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This document explains watch time and valid time in Huawei HO algorithm.

It is like an election. Assume there are 3 guys who are going to vote for you
to decide whether you are agood guy or bad guy. These guys need 1
second for voting.
The rule is if 2 or more votes for you as a good guy then only we decide
you as a good guy. If less than 2then you are a bad guy.Now come back to
3 guys = watch time (3 seconds)
2 votes = valid time (2 seconds)
good guy = HO decision
badguy = no HO decision
Watch time =3 s & valid time = 3s,

It is hard to get all the 3 votes. (You may have to bribe 3 guys

But decision is very accurate (100%).

Time for the decision is 3s.

Watch time = 3 s & valid time = 2s.

It is not that hard as above case. (only 2 bribes)

Decision is not accurate as above (66%)

Time consume for the decision is same as above.

Watch time = 3s & valid time =1s,

It is very easy to decide. (only 1 bribe)

Decision is not accurate (33%)

Time consume for the decision is same as above.

If no decision from the first round (after 3 s), this process will again start.
That means every 3 second newHO decision process will take place. For
an example there will be 10 decision cycles during 30s.If we set watch time
to 5, then number of HO decision cycles will reduce to 6 cycles during 30 s.
Then theprobability of having HO decision will go down and one HO
decision will need more time than previouscase (watch time = 3s).

If you find many unnecessary HOs or poor HO decisions in a cell with

watch time = 3s,valid time = 1s. Then first change valid time = 2s. If it
is not working then change to watchtime = 5s, valid time 3s. If it is not
working then change to watch time = 5s, valid time = 4s.(It is not good
to set watch time = valid time

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