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Call Sheet
Producer: Alina Haq
Date of Shoot: 20/1/15

Personnel Required:

Production: Music Video

Time: 10:20 12:20

Director: Alina Haq

Producer: Alina Haq
Writer: Alina Haq
Cinematographer: Alina Haq
Editor: Alina Haq
Actors: Megan Sellar, Lucy Barton and Geeta Gohil
Production Assistant: Sophie Boston

Location of Shoot:
Haydon school - Drama

Equipment Required:
2x Tripods
2x Cannon DSLR 550D (one
camera was used for shooting the
music video and the other was
used for a time lapse for the
behind-the-scenes video)
Fill light
SD Card
3 lights

Details of shoot: (scenes)

I will shoot at least three times, with varying camera shots and angles. My actors will be
doing a band performance, lip singing and playing instruments in tune to the song. I will
shoot this with close-ups, mid-shots and long shots from high and low angles. I will play
around with the lighting, to suit the actors to how they are presented on the camera.

Special Requirements: (inc. details of props / costumes needed, preparation required

In preparation for my music video, I would have to set up the lighting, ensuring its bright
enough for the picture quality to be good on camera. The camera would have to be set
up in the appropriate setting, placed with the tripod at the center of the studio where the
actors will be performing. I would have to make sure my actors are in their costumes and
styled to suit the indie genre, with their props guitars and microphone. Id bring my
storyboard so I can reference to it throughout shooting. This would have to be done just
before 10:20, giving me two hours to shoot my music video.

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