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1. Briefly explain about your life background and how youve ventured a long
way to be where you are now?
2. Have you ever been involved in either paid or unpaid with the services of
the voluntary sector?
3. Are you a member of any clubs or charities apart from committing yourself
to your work?
4. Are you a socialising person and how are you able to strike an amicable
balance between your work, hobbies and your social needs?
5. What has been your most memorable and momentous achievement being
attained in your career so far?
6. What are your expectations from this firm in the future?
7. What is your alternative career, should law not be the avenue for you?
8. How have you changed and morphed yourself into for the last five years?
9. Do share with us about a time when you felt that you dealt with a situation
inadequately, and how has that changed how you would approach the
same situation?
10.How do you see yourself in the next 10 years aligned with your

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