Economic Profile Section 5

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Profile Section 5: Design Project and Pitch

In this section, you will be creating a design of a project in SketchUp that you will pitch
to a company or person to sell. For example you could design a car, house, invention product,
fashion design, etc. This project is preferable somehow related to your chosen career but is not a
necessity. If you choose to not relate it to your career, you must get it approved before starting
your design.
Pitch Requirements:
Your written pitch should be minimum 500 words and consider the financial, economical,
statistical, and trigonometric/geometric influence in the design of your project. The design
should relate to at least one course material we have looked at thus far but a greater mark will be
given for incorporating multiple course materials. You may consider the following questions:
What will it be made out of?
What is its value?
Is it economical?
What statistics tell you this is a good project to invest in?
What trigonometrics or geometrics make this design so great?
Did you use any math strategies for designing this project?
Why have you chosen the project?
Project Design Requirements:
SketchUp design must be creative, and detailed
SketchUp design must be to scale model representation using appropriate metric or
imperial measurements and conversions (Calculations can be submitted for extra marks)
Include pictures of all orthographic projections (front, sides, bottom, top, and 4 different
upper angled views)
A labelled NET of your design (can be created using software or by hand)
**Refer to rubric for specifics on gradings for Sketchup design and the written component
(marked separately)

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