Running Head: Behavior Support Plan 1

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Behavior Support Plan

Regan Coplan
University of Utah


Describe the Student/Situation

Roger is a 12-year-old male who has been labeled as having ED. He is currently in the
6th grade receiving resource for writing, reading, and math during school. He attends a
mainstream elementary school and is placed in a general education classroom with 23 other
students. He has been in the foster care system for most of his life, however he has resided in his
present location for the last year and his foster parents are in the process of adopting him.


Behavioral Support Plan


Grade_6th Grade___________

Teacher(s): Mrs. Copycat______

School:The One on the Hill Elementary

IEP: Yes _X_ NO _____

Plan Start Date:____________

Team will reconvene every _10__ days to monitor plan

Briefly describe the problem behavior(s) in observable and measureable terms:

Roger is off task and disruptive during his subjects throughout his school day. Examples of this
behavior include talking out while the teacher is giving instruction, and mocking different
children and his teacher. Non-examples include when he answers a question when called upon,
and when he politely talks with other students. His behavior occurs between 10-15 times per
each 30-minute instructional period and appears worse following interactions with specific
Functional assessment strategies Implemented (check all that apply)
File Review:

_X_Yes (Date: 11/14/2014)



____Teacher Interview

_X_Student Interview

____Parent/Guardian Interview


_X_A-B-C Direct Observation (Antecedent-Behavior-Consequence)


_X___Other (e.g., FAO; list/describe): FAO

Rating Scales:__X__Problem Behavior Questionnaire (PBQ)

______Motivation Assessment Scale (MAS)
______Other (list/describe)
Provide one or more Summary Statements from the Functional Assessment Data (include
Motivating operations if known, Antecedents, Behaviors, and Maintaining Functions)
When Roger has interactions with specific children (Harry B.) before school and is given various
tasks that he deems difficult, he talks out and mocks other children to get attention.


Briefly describe how teachers/staff are currently responding to the problem behavior(s)
(e.g., providing attention/reprimands, putting student in time-out, etc.)
Teachers are providing negative attention and reprimands for talk out and mocking behaviors.
Briefly describe a desired replacement behavior(s) that will serve a similar function as the
current problem behavior(s)
Roger will raise his hand to speak respectfully to the teacher and Roger will also speak
respectfully to other students in order to receive positive attention during whole group
Develop a behavioral objective incorporating the replacement behavior(s)- (Include
condition, student, behavior and criterion)
During whole group instruction, Roger will raise his hand to speak appropriately and or seek
attention during at least 90% of the whole group instructional period.
Outline the instructional strategies to teach the desired replacement behavior (where,
when, how & who will teach the replacement behaviors?)
During whole group instruction, Roger will be taught to raise his hand in response to the teacher
asking a question. First, Mrs. Copycat will administer 2-3 mini lessons with Roger to
explain the appropriate time to raise his hand, this will include instruction that includes
what raising his hand looks like, and practices where he is prompted to raise his hand,
wait to be acknowledged, and then say something appropriate to the topic they are talking
about. Once he is doing this consistently, Mrs. Copycat will begin discreetly prompting
Roger during whole group instruction to raise his hand. These prompts will be faded out
as Roger begins to respond appropriately in the classrooms.

Describe a data collection system to monitor the replacement and problem behaviors and
state how the data will be summarized


The different instructors will be responsible for keeping a tally of how many times Roger raises
his hand and responds appropriately and also the number of times that he talks out or
mocks the other students. These frequency counts will be graphed on a daily basis, and
will initially be reviewed by Rogers various instructors every 2-3 days for progress
monitoring. If or when Roger begins to demonstrate a more stable pattern of appropriate
behavior, the data will be collected 1-2 times a week and reviewed weekly.
Briefly describe planned motivating operation and antecedent strategies (if no motivating
operations identified- leave blank)
Motivating operation Strategies

Roger will check in with Mr. Gottabethehardteacher, before school to decrease

interactions with specific children.
Antecedent Strategies

Pre-correction will be used prior to all whole group instruction, reminding Roger to raise
his hand and to respond appropriately.
Roger will be reminded that reinforcement is available if he is able to meet his goal for
the appropriate responding.

Describe positive and reductive consequence strategies (includes specifics of who will
deliver the consequences, schedule of reinforcement, etc.)

During the instructional periods, the teacher will positively praise Roger approximately
every 5 minutes if he is on task. If he meets the daily initial criteria of raising his hand of
at least 5 times per session with no mare than 2- talk outs, he will receive 5 minutes of
quiet free time at the end of that same day. The criterion for talk outs is to decrease it to 0
as Roger appears ready for it.

If Roger does not meet his daily goals for raising his hand and talk outs, he will not
receive his daily quiet free time.
If Roger becomes off task, his teachers will provide specific verbal praise to a nearby
student who is showing the compliant behavior. If his off task behavior continues, the
instructors will use simple redirection (i.e. Roger, I need you to come back with the group
and follow along please.)


Reactive Emergency/Crisis Procedures (if needed for blowups or dangerous behaviors)

*Rogers behavior has never escalated to this level. However, in the event that it does the
precautions are already noted and in place.

If Rogers behavior becomes extremely disruptive, he will be asked to leave the

classroom and go to the office.
If Roger becomes physically aggressive to self or others, the school crisis team will be
sent in to help escort him to the office. This may require physical restraint.

LRBI Approvals
Signed Parental Consent
Check in with adult
High amounts of Positive
Response from Teacher
Self Management
Social Skills Instruction
Administrative Interventions/
Sent to the office
Modeling of Another students
Positive Behavior
Physical Restraint


Behavior Expert Required on








Team members and their responsibility for implementation



Mrs. Copycat & Classroom Assistants

Instruction & Data Collection

Mr. Gottabethehardteacher

Morning Check Ins

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