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panda does
not need a
capital letter

Great use of the

capital letter for

Capital letter
at the start of
a sentence =

Fletch no is not a giant Panda bear, bat he likes honey and

sarfing. At night he watches and dreams of starts, in d day he
comes to class. He is good at fisics, and maf, bat he talks a lot.
he talks so much, the teacher always gets mad at him. bat
Fletch always listens and soon forgets, so he gets in trouble
again. Fletch is my frend, becose we both like lemonade.

Dont forget to

You do not
start a new
a comma
with a

rhyming stars

capital letter
with class

This was a great attempt for your assignment Mitch. I have
highlighted positive comments with the blue bubbles, to show you
what you have done correctly and creatively. Good work on these!

The green bubbles are to show you things you can work on, such as
capital letters and any grammatical errors. Also, I have written in
RED places where you need to have plurals of certain words. Also in
your first sentence, I have included how the sentence should read

Finally, I have highlighted and written comments on the side of any
incorrect spellings, and how they should be correctly spelt.

Fantastic work on this assignment! Use these points to improve on
your next assignment. Well Done!

Lauren Davis 11/3/15 8:54 PM

Comment [1]: The correct spelling is but
not bat
Lauren Davis 11/3/15 8:55 PM
Comment [2]: The correct spelling is
surfing not sarfing
Lauren Davis 11/3/15 9:44 PM
Comment [3]: This should be stars not
Lauren Davis 11/3/15 9:45 PM
Comment [4]: This should say the day
not d day
Lauren Davis 11/3/15 8:56 PM
Comment [5]: The correct spelling is
physics not fisics
Lauren Davis 11/3/15 8:58 PM
Comment [6]: The correct spelling is
math not maf
Lauren Davis 11/3/15 9:31 PM
Comment [7]: but not bat
Lauren Davis 11/3/15 8:59 PM
Comment [8]: but not bat
Lauren Davis 11/3/15 8:59 PM
Comment [9]: The correct spelling is
friend not frend
Lauren Davis 11/3/15 8:59 PM
Comment [10]: The correct spelling is
because not becose

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