/her application.

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