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Name: Max

Task: Movement



- Mind map
- Analysis of Natsumi Hayashi (YowaYowa)
- Analysis of Francesca Woodman
- Analysis of Michael Bosanko
- Analysis of 3 selected photographers

Lots of gaps here, you need to complete YowaYowa,

Woodman and Bosanko analysis for 3 selected
images. For these main artists as listed opposite you
need to write an introduction sentence/s about the
photographer and then analysis 3 selected images
individually. Always use the hand-out given in class
for key words and sentence prompts.


Explanation of techniques. Annotations of WWW and EBI.
Progress from 1st to 2nd response.
- Levitation
- Zoom blur
- Movement of a figure
- Light painting

There are some gaps here, all task need 1st and
second response. You have started to explain the
techniques, but need to do this for every section
listed in a02. To help you refer to the Fortismere
Weebly page or ask me so that you can explain the
techniques used better in future and catch up. Use a
subheading technique in each section and refer to
camera settings, using relevant vocabulary. Please
avoid pasting video links.


Quality of the photographs taken:
- Application of technique
- Composition
- Other success criteria (e.g. Amount of photos)

You have begun to record your subject better,

continue to experiment and use the techniques learnt
in class with precision. Your Woodman 2nd responses
are great Max, well done. Continue to think about
locations that work well and are simple. Avoid busy
backgrounds, take clean and focused images.

Final response:
- Present 6 selected photographs
- Evaluation of WWW, EBI. Why did you choose your 6
selected photo

A good series of photos here, the movement of a

figure images are most successful and show me your
understanding of what we did in class. Try to
experiment more with light painting using a tripod
and writing text / drawing figures.

Grade: C-

Target: C

Final Comment: Some good work here Max that shows me your creativity in this subject. You need to fill some gaps and
focus on analysis for the next unit. Please ask me for help with analysis and use the hand-out so that you can hit your
target grade for all sections.


Develop their ideas through investigations informed by

contextual and other sources, demonstrating
analytical and cultural understanding


Refine their ideas through experimenting and

selecting appropriate resources, media, materials, techniques
and processes


Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to

their intentions in visual and/or other forms


Present a personal, informed and meaningful response

Demonstrating analytical and critical understanding,
realising intentions and, where appropriate,
making connections between visual, written, oral or
other elements.

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