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rapidly and with violence, as

Debris flow, Torrent, and Flood

down the side of a hill or over a

MUDFLOW - are composed of a

slury-like mass of liquefied mud that

A violent downpour of rain
Strong current or a flood

TORRENTIAL FLOOD Materials involve: MS

characterized by extremely high

rates are common in Mediterranean

Triggering of torrent floods:


ranging up to boulder size.

These flows have the consistency

Types of Floods:
1. Flash Flood
2. Rapid on-set Flood
3. Slow on-set Flood

FLOOD - It is a natural event or

1. Sea/Coastal Defense Walls

occurrence where a piece of land

2. Retaining Walls

suddenly gets submerged under

FLOOD) - A stream flowing

5. Ice and Snow melts

(or area) that is usually dry land,

fast as water in a flash flood.


4. Dam Breaking

Prevention of Floods:

of wet cement and can move as

Erodible material
Transit or erosion
Deposition or meandering

DEBRIS FLOW basically

mudflow with large particles,

3. Strong Winds in Coastal Areas

discharges and sediment transport

1. Mixture of mud and water

2. soil and small rocks

1. Heavy rainfall
2. Slope greater than 10

1. Rain
2. River Overflow

move downhill under the force of

Conditions needed: HS

Cause of Flooding:

It occurs at irregular intervals and
vary in size, duration and the
affected area

3. Town Planning
4. Vegetation
5. Education
6. Detention Basin

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