State of Colorado v. Georgie Louise Hand

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Warrantless Arrest Affidavit Sex__| Race Arrest: | B0020110 Name: _| Georgie Louise Hand mM |w__| pos: | 01-13-72 _| case: _| 15p00345 Ageney | CRAIG POLICE Domestic Violence Involved: | No Date of Arrest: | 03-09-15 ‘Time of Arrest: Victim): | Se below Vietim Person Last Name, First Name Middle Name pos: | sex _| Race Victim ‘Shock, Bhrent Paul 0819.68 [M |W | Vietim Martinez, Nathan Joseph 0627-88 |m___|w Home Address City State Zip Code Home Phone Employer Name Phone Address: Work City State | Zip Code 3 Moffat County Sheriff's Department mop Colorado Parks and Wildlife amnres Charge: _| Statute: Title: = F2 | 18-3-102 [1] ‘Two counts: First Degree Murder / Criminal Attempt = Fr 183-302 [1] [3] [b] ‘Two counts: Second Degree Kidnapping S F3 18-4-302 [1] fa] ‘Two counts: Aggravated Robbery FS 188-116 [1] Two counts: Disarming a Peace Officer FS. 18-3-206 [1] [a] ‘Two counts: Felony Menacing Statute: Title: Officer _| Investigator Travis Young being duly sworn upon oath says that there is probable cause for the warrantless arrest of the above named defendant for the charges(s) stated above, and that the following facts are true and correct to the best of his/her knowledge, information, and belief and support the arrest of the defendant. All locations referred to are in the County of Moffat, State of Colorado, unless specifically noted otherwise: Narrative On 03-09-15 I, Investigator Young, was advised of an officer involved shooting that occurred on the North side of Highway 40 at mile marker 10 in Moffat County Colorado. I was asked to respond to the scene with Investigator Forgay and Commander Delong at approximately 1500 hours. Date: Page 1 of 6 While assisting with the investigation, I gained information from the Moffat County Sheriff's Office, 14” Judicial Chief Investigator, Doug Winters and speaking directly with Georgie Louise Hand DOB 01-13-72. The following is a brief summary of what occurred: Georgie Hand and her husband, James Brent Damon DOB 12-24-68, had traveled from Mississippi to Utah or were heading towards Utah. On 03-08-15 they were traveling on Hwy 40 in a white colored, Ford Explorer, bearing UT plate# X872RD. The plate registers to Georgie Hand with an address in UT. They were forced off the north side of the road by a high speed vehicle which was traveling behind them and ultimately passed them. The Ford Explorer was being driven by James Damon and Georgie Hand was the passenger, Their vehicle veered off the north side of the roadway. The vehicle sustained damage and was inoperable, James Damon contacted a friend in Utah who was unable to come to their location until the next day. James Damon and Georgie Hand slept in their Ford Explorer until the next day 03-09-15. On 03-9-15 Damon and Hand walked away from the vehicle and traveled up a hill away from the vehicle. Damon did not want to be around the vehicle, Damon had purchased a semi-automatic 9mm handgun from an unknown individual in Denver, CO prior to this incident. Damon and Hand were sitting on the ground. Damon had placed the handgun between them on the ground. Hand had a bb gun with her and she had placed the BB ‘gun in the front pocket of the sweatshirt she was wearing. Damon and Hand noticed a dog running up the hill towards them. The dog was barking at them. They both noticed a male Park Officer walking towards them. Hand noticed the Officer's badge and gun and it was completely obvious to her that he was a law enforcement officer. The Officer was later identified as Colorado Parks and Wildlife Officer (CPW), Nathan Martinez. As soon as Damon and Hand saw Officer Martinez, Damon took the handgun that was lying next to him and placed it in a holster he was wearing on his belt. Officer Martinez approached them and began talking to them. Officer Martinez identified himself as an officer when he contacted Damon and Hand. Officer Martinez, asked them about a box of ammunition that was visible to him. Officer Martinez was friendly towards them. Officer Martinez asked them if they were ok and what happened because he had seen the damage to their vehicle. Damon and Hand told Martinez they had somebody coming to help but he wouldn't be there until 8:00 pm. Officer Martinez asked them if they would walk back down the hill with him. Damon pulled his gun from his belt and pointed it at Officer Martinez. Damon told Martinez, “Don’t fucking move”. Damon told Officer Martinez to keep his hands up, Damon told Hand to remove Officer Martinez’ gun from his holster. Damon told Martinez, “If you try to touch her, if you lay a hand on her, I will shoot you". Hand removed Officer Martinez’ gun from his holster and she handed it to Damon. Damon did something to Martinez’ gun but she wasn’t sure what it was, Damon gave Martinez’ gun back to Hand. Damon told Hand to hold the gun on Officer Martinez and not let Martinez jump him. Damon and Hand were both holding Officer Martinez at gunpoint, Damon told Officer Martinez to sit down and asked Officer Martinez if he had a wife and kids. Officer Martinez said he did have a wife and kids. Damon noticed the gun Hand was holding was not pointed directly at Officer Martinez, Damon told Hand, “Keep that trained on him, but don’t shoot me”, Damon made Officer Martinez throw his radio or “walkie talkie” type device away from him onto the ground shortly after he pointed the gun at him, Damon asked Officer Martinez, “How do we get out of this, how does everybody walk away alive”. Officer Martinez asked Damon to take both guns and put them on the ground. Damon told Officer Martinez that he wasn’t stupid, Damon asked Hand what she suggested. Hand said they can all walk down the hill and talk to the other officer who they could now see. Hand said they could tell the other officer that everything was ok and that she and Damon could leave and the officers could leave. Damon said, “That’s not going to happen”, Officer Martinez told them the other officer that was now on scene was a Moffat County Deputy. The Moffat County Deputy was later identified as Deputy Bhrent Shock, Damon asked Officer Martinez if the Deputy was going to notice he wasn’t wearing his gun. Officer Martinez said probably not, Damon tells Officer Martinez they are going to walk down to Deputy Shock and sce how this works out. Damon and Officer Martinez, approach Deputy Shock. Immediately, Damon pointed his gun at Deputy Shock’s face and told Deputy Shock to get on the ground, Date: Page 2 of 6 ‘At this point, Damon had Officer Martinez lying face down on the ground on one side of the vehicle and Deputy Shock was lying on the other side of the vehicle. Damon told Hand to watch Officer Martinez. Hand was still in possession of a handgun. Damon told Deputy Shock he wasn’t going to hurt him but he needed to get out of here. Damon had initially tried handcuffing Deputy Shock but eventually stopped and told Hand to handcuff Deputy Shock. Hand was able to place one handcutf on Deputy Shocks arm. Hand was unable to place the second handcuff on Deputy Shocks other arm, While Hand was attempting to place the handcuffs on Deputy Shock’s arms, Damon had the barrel of the gun pressed into the back of Deputy Shock’s head. Hand stood up and told Damon she couldn't do it. Damon asked Hand what car they were taking. Officer Martinez said, “ Take mine, it’s the gray one, it has the keys in it”. Damon tells Hand to walk down and get the truck. Hand begins to walk down to the truck. She is holding Deputy Shock’s taser and radio, Hand is still holding a handgun and believes it is Damon’s 9mm, Hand drops the handgun, taser and radio and continues walking towards Officer Martinez’ vehicle, Hand hears Damon yell out, “Honey help me”. Hand tus around and witnesses the two Officers overtaking Damon and she witnesses that Damon is shot by one of the officers. Hand is ordered onto the ground and she is later transported to the Hospital in Rangely, CO. Investigators later spoke with one of the officers involved. He reported Damon had placed them on the ground on their knees and held the gun to their heads and the officers believed they were going to be executed. At this point both officers were able to overpower Damon ultimately resulting in his death. Hand said she made it look like to Damon that she couldn’t get the second handcuff on Deputy Shock’s arm. I asked Hand why she did that. Hand said, “Because we shouldn’t have been doing what we were doing”. Georgie Hand and James Damon have been together 14 years. They use Methamphetamine and for the last week Hand has been using once a day and Damon uses 2-3 times a day if not more. They both administer the drug intravenously. Georgie last used methamphetamine the morning of 03-08-15. Hand said she and Damon had been arrested in Mississippi prior to this, Hand said Damon was committing a burglary and she was driving the car and waiting for him, Hand was an accomplice to the crime. Hand currently has warrants for her arrest out of Mississippi. The warrants are for Burglary, Larceny and Forgery of Checks. It appears Damon currently has the same warrants for his arrest. Hand told me that Damon is also wanted by Parole and will have Parole warrants as well. I later found that Hand currently has a valid felony warrant out of Chaffee County, CO for crimes she is wanted for. Chaffee County also knew that Hand is associated with James Damon and they were using her white colored Ford Explorer in the commission of the crimes. The warrant was issued by Chaffee County on 02-11-15. Hand told me that when she walked away from Deputy Shock towards Officer Martinez’ vehicle she placed the BB gun, which she had in the front of her sweatshirt, into a backpack she had initially carried up the hill before having contact with any of the officers. The backpack was located in the immediate area of The 1998 Ford Explorer registered to Georgie Hand, The following authored by Chief Investigator Doug Winters Chief Investigator Doug Winters with the 14" Judicial District Attomey's office conducted the interview of Officer Martinez on 03/10/15 at the Colorado Bureau of Investigation (CBI) main office in Grand Junction, Colorado. This interview was audio and video recorded and subsequently downloaded to an audio CD and video DVD. The following interview is only a summary of what was said and may not be in chronological order. Please refer to the recordings for details. During the interview with Investigator Winters, Officer Martinez. gave a recount of what took place. Officer Martinez stated he was assisting Deputy Shock with a suspicious vehicle/trespass issue. Officer Martinez was Date: Page 3 of 6 issuing a wildlife road kill permit to a resident just a mile east of Deputy Shock’s location when he heard Deputy Shock working on the suspicious vehicle. Officer Martinez cleared his call and proceeded to assist Deputy Shock. Once on scene, he and Deputy Shock ‘were around the area of a white Ford Explorer (the vehicle in question) looking for the occupant(s) of the vehicle. They found some foot prints in the soil at the location and followed them to the highway area and back towards the white Ford. Officer Martinez left Deputy Shock’s location and proceeded up a hill approximately 200 yards north and west of the white Ford. Officer Martinez has his own personal dog with him at the time, About half way up the hill Officer Martinez’s dog starts barking. Officer Martinez. begins looking in the direction of where his dog is barking. He sees a person. He gets closer and calms his dog down. He then notices another person. ‘There were two people total, a male and female, who were identified as above. Officer Martinez is making communication with the parties asking general questions such as who they were and what they were doing and if they were associated with the vehicle. During this encounter the male party, James Damon, pulled a semi automatic handgun on Officer Martinez and stuck the gun to his head. Damon told Officer Martinez not to move or he was going to “blow his fucking head off.” Damon ordered Officer Martinez to put his hands up, which he complies with. Damon tells the female party, Hand, to keep watch over Officer Martinez. Damon proceeds to disarm Officer Martinez taking his 45 caliber Smith and Wesson MMP semi automatic duty issued handgun, extra magazine for the handgun and Officer Martinez"s handcuffs. To note: Investigator Winters had a general interview with Officer Martinez on scene of the incident on the day of the incident (03/09/15). Officer Martinez had stated at the time he believed Hand was the person who disarmed him. He stated in his interview the next day he believes it was Damon who disarmed him, However, he is somewhat uncertain as to the exact details of this exchange. Officer Martinez complies with Damon’s commands. Damon makes a comment to the effect of he didn’t want to kill Officer Martinez. Officer Martinez agreed he didn’t want to die nor wanted Damon to die. Officer Martinez stated this exchange took place for what he perceived as about 10 minutes. Officer Martinez stated it was decided to move from that location closer to their (Damon and Hands’) vehicle. ‘As they were approaching a ways behind the white Ford, they approach Deputy Shock. Officer Martinez. described that he was in the lead going down the hill, Damon was behind him with the gun in his pocket pointed at Officer Martinez and Hand was behind Damon with a gun also, Prior to this, Damon had handed his original handgun to Hand for her to point at Officer Martinez. Officer Martinez stated Hand was pointing the gun at him during the original contact. Damon had commanded Officer Martinez’s handgun and ‘was pointing it at Officer Martinez. Officer Martinez stated that upon arrival to Deputy Shock, Damon came from behind Officer Martinez and pointed the handgun at Deputy Shock. Damon ordered Deputy Shock to the ground, proned out. According to Officer Martinez, he is unaware as to ‘what Hand was doing other than keeping her handgun pointed at him. Officer Martinez was focused on Damon removing Deputy Shock’s duty weapon, radio, Taser and other items. Officer Martinez observed Damon handcuff Deputy Shock's right hand to Deputy Shock’s duty belt. Date: Page 4 of 6 Officer Martinez told Damon to take his patrol vehicle and he and Hand can leave. Officer Martinez threw his vehicle keys towards Damon, Damon told Hand to go get Officer Martinez’s vehicle. She left. ‘Damon then ordered Officer Martinez and Deputy Shock to the white Ford. Once at the vehicle, Damon ordered Officer Martinez to sit down next to the vehicle and Deputy Shock went to his knees next to the white Ford. Both Officer Martinez and Deputy Shock were on the driver's side of the vehicle, away from US Highway 40 sitting in the shade of the vehicle. At this point, Officer Martinez knew they were going to die, but he wasn’t going to die without a fight. Officer Martinez saw Damon had his, Officer Martinez’s handgun, in his right hand and Damon had Deputy Shock’s handgun in the other hand. Officer Martinez made the decision to disarm Damon and get his own handgun back. During this struggle for the handgun, Officer Martinez stated Deputy Shock somehow got involved and was able to get Damon to the ground. Officer Martinez was successful at retrieving his handgun. He observed Deputy Shock on his stomach on the ground. He observed Damon on top of Deputy Shock. Officer Martinez doesn’t recall during the initial struggle for the handgun if the gun went off when Damon was on top of Deputy Shock and Officer Martinez ‘was on top of Damon. He tried to fire a round from his handgun into Damon, There was a handgun ‘malfunction. Officer Martinez cleared the malfunction and was able to fire one round into the back of Damon's head immediately incapacitating Damon. Officer Martinez observed Damon was dead and Deputy Shock was moving and appeared alright. Officer Martinez left where Damon and Deputy Shock were and advanced towards Hand. Officer Martinez observed Hand and at gun point ordered Hand to drop the handgun still in her had, She dropped everything in her hands. Officer Martinez ordered Hand to raise her hands which she complied. Officer Martinez advanced to her location after ordering her away from the handgun and other items. He secured Hand until other law enforcement arrived. ‘The following authored by Investigator Young ‘Your affiant, submits that there is probable cause to support the following charges: 1. Two counts of attempted first degree murder, C.R.S. 18-3-102(1) / Criminal Attempt C.R.S. 18-2-101. 2. Two counts of second degree kidnapping C.R.S, 18-3-302 [1] [3] [b]. 3. Two counts of Aggravated Robbery, C.R.S. 18-4-302 [1] [a]. 4. ‘Two counts of Disarming a Peace Officer, C.R.S. 18-8-116 [1]. 5. Two counts of Felony Menacing CRS. 18-3-206 [1] fal. Furthermore, your affiant submits that Georgie Hand did have knowledge that James Damon intended to commit all or part of the crimes. Georgie Hand did have the intent to promote or facilitate the commissions of the crime. Georgie Hand pointed handguns at officers. Georgie Hand assisted with disarming the officers. Georgie Hand placed and assisted with the placement of handcuffs on Deputy Shocks arm[s). Georgie Hand stayed with and assisted James Damon throughout the incident until the end when she was going to retrieve an officer’s vehicle for their potential escape. Georgie Hand removed specific items officers carry on their person to protect their lives or the lives of others and Georgie Hand did use those items against the officers to facilitate the commission of the crimes. Therefore, in my opinion Georgie Hand did aid James Damon in committing the charged crimes and was complicit. Dawe: Page 5 of 6 eee eee Na Affiant's Signature Subscribed and sworn to before me this ey of (asec + 01D Expiration: /aa-/2019 Adres setseteeeeseseecee ee eee eeeeeseecem re eeseeaeee eRe EET STATE OF COLORADO. NOTARY 1D 20164003303 After reviewing the above Affidavit in support of Warrantless Arrest, I find: LY COMMISSION EXPIRES JANUARY 2, 2019 2 *kirungpiee Ct ert), Mees arainy (26R); 1 There is probable cause for the arrest, AS 70 Meomgpine i aaa pos There is not probable cause for the arrest and the Defendant is. [from custody Freon, [func ine ; c2en fe [— Judge Date: Page 6 of 6

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