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Assignment 1: Information Literacy

Caitlin Farrell
1. Obama pitches cybersecurity to Silicon Valley
2. Summary:
President Barack Obama assembled a Silicon Valley strategy session in
Palo Alto California, Friday February 13 2015. CEO's and leaders of major
companies such as Visa, Walgreens, Google, Apple, and Facebook were
invited, though some sent top network security personnel in their place.
The session was in regards to the rising fear of Americans personal
information being hacked after several major hacking incidents occurred
this past year. Most notable was the Sony Pictures hack from North Korea,
according to the United States Government. Obama hopes to successfully
share information between the government and large companies when
information is compromised following a security breach
3. Two Additional Internet Articles:
Google: We Need a Manhattan Project for Cyber Security
Bing: Capgemini bolsters security for IoT, analytics and Cloud
Keywords: Technology, Security
Search Engines Used:,
I found the search engines to be similar in speed and results. and displayed many of the same articles
when I searched the keywords. For example the first article result
for both search engines was from which was
the first additional source I listed.
4. TRAAP your sources:
Time: It was posted on 02/23/2015 6:58 pm EST. Yes the article was
updated at 02/23/2015 10:59 pm EST
Relevance: This article was extremely relevant to my search. Though
discussed a different aspect of illegal use of internet and security in
the form of hacking and penetrated credit accounts.
Authority: I do believe that the author of this article is qualified to
write about this topic. The author is Marc Goodman who has a career
in both law enforcement and technology. This allows him to see all
aspects of cyber security.
Accurate: The information does seem to be trustworthy; the article is
published on a very well-known and reputable newspaper website,
The Huffington Post. It is supported by evidence he refers to many
cyber security events and also directly quotes the President and
aspects of the Manhattan project that would be essential for our cyber
Purpose: This article seemed to have two purposes, to inform the
reader of our cyber security weaknesses and to persuade a reform in

the way we strengthen our cyber security similar to the Manhattan

5. Find two scholarly journal articles on the same topic from the CCBC library
Keywords: Technology, Security
Database used: Science Full Text
I chose the database Science full text because the topic I am
researching is a type of computer science.
Cyber security essentials
Study of Mobile Cloud Computing against Cyber Attacks
6. Compare an Internet and Journal Article:
The Internet article We need a Manhattan Project for Cyber Security
was extremely easy to find online using, I typed in my
keywords and it was the first article to be listed. The journal article
however was a little more difficult to find. I had to first go to the CCBC
databases and then select a particular database that fit my topic, and
then I could search my keywords. In addition, once I searched, it this
particular journal article, which seemed most relevant and timely was the
eighth journal listed. The internet article was also timelier since it was
posted and updated on February 23. The journal article was published a
month prior in January. Although the internet article was easier to find and
was more recent, the journal article seemed to have more authority. The
journal article was less biased than the internet article; the internet article
persuaded a certain way to reform cyber security. On the other hand, the
journal article was more informative about the specifics of cyber security
and threats. The author for the journal also works as a proposal and
estimating specialist for Maverick technologies, which gives him authority
as well.
7. Works Cited (MLA):
Bozeman, Josh1. "Cyber Security Essentials." Control Engineering 62.1
(2015): 90-91. Science Full Text Select (H.W. Wilson). Web. 26 Feb. 2015.
Goodman, Mark. "We Need a Manhattan Project for Cyber Security." The
Huffington Post., 23 Feb. 2015. Web. 26 Feb. 2015.
Karlovsky, Brian. "Capgemini Bolsters Security for IoT, Analytics and
Cloud." ARN. IDG Communications, 13 Feb. 2015. Web. 26 Feb. 2015.
Koleshwar, Ankita S.1,, S. S.2, Sherekar, and V. M.3,

Thakare. "Study Of Mobile Cloud Computing Security Against Cyber

Attacks." International Journal Of Advanced Research In Computer Science
5.4 (2014): 187-191. Science Full Text Select (H.W. Wilson). Web. 26 Feb.
Liptak, Kevin. "Obama Potches Cybersecurity to Silicon Valley." CNN. N.p.,
13 Feb. 2015. Web. 26 Feb. 2015. <

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