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Matter &

The Atom

The term matter describes all of the
physical substances around us
Matter is anything that has mass
and takes up space
The Universe is made up of matter
and energy

*Matter is made up of
*An atom is the smallest
whole particle of matter.
* Sub-Atomic particles are
smaller than atoms and are
the tiny particles that an
atom is made of.

Early Models of the Atom

Mostly empty space
Small, positive nucleus
Contained protons
Negative electrons
scattered around the

Early Models of the Atom

Electrons move in
definite orbits around
the nucleus

Modern Model of the Atom

The electron cloud
Sometimes called the wave model
Spherical cloud of varying density
Varying density shows where an
electron is more or less likely to be

Atomic Structure



Atomic Structure
Tiny, very light particles
Have a negative electrical charge (-)
Move around the outside of the nucleus

Atomic Structure
Much larger and heavier than electrons
Protons have a positive charge (+)
Located in the nucleus of the atom

Atomic Structure
Large and heavy like protons
Neutrons have no electrical charge
Located in the nucleus of the atom

Atomic Structure

Describing Atoms

Atomic Number = number of protons

In a neutral atom, the # of protons = the
# of electrons
Atomic Mass= the number of protons +
the number of neutrons

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