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Folktale Organizer
With your group, you will read two stories a week from a specific region (Tuesday to
Tuesday). You will take individual notes on each story as you read. At the end of each
week, you will use your notes to create a podcast informing your classmates about
various topics from your stories.

Story #1
Character descriptions:
Add more rows if necessary.
Name of Character
1. Cinderella

Description (Qualities)
CInderella works for her family.

2. Step sister 1

She is great and mean.

3. Step sister 2

She is mean to cinderella.

4. Step mother

She has a bad temper.

5. Real mother

She is nice and gentle.

Description of plot including climax and resolution:

The climax is when they find the slipper and put is on Cinderella's foot.
The resolution is when Cinderella goes and lives with prince charming in the
big casel.

Description of setting including sensory details:

They are in france
Village town
it was a very long time ago.

Connections between tale and your region (historical or cultural elements

in your tale):

They are in west europe

They are in france
They go to the ball
The setting of the forest

Lesson or message at the end:

The lesson of this story is that you should not be snotty or greatly and I does not
matter what you look like.

Story #2
Character descriptions:
Add more rows if necessary.
Name of Character

Description (Qualities)

1. Woman (witch)

She was a real witch and extremely evil

2. Daughter 1

Ugly and wicked

3. Daughter 2

good and lovely

4. Roland

he is nice and wants to save the girl

5. Father

He is in control of the median

Description of plot including climax and resolution:

The witch bashed one of her child's head with an axe as she was sleeping.
Maadian and Roland walked away from the house till the break of the day.
The witch is now following them so the median turned Roland in to a fittler and
the maiden turned herself into a rose. Then Which approached them on the

bridge. Roland danced till she dropped dead.

Description of setting including sensory details:

They are in the house
They are by a bridge

Connections between tale and your region (historical or cultural elements

in your tale):

They both have the same setting

Lesson or message at the end:

The lesson was to not bash kids head in and don't be a witch

Story #3
Character descriptions:
Add more rows if necessary.
Name of Character

Description (Qualities)


He has blue beard and is sad.

2.Lady 1

With lots of quality

3.doughter 1

perfict beauty

4.doughter 2

perfict buauty


they are nice

Description of plot including climax and resolution:

He is not married and no one likes him. Blue beard has married and merderrd his past

Description of setting including sensory details:

The settin is in france in a villige.

Connections between tale and your region (historical or cultural elements

in your tale):

It can connect because of how they over all funshion.

How the stting is set as well as how the people act.

Lesson or message at the end:

He was at poice with him self.

Story #4
Title: Rumple stilt skin
Character descriptions:
Add more rows if necessary.
Name of Character

Description (Qualities)

1. A Miller

He is a miller and pour

2.Doughter 1

she is beautiful and can make gold apper


He is ruler and takes charge

4.Little man

He he helpfull

Description of plot including climax and resolution:

The plot is millers doughter wants to prve that she can make gold apper to the king.
The little man walkes in to the millers house and is trying to help the doughter. The
little man said if I can spin the gold on the straw will you give me a neck less. When
the man goes to the house of the doughter the man spins the gold on the straw by the
end of the nigh they have a whole pot of gold. The mornig the girl started to cry and
the man aproched the house agian. The man said if what will you give m if I can spin
the straw in to gold. If the man boes it agin the man could be the girls husband.
If the man will do it agin he would e her husband
They aranged a date to get married because he spun the straw in to gold.
They had 1 child

Description of setting including sensory details:

The stting is a cassle Germany

Connections between tale and your region (historical or cultural elements

in your tale):

I can conect because of how the people talk and act.

Lesson or message at the end:

Trust people you can help

Story #5
Character descriptions:
Add more rows if necessary.
Name of Character

Description (Qualities)


Loses a lot of stuff


Generious if the prize has a reword


Stel Rings


Does not explain cariisticsts


Description of plot including climax and resolution:

The king can not find his ring.The king ring go stolen by the sevents but the
kingdoes not know that.
The king putsthe crab in a room for him to studdy to find out were his ring is.
the crab the survientrs walk in
The servants start to act nice, Witch makes that crab think that they stole the ring

Description of setting including sensory details:

Connections between tale and your region (historical or cultural elements

in your tale):

Lesson or message at the end:

Story #6
Title: Cock And The Mouse
Character descriptions:

Add more rows if necessary.

Name of Character

Description (Qualities)


Likes to eat nuts


Likes to eat nuts


Description of plot including climax and resolution:

he Mouse and the Cock wanted to go and eat some nuts the mouse went to go clim a
tree because the cock could not.The cock said can you thoough me a nut.The mouse
throufght the nut hit him in the head his head was coverd in blood. When the nut hit
the cocks head that cock wenrt to a lot of people and asked for rags. So the poepl
reponded with if you give me bla bla bla i will give you ourr rags

Description of setting including sensory details:

The setting of the story is all of the houses he goes to to ask for rags.
There are lots of the trees of the regoioun of western eupoup

Connections between tale and your region (historical or cultural elements

in your tale):

There are lots of the trees of the regoioun of western eupoup

This is a conection becuase in the mouse and that cock went to the tree to get some

Lesson or message at the end:

If you dont get what you want when you ask dont give up and keep asking other

Story #7

Character descriptions:
Add more rows if necessary.
Name of Character

Description (Qualities)


Description of plot including climax and resolution:

Description of setting including sensory details:

Connections between tale and your region (historical or cultural elements

in your tale):

Lesson or message at the end:

Story #8
Character descriptions:
Add more rows if necessary.
Name of Character

Description (Qualities)


Description of plot including climax and resolution:

Description of setting including sensory details:

Connections between tale and your region (historical or cultural elements

in your tale):

Lesson or message at the end:

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