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Strengths-Based Leadership Report

(with your personalized Strengths Insights)


Strengths-Based Leadership Report


Leader: Karsten Olson

Gallup found that it serves a team well to have a representation of strengths in each of the four
domains of leadership strength: Executing, Influencing, Relationship Building, and Strategic Thinking.
Instead of one dominant leader who tries to do everything or individuals who all have similar
strengths, contributions from all four domains lead to a strong and cohesive team. This doesn't mean
that each person on a team must have strengths exclusively in a single category. In most cases, each
team member will possess some strength in multiple domains.
According to our latest research, the 34 Clifton StrengthsFinder themes naturally cluster into these
four domains of leadership strength. See below for how your top five themes sort into the four
domains. As you think about how you can contribute to a team and who you need to surround yourself
with, this may be a good starting point.

Your Top Five Clifton StrengthsFinder Themes




Strategic Thinking






Your Personalized Strengths Insights

Chances are good that you customarily figure out what makes each person special. You talk to,
observe, or study individuals who produce nothing less than excellence to identify what inspires them.
Unquestionably, you prefer to associate with those who share your passion for taking something good
and making it better. Once you understand what drives a person, you can motivate him or her to
transform whatever was made better into something utterly superb. Driven by your talents, you

618007513 (Karsten Olson)

2000, 2006-2012 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.

dedicate yourself to acquiring knowledge and using your skills. You likely are self-taught in many
ways. You probably work with instructors, trainers, coaches, or mentors. You embrace opportunities
to expose your mind to new ideas. You welcome the chance to practice new ways of plying that is,
diligently practicing your trade or craft. By nature, you possess the physical and mental endurance
needed to spend hours studying, reading, or researching. The more you know, the more questions
you have to ask. Your diligence reflects your need to work harder and longer than most people can.
You set lofty goals for yourself and relentlessly pursue them. Once you have reached your objective,
you direct much of your energy toward a second goal. You are self-motivated. You prefer to push
yourself rather than relax. Instinctively, you may diligently examine what needs to be revamped,
revised, modified, or fixed. Periodically you give all your attention to a single problem. It might be
related to your personal life, your job, or your studies. Its very likely that you usually equate education
formal and informal with understanding more about something today than you understood about
it yesterday.

Instinctively, you may fill your time with reading when certain friends or special support groups are far
away. You might peruse that is, studiously examine fiction or nonfiction, newspaper accounts,
correspondence, magazine articles, or research papers. This can help you forget the loneliness you
might sometimes feel. In the process of pulling together a few insights or bits of information, perhaps
you broaden your knowledge base. Because of your strengths, you are more optimistic about life
when you can devote yourself to individuals for whom you feel much fondness and affection. Driven
by your talents, you occasionally search for the right words to make your point. Even so, few people
even notice your momentary struggle. Perhaps being able to put friends or strangers at ease quickly
is one of your special gifts. Its very likely that you really enjoy starting discussions with newcomers.
You probably engage outsiders in small talk. You are determined to make each person feel
comfortable in your presence. After chatting with you, most individuals sense they have made a new
friend. By nature, you naturally enjoy beginning discussions with newcomers or outsiders. These
private exchanges typically provide insights into the special talents, sources of inspiration, or other
traits of each individual.

Instinctively, you sometimes enjoy doing whatever is needed to assist people. Perhaps you have a
reputation for keeping your promises. This partially explains why some individuals agree to let you
help them. Its very likely that you may want people to regard you as trustworthy, dependable, or
reliable. Perhaps this yearning motivates you to do whatever you said you would do. Because of your
strengths, you might prefer to work with certain teammates. These individuals may share your
concern about doing things correctly or ethically. Chances are good that you may be the team
member who wants to be held accountable for the results you produce or the obligations you assume.
Sometimes you can admit when you are wrong. Other times you might accept, without complaining,
the consequences of your words or deeds. Driven by your talents, you are occasionally willing to be
vulnerable. Perhaps you claim your talents or admit your weaknesses. Your openness may help some
people know you better as a person. Your straightforward style may convince others you are honest,
dependable, and reliable.

618007513 (Karsten Olson)

2000, 2006-2012 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.

Its very likely that you place more importance on the purpose and value of what you do than on the
monetary rewards that accompany success. Driven by your talents, you may put aside your own
interests or inconvenience yourself to serve others. Some people might say you devote yourself to the
welfare or interests of particular individuals by putting their needs ahead of your own. Chances are
good that you frequently engage in laborious tasks. You yearn to dedicate yourself to worthy causes
or noble purposes. Fortifying the bonds between yourself, the people you know, or even those you will
never meet gives your life special meaning. Because of your strengths, you have no doubts about
being linked in some way with everything in the universe. This includes all creation and all humankind.
By nature, you are naturally compelled to admit the truth. If someone asked you or told you to
intentionally mislead someone, you would reply, I cannot and I will not do that!

Because of your strengths, you may lavish praise on others. Even so, you occasionally suggest how
they might do some things better the next time. Driven by your talents, you feel life is good when you
can outthink or outmaneuver people such as your rivals, classmates, or peers. Instinctively, you
usually feel better about life when you can figure out how to fit into new situations. As a youth, you
were probably determined not to cause any trouble for your family members, classmates, teammates,
or teachers. You discovered ways to reduce their stress, frustration, anxiety, or anger. You aimed to
keep the adults in your life happy. Its very likely that you are very fond of and devoted to the people in
your life. You thrive when individuals reciprocate that is, return your feelings of warmth and
affection. Chances are good that you feel rather good about life when people answer your questions
and keep you well informed about topics that affect you personally or professionally. You prefer to be
bombarded with facts, data, or explanations. Receiving only bits and pieces of information is likely to
raise your level of anxiety, suspicion, or frustration. You are apt to become upset when individuals
forget or refuse to tell you something you think you have a right or a need to know.

618007513 (Karsten Olson)

2000, 2006-2012 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.

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