Homework March9 March132014

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Grade 2

Choose Your Own Homework

March 9th March 13th

You need to choose 3 homework activities this week. You must choose 1 math assignment and 1 writing assignment. Do you want
a challenge? If so, complete an extra activity or two. Feel free to add a piece of paper to this sheet if you need more space.
Dont forget to read every night! Make sure that mom and dad sign the box when you complete your homework.

Play an addition or subtraction game
of your choice on

You and Your World

Fact Finding!! Find out 4 facts about a topic
of interest and share them with the class on
Friday. Example topics: Aquaponics, Betta
Fish, Life Cycle of an Animal, Famous person,
Record your facts on the back of this paper.

Parent Initials: _____

Editing Checklist:
Does each sentence
start with an upper case
Does each sentence
end with punctuation?
Does every sentence
make sense?

Parent Initials: _____

Write a How-to Guide for
something you are an
expert on. Examples: How
to make a grilled cheese
sandwhich, how to play
goalie, how to take care of
a pet, etc.
Parent Initials: _____


Answer the following questions on the

back of this paper:

Complete a Yellow Book sort from

the website :

34 + 20 =
98 50 =
73 + 20 =
81 10 =
45 + 21 =
54 + 40 =
69 -30 =
50 + 10 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 1 + 1 =


Design and complete your

own homework

How creative can you be?

Examples Research an animal and
create a poster, report, or
powerpoint. Or design a game for
addition and subtraction. Design a
game for sight words. Design a
science experiment. You decide!

Parent Initials: _____

Parent Initials: _____

Parent Initials: ______

Words of the Week: March, thank, hurt, clock, float, been

Library books are due on Thursday.

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