Ga Doe 2015 Library Media Program Evaluation Rubric

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GA DOE 2015 Library Media Program Evaluation Rubric

To: Mr. McClendon

From: CMS Media Specialist
Mr. McClendon,
In an effort to improve the CMS library media center we recently performed
an evaluation using the GA DOE 2015 Library Media Program Evaluation
Rubric. There are twenty one items that are measured in the rubric and each
item is given a rating of Basic, Proficient, or Exemplary. These indicators
allow us to see what the strengths and weaknesses are in our media center
so that we can improve these areas. Of the items we reviewed seven of the
items rated Proficient, twelve items rated Exemplary, and only two items
were rated basic. This evidence shows that we are heading in the right
direction with our media center.
In an effort to improve we created an action plan to address some areas we
feel we can improve on. In our action plan we will address steps to move the
items rated as Basic to the Proficient level. We will also address the need to
move one of the areas rated as Proficient to the Exemplary level. These
changes will improve the media center in the coming year. Please refer to
the documentation below for the suggested changes.

Part 1 Basic to Proficient

3. Professional library media staff are engaged in active teaching role/s.
(Information Power; Principle 4, p. 58)
Current Level: Basic - The Library Media Specialist makes recommendations to
students for class projects and pleasure reading. The Library Media Specialist
provides basic orientation and instruction on information location skills.
Level Desired: Proficient - The Library Media Specialist and teachers plan and teach
collaboratively so that the library media program is an extension of classroom
Action Plan: The media specialist and administration will form a library collaborative
team. This team will consist of teachers from each content and grade level. These

teams will initiate plans that will increase teacher/media specialist interaction and
allow the media specialist to visit content area collaborative meetings.

6. Student achievement is routinely assessed. (A Planning Guide for Information

Power; p. 36)
Current Level: Basic - The classroom teacher is responsible for assessing student
Level Desired: Proficient - Together the teacher and Library Media Specialist
develop a rubric(s) or another effective means for assessing student achievement.
Action Plan: Have the grade level teams work with the media specialist to create
units that can be implemented in the media centers. The media specialist will work
with content area teachers to construct sets of rubrics to guide these activities. The
rubrics will also be used for peer feedback for students working in groups while
learning in the media center.

Part 2 Proficient to Exemplary

2. Collaborative planning includes both the Library Media Specialists and teachers to
ensure use of library media center resources that support on-going classroom
instruction and implementation of state curriculum and the GPS and CCGPS. (IFBD
Current Level: Proficient The Library Media Specialist encourages collaborative
planning among teachers who are teaching units of similar content. The Library
Media Specialist is familiar with the Georgia website and the Common
Core standards and encourages teachers to use the resources available on GSO web
Level Desired: Exemplary The Library Media Specialist actively plans with and
encourages every teacher to participate in the design of instruction. Learning
strategies and activities for all students are designed with all teachers who are
willing to plan collaboratively. All students with diverse learning styles, abilities, and
needs are included in collaborative plans.
Action Plan: Content area teams will collaborate with the CMS library media
specialist in designing instructional units that incorporate the use of technology in
the units and are also aligned with the Georgia State Standards. The units will also
align with Common Core Standards and accommodate all learners. The media
specialist will provide training, materials, books, and any other necessary resources
to build these units. The library media specialist will also work with teachers and
become involved in the implementation of the lessons which includes building,
teaching, assessing, and providing feedback to students based on the lesson.

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