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SIOP Lesson Plan-(Gender Equality)

Gender Roles

Class: (ESL levels) 5th

grade; 4 ESL students

Content Objectives:

Language Objectives:

Students will be able

to identify and
critically examine
gender stereotypes
Students will explore
the relationship
between stereotypes
and discrimination

Key Vocabulary:


Students will use key vocabulary while creating an action plan against gender
Students will be able to describe and identify key concepts using word sorts, fill in
the blank, and picture sorts.
Students will be able to list gender roles/stereotypes of men and women.
Students will be able to read cartoon, articles, and short paragraphs and describe
them using short phrases and sentences.
Students will be able to orally present their action plan using key vocabulary.

Materials (including supplementary and adapted):

Lesson Power Point
Vocabulary Cards
Pictures, cartoons, video clips, books to research gender roles (Example
Sources document)
Emma Watson HeForShe Campaign Speech
Verizon INSPIRE Commercial
HeForShe Supporter pictures
Action Plan Rubric
Word Sorts

Gender Role
Gender Equality

Higher-Order Questions:
How do gender stereotypes impact me?
How can I help to change gender stereotypes?
Why are there gender roles/stereotypes?


Building Background
Links to Experience:
Ask students if there was ever a time they wanted to do something but were told they
couldn't because they were a boy/girl. How did this make them feel? Was it fair?
Links to Learning:
Have students think back to learning about the civil rights movements in the 1960's. Where
things equal for all people during that time? Why not?
What was done to change that?
Key Vocabulary:
Stereotypes: Widely held idea of a certain person
(Developed by John Seidlitz. Used with permission.)
Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.


SIOP Lesson Plan-(Gender Equality)

Gender Role: A set of jobs or behaviors specific to each gender
Feminism/Feminist: The belief that men and women should have equal rights.
Equality: Having the same rights, chances, and privileges as everybody else
Gender: Whether you are a boy or girl
Advocate: A person publically supports a cause or policy
Gender Equality Ambassador: A person who doesn't expect anything less from a person because of
their gender.

(Developed by John Seidlitz. Used with permission.)

Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.


SIOP Lesson Plan-(Gender Equality)




Student Activities (Check all that apply for activities throughout lesson):

X Modeling

X Guided


X Whole Class


X Reading

X Writing


X Hands-on

X Meaningful

X Independent

X Small Group X Partners X Independent

X Listening

X Independent

X Links to Objectives

Lesson Sequence:
Vocabulary Frontloading:
1. Today we are going to be talking about the differences in boys and girls and creating an action
plan for gender equality. Here are some words you are going to see:
2. Teacher will bring up each vocabulary word and definition on the overhead, read it out loud,
and then place a vocabulary card on the board.
Anticipatory set:
1. The teacher will write two columns on the board: Men/Boys and Women/Girls with pictures
next to them. The teacher will read these two categories out loud to the class.
2. Students will be given sticky notes with stereotypical gender roles ( cooking, working, strong,
kind, etc.) In groups, students must decide which column each sticky note belongs in.
Directions will be put up on the overhead and read out loud once more.
3. Once all the notes are on the board, the teacher will discuss with the class why they put the
sticky notes where they did.
4. Teacher will challenge their answers.
"Why is cooking on the Women/Girls side? Have any of you ever seen a man cook?
Why do we think this way?
5. Teacher will introduce the concepts of stereotypes and gender roles. (These will be written
on the board and stated orally)
*Gender Roles:
Teacher will show students pictures of stereotypical men and women from America as well as the
ELL students' countries while explaining stereotypes. They will also hold up pictures of gender
roles in both America as well as the native country of the ELL students. These pictures will be
placed next to the vocabulary cards on the board.
6. Teacher will explain to the class that today they will be exploring gender roles in America as
well as around the world. (This will be written on the board as well.)
SPED Adaptations:
Students will be buddied up with another classmate to place sticky notes on the board
Students will be given picture-only cards that they can sort instead of sticky notes.


Activity One:
1. After students have sorted their words, play them Emma Watson's HeforShe United Nations
speech, challenging gender roles and promoting gender equality. (start video at 1:10-9:30)
Teacher will explain to students once more what gender equality is. The teacher will place a
picture of gender equality next to the word on the board.
Supply ELL students with a transcript of the speech to follow along with. If needed, also provide them with a
translation of the text.
3. Teacher will pause the video along the way, asking students about the speech.
(1:37)She just mentioned the word "advocate". That is one of our vocabulary words. Who remembers, from the
beginning of the lesson, what that means?"
(Developed by John Seidlitz. Used with permission.)
Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.


SIOP Lesson Plan-(Gender Equality)

*Teacher will write the definition next to the vocabulary card along with a sentence.
(2:26) She just said another one of our vocabulary words: Feminism. What does this word mean?
*Teacher will write the definition next to the vocabulary card.
(3:30) Why do you think Feminism has become an unpopular word? Discuss at your table.
(5:07) What do you think of this? Does this shock you? What were some of the things she listed that she expects
to have with gender equality?
*Teacher will write students' answers up on the board and repeat them to the class.
(5:53) What were some of the things the Gender Equality Ambassadors did to fight gender equality?
*Teacher will write students' responses on the board and repeat them back to the class.
(9:31) What are your thoughts on this speech? Has it changed the way you feel about gender roles and
*Supply ELL students with a prompt asking them the same question before the video plays, giving them more time to
think about a response to contribute to the discussion.
4. Teacher will have students discuss in their groups if there are any sticky notes they want to
change after seeing this speech. Teacher will put two more categories on the board: Both and
Neither. Students will come up and move their sticky notes to any of the 4 categories.

Activity Two:
1. Students will be broken into heterogeneous groups and will be given different types of media to
research gender stereotypes in America and around the world. (Books, magazines, commercials,
cartoons, TV clips, etc.)
2. Teacher will state out loud the goal of the activity as well as showing it on the overhead.
3. In groups, students will write down any characteristics they see for each gender, whether they
are stereotypical or not.
ELL, SPED, and low readers will be given sorts they can use to glue pictures, sentences, words, etc. into different
categories so signify the stereotypes.
4. As they are working, have students think about the following questions:
What stereotypes did you notice in the media?
Did you find or can you think of a lot of brave female characters? What about gentle male
Do men and women respect each other?
Did you find evidence of men taking care of the home/kids and women working?
Provide students with support with these questions by reading them out loud, providing written prompts, and
added linguistic support. [Did you find any brave (____) female characters?]
5. Students will come together as a class and discuss what they found.
How do these stereotypes affect boys and girls?
Do you think any of these gender roles are changing?
Who were the ones breaking the gender roles? What did you think of that?
have you ever tried to challenge gender roles? What happened?
Why do gender roles/stereotypes limit a person's rights?
What can we do in the future so that boys and girls can act the way they want to?
Have ELL, SPED, and Low Readers present the charts they created alongside their group to the class to
demonstrate what they learned.
Review and Assessment (Check all that apply):





1. Teacher will play a clip called Gender Roles-Male and Female to review the different gender
roles and stereotypes we see.
(Developed by John Seidlitz. Used with permission.)
Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.


SIOP Lesson Plan-(Gender Equality)


DAY 3-5
3 hours,

Assessment Part 1:
1. Students will be given a worksheet to write down answers to what it means, to them, to be a
Gender Equality Ambassador and how they can be an advocate for Gender Equality; Different
types of stereotypes and gender roles for men and women; what it means to be a Feminist.
ELL Students will be given an anchor chart to fill out demonstrating these concepts. They are able to write short
phrases, single words, draw pictures, or cut out pictures/cartoons used previously.
Assessment Part 2:
1. Students will demonstrate their ability to apply their new knowledge by creating an action plan
to fight gender inequality that they will present to the class.
2. The teacher will provide students with some example action plans:
HeForShe Campaign (PowerPoint)
Verizon Campaign (Video)
Hold a debate
Create and film a skit
Create posters about the bad side of stereotypes
Advertise gender equality role models
3. The action plan must fit the following criteria:
Ways to make the classroom/school more equal
Ways the student can be a gender equality ambassador
How to raise awareness for this cause
4. Teacher will write their responses up on the board.
5. As a group, students will vote on their action plan to raise awareness and combat gender
Review Key Vocabulary:
Stereotypes: Widely held idea of a certain person
Gender Role: A set of jobs or behaviors specific to each gender
Feminism/Feminist: The belief that men and women should have equal rights.
Equality: Having the same rights, chances, and privileges as everybody else
Gender: Whether you are a boy or girl
Advocate: A person publically supports a cause or policy
Gender Equality Ambassador: A person who doesn't expect anything less from a person because of
their gender.
Review Key Content Concepts:
Teacher will review the concept of equality with the students
What does it mean to be equal?
Is everyone equal?
What are some ways men and women are not equal?
Teacher will review with students ways they can fight Gender Inequality

(Developed by John Seidlitz. Used with permission.)

Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.


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