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Work placement(s): Caf Mulberries and Rossmoyne Senior High School

Employability Skill

Initiative and Enterprise




S The fruit juicing stock in the caf is running
low due to the high demands of fresh fruit juices
over the summer period.
A I took the initiative to prepare and stock up
the fruits needed so that the production of juices
wont be halted when the fruit stock is empty.
O Customers dont have a long wait for us to
prepare the fruits, as the stock now is replenished
and ready to be used. And we no longer have to
worry if the stock runs out.
S I was the working behind the counter, taking
orders from the customers. If a customer doesnt
know what to order, I would then suggest to
him/her our cafs specialty dish.
A Every time a customer orders, Id listen
attentively and understand them so that the right
order for the kitchen to prepare for the customers
are taken down.
O I gain some confidence in speaking as I talk
to the customers, reconfirming their order and
also the customers will get the right things that
they ordered.
S After a busy day, the caf need some
cleaning. And one person only cannot clean up
the whole caf and also its a Sunday, so the
staffs would like to finish up early to be back
A We helped each other, dividing tasks and
looking out for each other, making sure every
spot is clean.
O The whole caf was cleaned up in half
hours, which was two times faster than normal
days. We then decided that we should do this
everyday, to finish work earlier and to save time.
S I received some assignments that needed to
be completed with the help of the MacBook. I
was clueless about the MacBook, how they
operate, what buttons and gestures to use.
A I watched some tutorials, read the manual
booklet and got some advice from my cousin
who is an Apple user. I then practiced using my
Mac before starting on my actual assignments.
O I did not have much IT skills when dealing
with computers and printer. However, after
transferring to Rossmoyne High, I quickly gain
those skills that I was lacking as my school
assignments required those IT skills.



Planning and organising


S A customer asked for hollandaise sauce to be

at the side of the dish. However, the cook missed
that bit out and did not give the customer the
sauce. The customer then asked for a refund.
A I quickly went to the kitchen, got the sauce,
apologized for the mistake and gave it to the
O Although the customer was unhappy at first,
after we apologized and he got his sauce, the
problem was solved.
S I did really badly in my Mathematics exam
for Semester 1, as I did not study hard for the
exam. I took it really easily, thinking I would get
a good score in the exam
A After getting my exam results back, I
realized I have to study really hard to get a good
score. Nearly one month before the next exam
(Semester 2 Mathematics Exam), I started
studying, taking notes and doing practice
O My hard work was paid off as I got a much
better score (from an C to an A) compared to the
Semester 1s score.
S Kylie, one of my best friends is having her
sweet sixteen birthdays soon. I had in mind a
surprise party for her.
A I secretly planned and organized a surprise
party for one of best friends birthday, including
organising the venue, invites, how much food to
prepare and what would we be doing.
O The surprise party was of a great success.
The birthday girl did not expect a surprise party
from us as we did a great job planning the party
without her knowing.
S I have not had any experience with using the
coffee-making machine at my workplace. I had
no idea of
A Instead of being pessimistic, I took coffeemaking classes to learn how to use the machine,
including asking for help whenever I had
problems with the coffee machine
O I gained another new skill that could benefit
me in the workforce. Also I now can help my
colleagues when they are busy and unavailable at
the coffee counter.

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