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3/6/2015 Mail - An Assignment Preventing Prescription Drug Misuse (PDM)





I hope you will be able to help me out withan assignment in my Academic Writing class.My name is Sofie Olsson,
and I am a student at AntiochUniversity achieving my BA degree. I email you in interest of an interview
concerningmy assignment in my Academic Writing classwhere I am to analyze the writing material of a social
justice organization.

I am analyzingthe Adderall Consumption and how it can pose frightening effects on the students' health and
environment.My wish is to obtainany form of written promotional material as well as ask if you are available for a
15-minute interview?Also, obtain apersonal response from specialist and was hoping you could help me out.I
would appreciate ifwe could get together and discuss the subject betweenFebruary 4thand February 11. I am
available all day Tuesdays, Thursdays andFridays.

My personal experience is that the Adderall consumption has increased among the Colleges andUniversities. My
objectives are to collect visual information on how is can pose a frightening affect on drugabuse, and to find a way
one works to inform student and their parents about Adderall.

I understand if you are busy, so even 15-20 minutes would be appreciated. I would love to hear your perspectiveon
this issue.

Yours Sincerely,
BA Student Antioch University Santa Barbara
220 Ladera St Apt 103
Santa Barbara, CA, 93101
805-284 3302


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