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Classroom Use Policy
Our duty is to keep our students
safe as possible. This includes use of
the internet. The internet is a great source for
information, learning, and can make lessons more
exciting and educational. However, our students
must use the technology appropriately. I want to
keep my first graders as safe as I can!

Expectations of student:
-use the computer for academics
-send messages and access material that is appropriate
for school use
-only use search engines that are approved by the
-do not give out any personal information
-ask permission before printing
-turn off monitor if an inappropriate add or pop up comes
up and wait for the teacher
-respect the technology
-do not download anything to computer without teacher
-obey copyright rules

-be safe
Not following any of these rules may result in loss of
privileges and/or a trip to the principals office.
By signing this contract, you, the student, is aware of
what is expected of you.
By signing the contract, you, the parent, is aware of what
is expected of your child.

Thank you!

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