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Instructor: Peter Monahan
conversacin bsica,
semestre 2
Textbook: A textbook produced by faculty member, Ricardo Chama, is used as a resource for task-based scenarios. I
will utilize a situation(s) from the book for the interpersonal phase of this lesson.
Week: tbd
Day: tbd
Class duration: 75min
Context/Theme: Students will discuss comparatives (compare/contrast/superlatives) regarding lodging options in
foreign countries.
Objectives/Functions: Students will focus on meaning
Learners will be able to interpret the information via
from a structured oral presentation introducing
multiple skills: words, images, and actions
(movement/gesticulation). A Q&A with class will allow
another objective, as students will hear repetition of the students to demonstrate comprehension (individual &
grammatical structure. Students will apply the learned
choral response). Learners will be able to create their
structure to their own statements comparing lodging
own comparative phrases pertinent to individualized
options in a foreign country.
Cultural Context and Content: In pairs, the students will choose a common destination in a foreign country and
compare/contrast a guest house vs a hostel (if lodging options are limited, hotels will be allowable). Taking sides,
they will discuss the respective attributes of each option, based on real places they have researched. Each pair will
create a powerpoint to guide the class through their discussion with images of the respective lodging, including
images of details discussed. While this will be loosely scripted and rehearsed, the students will be using language
skills that will be purposeful via chunk learning. Key concepts include: TL comparisons (ej: est tan cerca a la playa
como); contrasts (ej: tiene comida mas sabrosa que) superlatives (ej: es ptima; est en la colonia mas
They know: Students will have been introduced to the
They need: Students will research LatAm countries
structure and vocabulary necessary for comparatives via specifically targeting economical lodging. They will
PPT presentation by the instructor.
incorporate these resources for an interpersonal
discussion about the respective attributes of each place.
Each pair will create a powerpoint to show each place.
Activities, Procedures, and Outcomes:

1. Students will hear examples of COMPARATIVES to
7:00 7:15
introduce the grammar via PPT. Repetition of form will

reinforce ideas. (Focus on meaning)

2. Following the presentation students will be asked
questions requiring use of comparatives. Once they

show understanding, I will engage volunteers with Q&A

to allow them to use the language that was learned.

3. Replaying the PPT will allow students to take notes on

the structure of the comparatives. (Focus on form)

Entire period

1.. In the computer lab, pairs of students will plan a PPT

presentation based on their research of lodging options

in a LatAm country.

*Instructor will review key phrases to ensure correct

grammatical forms to be used during discussion.
Min 2 full periods
DAY 3-4
Student discussions in front of class. Each pair will
discuss their options for lodging. Each person will
promote a specific locale as compared to the other.
Materials/Technology needed (and rationale/alternatives): the classroom is outfitted with the requisite technology
(computer+projector+screen); students are required to bring a device to store their ppt file; each pair will send it to
me as an attachment for backup. This research will help the students to learn new concepts while being relocated
in an authentic environment. The investigation will allow them to explore new destinations and make real
comparisons of economical lodging options that they will encounter.
DUBREIL NOTES: find a docu/video where people compare interests; apt vs house rental; real conversations as a

model. SEND EMAIL to Nicole Mills, HARVARD (dubreil suggestion); utilizing vocab for all TRAVEL-RELATED vocab!
Build a travel guide reverse planning: think about what you want at the end and then create your lessons

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