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Raysean Gadson

March 8, 2015

Avoid GMOS
Bigger Bigger Bigger!! Yes I know we want our food bigger,but did you know that?
They are genetically modifying organisms inside so they can get bigger and even fatter, but I
know you meat eater are like what the problem with GMOs. What are GMOS FDA, GMO
foods are made using recombinant Deoxyribonucleic Acid (rDNA) Technology. The agency
commonly refers to them as bioengineered foods, or foods that have undergone genetic
modification, meaning theyve been engineered and altered at the genetic level using any
technique, new or traditional, So it is basically frankenstein in your meat!! Other thing that
will be discussed in this essay is how gmos can affect your health , and also how it can affect
your environment,and how it can harm social and human rights. How can it affect your health?

Does the taste of pesticide reminds you of thanksgiving; Well did you know that GMOs
are grown with toxic chemicals and resulting pesticide residues are known to be harmful to
human health, according to food expert Mari Rodale of Farm Country Kitchen. Wow does that
sound yummy!!! Is this the taste you want your kids eating ? Health problems has rocketed.

Wow this is interesting!! Health problems has increased after GMOs were introduced in
1996, according to The percentage of Americans with three or
more chronic illnesses jumped from 7% to 13% in just 9 years; food allergies skyrocketed, and
disorders such as autism, reproductive disorders, digestive problems, and others are on the rise.
Well I guess you could say; how do you really know it GMOS fault.What you should ask
yourself. Why did all these illnesses start to rise? Did you also know that Research has shown
that laboratory mammals fed GMOs suffer adverse effects that include damage to kidneys, liver,
adrenal glands, spleen, and heart. Additionally, their immune systems were compromised and in
some cases brain size was reduced. How does it feel to you that you have eaten a chicken that
has had chronic illnesses? Better question what does kidney failure taste like? Dont be mad at
the questioner you're the one that ate it. How can it affect your environment?

Are perm good for the scalp? Think about it! I hope you said no. In that retrospect can
pecside be good for the ground. According to U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
.GMO crops require huge amounts of chemicals that are harmful to soil, water, the
atmosphere, and creatures. Although they are promoted as a technology to reduce pesticide
usage, GM crops in the U.S. used greater than 26 percent more pesticides per acre in 2008 than
non-GMO crops. Dang all these poison inside you mine as well be a human cobra.
Well you know; When you get bigger and have to change deodorant because that old one
isn't cutting it anymore. Well think about these crops get bigger and bigger they're going need
stronger pesticides. According to"What's So Bad About GMOs, GMOs are actually increasing
the need for stronger and more poisonous pesticides. For example, one agrochemical company is
awaiting USDA approval of corn and soybeans resistant to 2, 4-D, a chemical related to Agent
Orange. Agent orange is a poison that was banned after the Vietnam War.

Even if you thought maybe GMOS were good; because it feeding more people
guess again researched by USDA publication reports, GMOs are promoted as way to
feed the world and mitigate hunger; however, numerous studies demonstrate that the
GM crops do not produce higher yields as claimed. As one example, a USDA publication
reports that "GM crops do not increase the yield potential." Bigger food! More food!
Same hungry rate!

Working hard or hardly working because of gmos farmer are losing jobs
according to the The Healthy Home Economist , GMO agriculture is an extension of
current industrial-farming practices that have resulted in the loss of family farms and
farmer livelihoods around the globe. Do you remember old mcdonald's has a farm.
Now it Dr Frankenstein has a lab, and in that lab he has poisons he inject into your

In conclusion you have learned how gmos can affect your health , and how it can
affect your environment and how it can harm social and human rights. You should have gotten
the necessary information to make a valid opinion. On what you want to do about GMOS if you
want to avoid or still eat them. Thanks for reading!

Works Cited
"11 Scientific Reasons Why You Must Avoid GMOs Now: The Healthy Home Economist." The
Healthy Home Economist RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Mar. 2015.
"Institute for Responsible Technology." - 10 Reasons to Avoid GMOs. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Feb.
Rodale, Maria. "12 Reasons To Avoid GMOs." The Huffington Post.,
n.d. Web. 09 Mar. 2015.
"12 Reasons To Avoid GMOs." Marias Farm Country Kitchen. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Mar. 2015.
"What's So Bad About GMOs? Top Ten Reasons to Avoid Them." What's So Bad About GMOs?
Top Ten Reasons to Avoid Them. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Mar. 2015.

"Why Should I Avoid GMOs." Why Should I Avoid GMOs. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Mar. 2015.

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