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Course Outline

Grade 12 Physics, College Preparation (SPH4C)

Policy Documents
The Ontario Curriculum Grades 11 and 12: Science

Course Description
This course develops students understanding of the basic concepts of physics. Students will explore
these concepts with respect to motion; mechanical, electrical, electromagnetic, energy transformations,
hydraulic, and pneumatic systems; and the operation of commonly used tools and machines. They will
develop their scientific investigation skills as they test laws of physics and solve both assigned problems
and those emerging from their investigations. Students will also consider the impact of technological
applications of physics on society and the environment.

Physics 12: College Preparation, Nelson, 2004

Additional Resources
Throughout the course, technology will be used as a tool for acquiring, analyzing, and processing
information. Graphing calculators, electronic devices, and computer software, including Glogsters will
be used to aid in students understanding of various concepts.

Scientific Investigation Skills and Career Exploration
Motion and its Applications
Energy Transformations
Mechanical Systems
Electricity and Magnetism
Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems

By Ontario Ministry of Education Guidelines, the evaluation for this course will consist of 70% coursework
and 30% summative assessment. The 70% coursework will consist of the following (with mark breakdowns
6 Test/Quiz 25%
7 Labs 20%
3 Projects 20%
Other course work (homework, problem sets, etc.) 5%
The summative assessment will consist of:
Rube Goldberg Project 5 %
Water Gun Project 5 %
Final Examination 20 %
Late assignments will be accepted with a penalty of of 10% per day overdue. A weekend is considered
one day overdue.

Scientific Investigation Expectations

Throughout this course, students will learn to apply scientific investigation skills in four broad areas
including initiating and planning, performing and recording, analysing and interpreting, and communication.
These skills will be developed and refined through a variety of assessment strategies, including labs,
projects, course work, and the final examination.

Extra Help
I encourage students to attend extra help sessions as soon as they have not clearly understood the material
covered in class. Extra help sessions are held before school or after school in the Science Office (Room
100) by appointment or drop-in. You may also find me in the Science Office over the lunch hour.

One should expect to have a few exceptionalities in their class, especially at the college level. The unit is
structured to cover one topic per day with some lee-way in days. If necessary students that are ELL will
have the opportunity to catch up in the excess of homework and work time that is provided. Students
will be able to ask questions, and the teacher will be able to rephrase/reword/retool the content to best
suit their needs. Students with other exceptionalities are lucky in the same sense, in that there is a
lot of room for extra help in each class day. They may also get an extension on various problems if so
determined by an IEP.

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