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Ideal Government and Community Assignment

Many governments, particularly in communist systems, often find themselves

corrupt with power and have total control over their society. This total control often
extends through all realms of society, reaching into political, social, and economic
areas. An example that you see in English class is in 1984.
We have also looked at how, despite Karl Marx optimistic intentions, communism
also turns into totalitarianism, since a government continues to exist that controls
all elements of society.
Many countries, like the United Kingdom, are able to steer away from this typical
totalitarian society and achieve a government of the people.
For your government systems project, after looking at many different elements of
government across the world, you will need to explain what you see as the ideal
government. This can be totalitarian with yourself as dictator, a presidential
democracy, a communist society, or a blend of many of these ideas.
While you can take creative leeway, you will need to have all of the following
elements included in your project..
1. Name of your community
2. Layout of your community on a poster with at least 10 buildings
3. Laws that dictate all elements of your society (a constitution) written on a
typed piece of paper and submitted with your society.
4. For your constitution, you will need to include the following areas
Economic Laws (at least 5)
o Does your society have free health care?
o Do you have a public school system?
o How much regulation do you have over business?
o How high are taxes? Is it a free market?
Social Laws (at least 5)
o Do you require your citizens to eat certain foods?
o Do you require a certain amount of physical fitness?
o How much monitoring do you have on your citizens?
o Is there a curfew in society?
o What is considered legal or illegal in your society?
Political/Governmental Laws or Policies (at least 15)
o Does your country have a president, prime minister, dictator?
o Is there a parliamentary system or presidential?
o Do you have any type of legislature?
o Do you have any type of judicial branch?
o How do elections work? How long can leaders serve?
You also need to include 5 laws or policies of your own choosing
Ideal Government and Community Rubric
100 points

Name of your Community on poster and paper


Inclusion of a typed


Constitution has at least 30 laws or policies in correct



Inclusion of Community

Poster has at least 10 buildings in



Significant amount of creativity and




Good use of class


Present to Class with 5 main




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