DV 1st Draft

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Andria Kester

Domestic Violence Solutions of Santa Barbara

Domestic Violence Solutions of Santa Barbara is an organization
that has been a pioneer in helping our community better its self. They
come to the rescue of the countless women and sometimes men that
need assistance in finding a safe place to live while they get their lives
figured out. Domestic violence is something that happens more often
than we think. A lot of people are affected by this troublesome issue
daily, we are just not exposed to it like we should be. This organization
helps the public get familiar with the goings on of this community.
For years domestic violence has been an overlooked social justice
issue, now Domestic Violence Solutions of Santa Barbara has put
together programs, and various types of media, to get their word
DVS of Santa Barbara has been able to intergrade their system of
fighting against this horrible crime in many ways. One way is being an
active part in crime scenes as needed. Often when the police are called
to a domestic violence scene they are confronted with the issue of
where and who to go to about giving the abused a safe place to go.
This is where DV of SB comes into play. They have volunteers come to
the crimes scene and take the victims to the closest anonymous
shelter. They will follow up with them and help them get back on their
feet. Everything the volunteers do is confidential and secure. This is
one of the reasons why so many victims become volunteers after they

Andria Kester
get help. They see that they can make a difference in the lives of
people just like them.
They appeal to the community by giving them ways to get
educated about DV issues. They give out brochures that are up front
and to the point. This is helpful because when you are in a situation
that needs urgency you often arent thinking straight. By giving clear
and concise information, rather than trying to make it pretty, it is more
effective in getting their message across. This theme spreads across
their whole advertising scheme. Their website gives all the information
needed in an orderly fashion to convey a convenient way to find
information. They use red font and boxes around their most important
information because it is the universal symbol for urgency.
I met with Ddalo Purificao who is the outreach coordinator for
DVSB. I was very surprised by how multifaceted his job was on a daily
basis. He manages transition programs, support groups, concerns on
site, 40 ADV training. He generally walks through out the office helping
where need be, and being a non-profit that is in a lot of departments.
One thing that really struck a cord with me was that he helps with
getting victims tattoos removed. Meaning they have a tattoo of the
name of their pimp tattooed on them because they were owned. This
was a program that was initiated and made possible by past victims

Andria Kester
DV of SBs mission statement is Domestic Violence Solutions for
Santa Barbara County works to end the intergenerational cycle of
domestic violence by providing prevention and intervention services
and by challenging society's attitudes, beliefs and behaviors to effect
social change.. This gives the readers a clear picture of what the
organization does. It lets the public know that they have a variety of
goals that they are working towards fixing in our society. They tell you
that they want to change the way the society is affected and make
others want to join the cause. This mission statement encompasses
every aspect of their goals.
They use a modern genre and feminine colors to represent the
people they serve most. They have to appeal to the mainstream
culture and be up to date with their advertisements. Their logo is a
butterfly because it symbolizes the growth of a person. We start as
caterpillars and then grown and change into a beautiful butterfly., this
message is conveyed to help the victims have hope. Trying to keep the
them of anonymous they hardly single out people using photos or
names. This gives a good feel to the people who are looking for a safe
place to provide them with support.
They produce a seasonal newsletter that is targeted for the
people who have donated. This is a valuable writing artifact because it
is infrequently published and constantly changing. This gives the
donors a chance to see where their money goes and how they are

Andria Kester
helping the community. In their most recent newsletter they break their
norm and give a photo and a story with their publication. They show
Ms. Tangs photo, who died as a victim of domestic violence.
Through the use of all of these kinds of media DV of SB is
appealing to the pathos of the public. This means that they are tugging
on the heartstrings of the readers. They can use this to their
advantage because then the public will feel more compelled to donate
to help the cause. Another side that they convey to the public is ethos.
When making ethos well known within this topic it makes the public
think within themselves. By using ethos the victims are related to the
public and the communities morals.
DVS of SB is an organization that is multifaceted within the
community. Whether it is helping domestic violence victims to a shelter
or the victims coming back to be a volunteer. DVS of SB is a place to
feel safe and secure in your time of need. You can take comfort in this
by their professional staff and the writing artifacts they produce. Their
role is not only helping the local community, but it is helping anyone
who needs it. Their site and shelters are open to anyone with complete
anonymity. This provides a wonderful environment in which growth is

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