Interactivity: Interazione Interactividad

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Vivas Valentina
Medina Daniuska
Gullo Matteo
Inselvini Mattia
La Marca Antonio

The capability of a given system to
exchange information with a human

La capacit di un determinato sistema di

scambiare informazioni con un operatore

La capacidad de un determinado
sistema de intercambio de informacin
con un operador humano

The space has communly been designed for a user that will
live in it; there are few opportunities for the user to interact
with the elements that conform this space...TO INTERACT is
a constant on the daily life of humans beacuse is the base to
make all kind of relations. Within the pass of time the
necessity to make relations as increase, generating the need
to interact with the environment that will enrich the experience
on it, accomplishing with that a higher identification witht the
space and the feeling of confortability.
With the evolution of the technology this bond between user
and space has been achieved through the new systems
utilized on construction and with the electronics gadgets
inclluded in the living space.
The link between user and space is an important relation for
us and that is why we consider INTERACTIVITY a significant
word in the interiors architecture design.

Casa Schroder
interactivity between rooms

Padiglione Olanda
interactivity in movement

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