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Appendix 1


Year Level: Foundation

Time: 9:00 9:50

Students Prior Knowledge:

Date: 12/3/15

Learning Area: Science

Strand/Topic from the Australian Curriculum


General Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)

Critical and

creative thinking


Have cooperated in sensory

experiences through play.
Are able to work civilly with other
Can recognise enjoyment through the
senses. E.g.: They like to touch play
do because of its unusual texture.

Personal and


Cross-curriculum priorities
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
histories and cultures

Asia and Australias engagement with Asia


Lesson Objectives (i.e. anticipated outcomes of this lesson, in point form beginning with an action verb)
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:
1. Name the five senses and know the importance and use of them
2. Create a book on an IT resource on the senses.
Teachers Prior Preparation/Organisation:
Provision for students at educational risk:

Ensure the class set of iPads are charged.

Smart board is ready
Website is up and running ready to go
Assessment for class discussions

Student with vision impairment requires seating close

to me on the mat so they can see the video
Students with disabilities such as autism will have a
teachers aid with them or will sit close to me to keep
their focus under control.
Teachers aids with specific students and to assist with
everything else

LESSON EVALUATION (to be completed AFTER the lesson)

Assessment of Lesson Objective and Suggestions for Improvement:

Teacher self-reflection and self-evaluation:

[OFFICIAL USE ONLY] Comments by classroom teacher, HOPP, supervisor:

LESSON DELIVERY (attach worksheets, examples, marking key, etc, as relevant)



Motivation and Introduction:

1. Students will make their way to the front of the class to sit on the mat in
order to start the lesson.
2. Introduce topic of senses and encourage a discussion on the senses
and what they are.
"What do we use to touch objects and feel the texture of different
things" *Touch clothes and move hands around so students do the
same* They would then answer "Hands" Discuss each sense so
children get used to the names.
3. Show the children a YouTube clip on the smart board through the
Weebly site on the senses which gets them to point to each sense to
enthuse them and get them in the mood to learn about them.


Weebly website

Youtube clip on the

smartboard (Hi-5)
Smart board.

4. After watching the YouTube clip, tap students on the head who are
being quiet and sensible to go collect and iPad and sit at a desk ready
for the next activity in the lesson.

Lesson Steps

1. The teacher gives instruction orally for next activity.


"Ok pre-Primarys, now we are going to do some further research of

the five senses by ourselves on the iPad. When you go back to your
desks you need to go onto your weebly website and click on any three
of the buttons which will take you exploring" The task is to individually
research the five senses by playing an interactive game on the iPad
which is linked into the weebly website. It should be written on the
board ready for the students to type it into google.

While students are exploring that website, go round and monitor what they're
doing to see if they're on the right track.



As the children do the activity, encourage the children to talk to each other on
what their thoughts are.
Discussion should include how the students use their own senses.
We use our senses every day without even thinking about it. Lets




have a think now about how many times we use our senses in a day.
What senses do we use while we are at school? Can anyone give me
some examples?
Students would be expected to give examples such as: Touching
different stationary etc, tasting their lunch, hearing their friends speak,
smelling the flowers in the garden or the rain when its stormy, seeing
the teacher at the front of the class and many more.
While students are still sitting at their desks nicely the next activity is
Activity consists of students making their own book on Book
creator. Their aim is to create six-paged book, which includes a cover
page. Each of the other pages is dedicated to a sense each and on the
page they have to draw a picture of their favourite thing to smell, touch
is etc. So for example a student might draw their fluffy dog on their
touch page because they love the feel of its fur. They are to write a
couple of keywords (Adjectives) Cover page should have their name
on it in order for the teacher to assess.
Students can either draw or google search images to put on their book
creator. Students can also take photos of things to upload onto the book
After explaining the task and explaining what app they should click on by
describing what it looks like, the students can begin.
Ask student to repeat instructions: Cover page, each sense with a picture and
keyword explaining why they like it.
As students do the task, walk around and ask them questions:
Why did you draw your house for your favourite thing to see?
Because I like the colour of the roof
If time runs out, reassure students that we can carry it onto the next lesson.

Anecdotal notes for

during the lesson.


Lesson Closure:

1. When students have finished the task, students are to pack away the
iPads and ask them to come sit on the mat.
2. Students sit in a circle.
3. Students can go round in a circle and say either what they liked best
about the lesson or something new that they learnt.


Transition: (What needs to happen prior to the next lesson?)

Sit on the mat for further instruction
Assessment: (Were the lesson objectives met? How will these be judged?)
1. Assess through the sharing circle
2. Observation throughout the lesson and y interacting with students
3. If students dont finish their book in this lesson they could finish it in the
next lesson and then present it to their class and teacher as news.

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