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Fear Processing Exercise, by Inelia Benz for ascension101.

You can do this exercise at any time, whenever you feel fear.
For best results, it is best to do it in a quiet and private space and working through a list of fears you
have written beforehand.
Sit or lie down comfortably with your back straight and close your eyes.
Breathe in deeply and slowly into your abdomen, then breathe out as fast as you can.
Repeat, breathe in slowly, then out as fast as you can.
And once more, breathe in slowly and slowly, then out fast.
Now continue breathing at your own pace.
Scan you physical body from head to toe, to find the energy of fear.
Look for fear. If you cannot find it, read one of your fear items in your list and scan your body again.
Once you find fear in your body, simply look at it.
Dont analyze it, just look at it.
Allow it to be there.
Allow it to exist.
Allow it to grow and to be.
It could be a physical discomfort, such as a knot, a pain, a location of energy, or through a thought or
memory, or it could be just the emotion of fear.
Just look at it.
Observe it.
Feel it.
Allow it to be here.
And say, fear, you are welcome here.
Welcome here.
Welcome fear and allow it to grow.
Let it get bigger and bigger.
Allow it to grow, and grow... as big as it can go
Let it be as big as it can possibly get.
Allow it to express itself to you.
But dont analyze.
Simply allow whatever comes.
Whether words,

Follow it if it changes into another emotion,
or changes locations in your body.
Whatever it does, welcome the new expression. you are welcome here, thought... you are welcome
here emotion, words, memories, you are welcome here fear.
You are welcome here.
Watch it. Observe it.
Now, allow yourself to get closer and embrace fear in whatever expression it has chosen.
give it light and love, and allow it to exist.
Thank it for whatever job it had for you, for being with you for so long.
Now, release it into Oneness. Allow it to go free back into Source.
Breathe deeply now.
As you breathe in, breathe in light and love. And as you breathe out, allow that light and love to go to
and fill the space where fear used to be.
Now, simply breathe deeply and slowly.
Breathing in light and love, and as you breathe out, allow that light and love to expand throughout your
body and out into your environment.
Now, scan your body from your toes to your head and see if there is any of that fear left. If so, repeat
the exercise straight away. If not, you can use your list to repeat the exercise, or end now by opening
your eyes and having a good stretch.
Repeat this exercise every day until there is no more fear in your life.

Sun, Earth and Heart Center alignment exercise

By Inelia Benz, for
A very powerful tool for a smooth transition during this Earth Shift, as well as a protection from all the
negative transmissions we get on a daily basis via the media and otherwise. Staying in
alignment with the Earth and Sun is an energy connection to our true reality.
For this exercise you need to be in a quiet and undisturbed space.
Make yourself comfortable, either sitting or lying down with your back straight.
The Earth and the Sun are neither male or female. In this exercise we will refer to them as female.
Close your eyes.
Breathe in and out into your lower abdomen slowly three times

Now, as you start breathing normally, visualise that you are breathing-in light and love into your heart
center. The heart center is the space behind your breast bone, in the middle of your chest.
As you breathe-out, imagine the light and love expanding outward
Out, throughout your body
Out, to the place you are in
Out as far as it can go
As the light expands, you start to hear the Earth.
You hear the Earth and you observe her.
You a beam of light and love coming out of your hear center, down and into the Earth.
It travels deep through the soil, the rocks... deep in search of the Earths Heart.
Follow the beam of light and love.
You reach the Earths heart, and the beam of light goes into it.
As it does so, you feel as the energy and light from your heart, joins that of the Earth.
You move your awareness into Heart of the Earth, and allow the light and energy from your heart
become ONE with that of the Earth.
Her energy is your energy
Her heart is your heart.
Stay in this place for a few minutes as you expand and grow in light and awareness.
We are now going to travel back to your body.
From the Earths heart, a beam of light and energy starts to travel upward toward your body. You follow
this beam with your awareness.
you travel back through the rocks
through your body
and into your heart center.
You feel the energy and light from the Heart of the Earth as it enters and grows inside your heart center.
You allow it to grow in its beauty, light and love and merge with it.

From your heart center a beam of light and energy starts to move upwards into the air. You follow it
with your awareness.
It travels up through the sky and into space... you experience the vastness of space and see the Sun in
the distance.
The beam starts to move toward the Sun
You can see the Sun in the distance.
And you can hear the Suns voice calling you to join her heart.
You follow the beam of light and energy traveling closer and closer to the Sun.
You feel the heat and energy from the Suns atmosphere.
You are safe.
This energy will awaken and purify you.
The beam moves closer and closer
Until it enter the Suns atmosphere and plunges into the flames
You travel downward, following the beam, deep into the core of the Sun, until find her Heart Center.
So much light.
So much energy.
So much love.
The Sun invites you to join your heart with hers.
You follow the beam into the Heart of the Sun, and allow the light and energy from your heart to
become ONE with that of the Sun.
Her energy is your energy
Her heart is your heart
Stay in this place for a few minutes as you expand and grow in light and awareness.
From the Suns heart, a beam of light and energy travels outwards toward space.
Your awareness follows it as it travels through the flames
You travel through the flames and the light, through the Suns atmosphere
out into space
you see the Earth in the far distance, and the beam as it moves toward the Earth and you follow
as you get closer you observe the Earths majestic beauty
You follow closer and closer and reach her
The beam travels through the atmosphere and finds your body
It goes into your body through you head, downward
and into your heart center.
You follow it in.
You are now fully in your heart center

As you breathe in and out into your heart center, you feel the Earth and the Suns Hearts as ONE in your
own heart.
You allow the combined energy to grow and expand as large as it can get.
And you keep your point of awareness within your heart.
I am going to count to 10
When I reach 10, you will open your eyes, and be awake and aware.
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 Open you eyes.

Anger - why it is important to process it.

Many of us are reluctant to process, or release, anger. This is because it is such a powerful source of
defensive energy that we think that if we lose it, we will no longer be able to defend ourselves or
others. And it has been used successful to get people out of depression or abusive relationships, so it
must be good, right?
Anger really is one step above fear. It is an overtone of the fear energy, which is what darkness is built
on. It is, in fact, very destructive both for us and those around us.

So there are two things we have to come to terms with, one is that if we remove anger we will not
become vulnerable, and the second one is that we do not need anger to act on our convictions.
Many times it is anger that will propel us to do something to stop a war, for example. And often it is
only anger which those who try to bully us or step on our toes really hear and understand, and thus stop
what they are doing. And this is a good thing. But once we are empowered, we don't need anger to do
these things, as we have better tools.
Anger can lead us to lose our temper. And when we lose our temper we can hurt others in emotional,
psychological and physical ways.
"The verb temper was borrowed into Old English from Latin temper?re mix, blend. This seems
originally to have meant mix in due proportion" (
We lose our due proportion, our balance.
From a young age we are taught to control our temper. To subdue and suppress our anger. This is also
negative. Part of becoming free, is to recognize and express our anger at our life, lot, situation and
people who have harmed us or rejected us.
But the emotion, like fear, is destructive. If it is oppressed, it has a hold of us and can burst out at a any
In Ascension, it keeps us firmly in a lower vibration.
And this is a very interesting point. Many people have asked me how to increase their perception of
their guides, higher self, angels, or how to communicate with other dimensional light beings, or aliens.
We have so many ways to explain this phenomenon. But the question is the same. How do we increase
our perception of them, how do we make it easier for them to contact us. Well, there are two
fundamental blocks that stops these beings from coming near us, one is FEAR, and the second is

Yup, it takes more than psychic ability to contact these beings. They still do get through of course,
through dreams, synchronicity and other methods, but it is difficult for them and for us. A highly
psychic person can indeed contact these beings easily, but just imagine what he or she could do without
any of these blocks on the way? For one, they would not be pestered, fooled, or made ill by negative
I have dedicated a huge portion of this website to disseminating the importance of processing fear. And
it still is the most important mission here on Earth, to get as many people as possible to start and
successfully process their fear.
And now comes the second phase, that of processing anger.
So, if you are game, please do an anger processing method. The one I use is very simple and identical
to that for processing fear:
Breathe deeply three times
Close your eyes
Scan your body for anger
Once you find it in your body, observe it.
Do not analyze, give it reasons, validations or memories, simply observer it.
Now, let it grow, let it get huge, bigger than the house you are in, the world, lets see if can get as big as
the universe.
Allow any memories, words, situations or pictures to express and release, if one sticks, making you
emotional, simply say, "thank you memory/vision/word/emotion"
Then, fill the anger with love and light.
Rinse and repeat.
Here is the fear processing exercise I use.
It might take a while, days, weeks, or even months, but no worries, continue doing this for as long as it
takes. Every session counts not just for you, but for the entire human collective.
Sometimes the anger will turn to fear, sometimes to pain, but continue, simply welcome the new
manifestation and finish the process.

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